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Understanding the CCSS for ELA/Literacy and Shifts in Instruction: EQuIP (Prek-5) 101E Session 3: July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the CCSS for ELA/Literacy and Shifts in Instruction: EQuIP (Prek-5) 101E Session 3: July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the CCSS for ELA/Literacy and Shifts in Instruction: EQuIP (Prek-5)
101E Session 3: July 2015

2 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Introduction: Who We Are
We are a team of former classroom teachers, curriculum writers, school leaders, and education experts who have worked in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. We are dedicated to teacher learning and teacher growth. We know that teaching is hard work and requires excellent training, high quality materials, and meaningful support for practitioners who are continuously striving to better serve their students. We provide educators with high-quality materials and hands-on professional development to help their students achieve the learning goals set by higher standards. We empower educators to make strong instructional decisions through immersive training and access to free standards-aligned resources to adapt for their classrooms, schools, and districts.

3 Standards Institute Approach
Conceptual Practical Foundations Shifts & Tools Comprehensive Literacy Programs Building word and world knowledge in the classroom through reading and writing Read Alouds Constructing a Read Aloud Project Writing Writing in the classroom Accessibility Syntax in the classroom Support Access Rigor Relevance July 13 - July 17

4 About the Presenter Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes is knowledgeable in Pre-K – 3 ELA instruction and curriculum. She is Nationally Board Certified and currently serves as an elementary school teacher in Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada. Additionally, she coaches and works alongside Student Achievement Partners on many projects (BAP, RAP, TSP). She is currently writing curriculum to support her district’s work in Document Based Questions. Needs photo and description

5 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Today’s Sessions
Session 1: Understanding the CCSS for ELA/literacy and shifts in instruction: The Foundation Session 2: Understanding the CCSS for ELA/literacy and shifts in instruction through the IMET Session 3: Understanding the CCSS for ELA/literacy and shifts in instruction: EQUIP

6 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Session 3
Ensuring alignment of lessons and units to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts (ELA)/literacy. Participants will understand how the Common Core State Standards inform the design and implementation of engaging and rigorous curriculum.

7 Develop a common understanding of the EQuIP quality review process
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric This Session’s Agenda Develop a common understanding of the EQuIP quality review process Develop a common understanding of the EQuIP Rubric including its criteria and rating scale Practice using the EQuIP quality review process and rubric to evaluate and provide feedback on CCSS-aligned instructional materials Time: 2 minutes Speaker Notes: At this point, talk about how this tool is different from the IMET in that it looks at smaller units and lessons for the granular components that make them CCSS aligned.

8 Norms that Support Our Learning
Take responsibility for yourself as a learner Honor timeframes (start, end, activity) Be an active and hands-on learner Use technology to enhance learning Strive for equity of voice Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know”

9 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric EQuIP Quality Review: Principles & Agreements
CCSS: Before beginning a review, all participants are familiar with the CCSS. Inquiry: Emphasis is on inquiry and is organized around a set of guiding questions. Criteria & Evidence: All observations, judgments, discussions, and recommendations are criterion and evidence-based. Constructive: Lessons/units to be reviewed are seen as “works in progress.” Participants make constructive observations and suggestions based on evidence from the work. Individual to Collective: Each member of a review team independently records his/her observations prior to discussion. Understanding & Agreement: The goal of the process is to compare and eventually calibrate judgments to move toward agreement about quality with respect to the CCSS. Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: Discuss that when groups are using the EQuIP, these are the principles and agreements they are expected to adhere to. These are the protocols generally adopted by reviewers, and they are especially helpful when a group is looking at a lesson. Again, from a point of advocacy and not assessment, using this tool can help in PD, can frame actual lesson and unit planning, and can support us as we fill in gaps in existing work. Participants make constructive observations and suggestions based on evidence from the work. Discussions focus on understanding all reviewers’ interpretations of the criteria and the evidence they have found.

10 EQuIP Quality Review Process
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric EQuIP Quality Review: Process & Dimensions EQuIP Quality Review Process The EQuIP quality review process is a collegial process that centers on the use of criteria-based rubrics for ELA/literacy and mathematics. The criteria are organized into four dimensions. The Four Dimensions 1. Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS 2. Key Shifts in the CCSS 3. Instructional Supports 4. Assessment Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: As educators examine instructional materials against the criteria in each dimension, they are able to use common standards for quality and generate evidence-based commentary and ratings on the quality and alignment of materials.

11 I. Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric EQuIP Rubric I. Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS II. Key Shifts in the CCSS III. Instructional Supports IV. Assessment Time: 5 minutes Speaker Notes: Provide an overview of the columns - you are going to get into them in more depth in the next slides as to what they specifically say. The next few slides are an overview as to how to use this document; we will get into actually using it - so this may see pretty fast, but the participants are going to come back to these questions and work closely with the rubric once we start evaluating a lesson. Hand out copies of rubric.

12 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric EQuIP Review Process
STEP 1: Review Materials STEP 2: Apply Criteria in Dimension I STEP 3: Apply Criteria in Dimension II – IV STEP 4: Apply an Overall Rating and Provide Summary Comments STEP 5: Determine Next Steps Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: The five steps do not correlate to the five dimensions - we are going to take each step at a time, and then implement them with a lesson.

13 Scan to see what the lesson/unit contains and how it is organized
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 1: Review Materials Record the grade and title of the lesson/unit on the Quality Review Rubric PDF. Scan to see what the lesson/unit contains and how it is organized Overview A lesson with instructional notes and assessment opportunities Checklists and rubrics Student handouts Model handouts Read key materials related to instruction, assessment, and teacher guidance. Study and measure the text(s) that serves as the centerpiece for the lesson/unit, analyzing text complexity, quality, scope, and relationship to instruction. Speaker Notes: As we move through these steps, and discussion, think about how you evaluate lessons - how could this process enhance and focus review - and development - of materials?

14 Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 2: Apply Criteria in Dimension I – Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion Indicate each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found Record input on specific improvements needed to meet criteria or strengthen alignment Compare observations and suggestions for improvement Determine if the lesson/unit warrants a full review Time: 3 minutes Speaker Notes: Review, and focus on the last bullet - this is quality control. Not worth going any further if the first five bullets are not complete.

15 Examine the lesson/unit through the “lens” of each criterion
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 3: Apply Criteria in Dimensions II-IV Examine the lesson/unit through the “lens” of each criterion Indicate each criterion met and record observations and feedback When working in a group, individuals may choose to compare observations and suggestions for improvement after each dimension or wait until each person has rated and recorded all input for Dimensions II-IV. Time: 3 minutes Speaker Notes: Obviously step 3 takes a little longer and can be done several ways.

16 Individually write summary comments on the Quality Review Rubric PDF
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 4: Apply an Overall Rating and Provide Summary Comments Individually review comments for Dimensions I–IV, adding/clarifying comments as needed Individually write summary comments on the Quality Review Rubric PDF When working in a group, individuals should record summary comments prior to conversation. Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: Focus on why it is important to work individually first.

17 What communication and support will the developer receive?
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 5: Determine Next Steps for Your Learning Community What additional practice is needed on the EQuIP Review Process and Rubric? What communication and support will the developer receive? What other ways can the EQuIP processes and materials influence and be incorporated into your practice? Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: Discuss also what the next steps should NOT be - they should not be evaluating for teacher evaluation.

18 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Providing Feedback
Writing effective feedback is vital to the EQuIP Quality Review Process. Feedback should: Be criteria-based: Written comments are based on the criteria used for review in each dimension. Cite evidence: Examples are provided that cite where and how the criteria are met or not met. Clarify where improvement is needed: When improvements are identified, specific information is provided about how and where such improvement should be added to the material. Time: 5 minutes Speaker Notes: Hand out and review EQUIP Feedback form. No extraneous or personal comments are included. Written comments suggest that the reviewer looked for evidence in the lesson or unit that address each criterion of a given dimension. Not mentioned but assumed: Clarity Provided - written comments are constructed in a manner keeping with basic grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and conventions.

19 Piecing it All Together
Speaker Notes: We are now going to separate by grades and groups - Grades K-2 or 3 will work with the Great Kapok Tree, and Grades 3 and 4-5 will work with the Grade 4 unit. (Allow some choice, especially for grade 3, which can go either way.) We are going to move through portions of this unit following the EQuIP rubric. (Note to facilitator: Even if people have brought their own units, the benefits of doing this collectively will help calibrate them to jump into their own units with more skill and knowledge to accurately evaluate. So if people want to do their own, now is not really the time.)

20 Grade 1-2 Grades 4 The Great Kapok Tree By Lynne Cherry
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Example: Lessons for Review – ELA/Literacy Grade 1-2 Grades 4 The Great Kapok Tree By Lynne Cherry Birth of a Nation by Lynne Cherry Speaker Notes: Explain that they should have two lessons from the unit to see how both fiction and non fiction are addressed, and to get a better feel for the lessons, with the understanding that these are of course from a longer series of lessons

21 Scan to see what the lesson/unit contains and how it is organized
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 1: Review Materials Record the grade and title of the lesson/unit on the Quality Review Rubric PDF. Scan to see what the lesson/unit contains and how it is organized Overview A lesson with instructional notes and assessment opportunities Checklists and rubrics Student handouts Model handouts Read key materials related to instruction, assessment, and teacher guidance. Study and measure the text(s) that serves as the centerpiece for the lesson/unit, analyzing text complexity, quality, scope, and relationship to instruction. Speaker Notes: Have participants review the lessons provided.

22 Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets.
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 2: Apply Criteria in Dimension I – Alignment to the Depth of the CCSS Individually: Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets. Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion. Check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found. Record evidence for each check or where you looked and were unable to find evidence. Collectively: Compare and discuss checks and evidence. What is the pattern within our team in terms of the criteria we have checked? Do our observations reference the criteria and evidence (or lack of evidence) in the instructional materials? Speaker Notes: Reviewers should: Select the box for each criterion where there is clear and substantial evidence. Leave the box blank if there is insufficient or no evidence of a criterion. Explain that criteria may be checked only if there is clear and substantial evidence of the criterion (there are no “half-checks”). There may be instances when reviewers find clear and substantial evidence of a criterion and constructive suggestions still can be made. In such cases, reviewers may provide feedback related to criteria that have been checked. Each team member should engage in the criterion-based analysis of the example’s CCSS alignment individually (and silently) before any discussion occurs.

23 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Share Out: Dimension Rating and Descriptive Scales
Rating Scale for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Meets most to all of the criteria in the dimension 2: Meets many of the criteria in the dimension 1: Meets some of the criteria in the dimension 0: Does not meet the criteria in the dimension Descriptors for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Exemplifies CCSS Quality — meets the standard described by criteria in the dimension, as explained in criterion-based observations 2: Approaching CCSS Quality — meets many criteria but will benefit from revision in others, as suggested in criterion-based observations 1: Developing toward CCSS Quality — needs significant revision, as suggested in criterion-based observations 0: Not representing CCSS Quality — does not address the criteria in the dimension Speaker Notes: Next, moving on to Dimension 2.

24 Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets.
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 3: Apply Criteria for Dimension II: Key Shifts in the CCSS Individually: Identify the grade-level CCSS that the lesson/unit targets. Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion. Check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found. Record evidence for each check or where you looked and were unable to find evidence. Collectively: Compare and discuss checks and evidence. What is the pattern within our team in terms of the criteria we have checked? Do our observations reference the criteria and evidence (or lack of evidence) in the instructional materials? Time: 20 minutes Speaker Notes: Process repeated from Step 2 Select the box for each criterion where there is clear and substantial evidence. Leave the box blank if there is insufficient or no evidence of a criterion. Explain that criteria may be checked only if there is clear and substantial evidence of the criterion (there are no “half-checks”). There may be instances when reviewers find clear and substantial evidence of a criterion and constructive suggestions still can be made. In such cases, reviewers may provide feedback related to criteria that have been checked. Each team member should engage in the criterion-based analysis of the example’s CCSS alignment individually (and silently) before any discussion occurs.

25 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Share Out: Dimension Rating and Descriptive Scales
Rating Scale for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Meets most to all of the criteria in the dimension 2: Meets many of the criteria in the dimension 1: Meets some of the criteria in the dimension 0: Does not meet the criteria in the dimension Descriptors for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Exemplifies CCSS Quality — meets the standard described by criteria in the dimension, as explained in criterion-based observations 2: Approaching CCSS Quality — meets many criteria but will benefit from revision in others, as suggested in criterion-based observations 1: Developing toward CCSS Quality — needs significant revision, as suggested in criterion-based observations 0: Not representing CCSS Quality — does not address the criteria in the dimension Time: 5 minutes Speaker Notes: Share out findings.

26 Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 3 (Continued): Apply for Criteria for Dimension III: Instructional Supports Individually: Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion Check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found Record evidence for each check or where you looked and were unable to find evidence Write feedback using the four qualities for one of the criterion that you checked/not – checked Collectively: Compare and discuss checks and evidence What is the pattern within our team in terms of the criteria we have checked? Do our observations and feedback reference the criteria and evidence (or lack of evidence) in the instructional materials? Choose one piece of feedback for the group to share with entire room Time: 15 minutes Speaker Notes: IMPORTANT NOTE: During table work time, participants will also write one piece of specific feedback. Reviewers should: Select the box for each criterion where there is clear and substantial evidence. Leave the box blank if there is insufficient or no evidence of a criterion. Explain that criteria may be checked only if there is clear and substantial evidence of the criterion (there are no “half-checks”). There may be instances when reviewers find clear and substantial evidence of a criterion and constructive suggestions still can be made. In such cases, reviewers may provide feedback related to criteria that have been checked. Each team member should engage in the criterion-based analysis of the example’s CCSS alignment individually (and silently) before any discussion occurs.

27 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Share Out: Dimension Rating and Descriptive Scales
Rating Scale for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Meets most to all of the criteria in the dimension 2: Meets many of the criteria in the dimension 1: Meets some of the criteria in the dimension 0: Does not meet the criteria in the dimension Descriptors for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Exemplifies CCSS Quality — meets the standard described by criteria in the dimension, as explained in criterion-based observations 2: Approaching CCSS Quality — meets many criteria but will benefit from revision in others, as suggested in criterion-based observations 1: Developing toward CCSS Quality — needs significant revision, as suggested in criterion-based observations 0: Not representing CCSS Quality — does not address the criteria in the dimension Time: 10 minutes Speaker Notes: Time to share out and evaluate calibration at the tables as well.

28 Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 3 (Continued): Apply Criteria in Dimension IV: Assessment Individually: Closely examine the materials through the “lens” of each criterion Check each criterion for which clear and substantial evidence is found Record evidence for each check or where you looked and were unable to find evidence Write feedback using the four qualities for one of the criterion that you checked/not – checked Collectively: Compare and discuss checks and evidence What is the pattern within our team in terms of the criteria we have checked? Do our observations and feedback reference the criteria and evidence (or lack of evidence) in the instructional materials? Choose one piece of feedback for the group to share with entire room Time: 10 minutes Speaker Notes: Reviewers should: Select the box for each criterion where there is clear and substantial evidence. Leave the box blank if there is insufficient or no evidence of a criterion. Explain that criteria may be checked only if there is clear and substantial evidence of the criterion (there are no “half-checks”). There may be instances when reviewers find clear and substantial evidence of a criterion and constructive suggestions still can be made. In such cases, reviewers may provide feedback related to criteria that have been checked. Each team member should engage in the criterion-based analysis of the example’s CCSS alignment individually (and silently) before any discussion occurs.

29 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Share Out: Dimension Rating and Descriptive Scales
Rating Scale for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Meets most to all of the criteria in the dimension 2: Meets many of the criteria in the dimension 1: Meets some of the criteria in the dimension 0: Does not meet the criteria in the dimension Descriptors for Dimensions I–IV: 3: Exemplifies CCSS Quality — meets the standard described by criteria in the dimension, as explained in criterion-based observations 2: Approaching CCSS Quality — meets many criteria but will benefit from revision in others, as suggested in criterion-based observations 1: Developing toward CCSS Quality — needs significant revision, as suggested in criterion-based observations 0: Not representing CCSS Quality — does not address the criteria in the dimension Time: 5 minutes

30 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 4: Overall Rating for the Lesson/Unit
E: Exemplar – Aligned and meets most to all of the criteria in Dimensions II, III, IV (11 – 12 points total) Aligned and exemplifies the quality standard and exemplifies most of the criteria across Dimensions II, III, IV of the rubric E/I: Exemplar if Improved – Aligned and needs some improvement in one or more dimensions (8-10 points total) Aligned and exemplifies the quality standard in some dimensions but will benefit from some revision in others R: Revision Needed – Aligned partially and needs significant revision in one or more dimensions (3-7 points total) Aligned partially and approaches the quality standard in some dimensions and needs significant revision in others N: Not Ready to Review – Not aligned and does not meet criteria (0 – 2 points total) Time: 3 minutes Speaker Notes: Also discuss how this this should never be used (evaluation purposes for an individual teacher lesson plan).

31 Consider how your dimensional feedback supports your judgments.
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 4 (Continued): Determining an Overall Rating Go back through dimensions and add up total to initially determine the rating category. Consider how your rating based on the total points matches your overall sense of the quality of the materials. Consider if you have your judgments and feedback are placed within the appropriate dimensions. Consider how your dimensional feedback supports your judgments. Consider if the lesson falls in the category you feel is appropriate. Time: 10 minutes Speaker Notes: Ask participants to move through this process individually and assign a rating. Provide individuals 10 minutes for this. At the conclusion of 10 minutes (or when it looks like they are done and have begun talking to each other), shift to asking for group consensus to share out (another 5 minutes). But before we share out, move onto the following slide, because that will ask participants to develop summary comments so the share outs can be succinct.

32 Strong summary comments: Highlight the strongest aspects of the unit
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 5: Determining Summary Comments Strong summary comments: Highlight the strongest aspects of the unit Succinctly summarize key areas for improvement articulated in the dimensional comments Time: 5 minutes Speaker Notes: Explain to reviewers that the summary comments should highlight the most critical issues that have emerged over the course of the review. Summary comments should acknowledge what the developer has done well, identify the criteria that were not checked, and provide suggestions for improving the alignment and quality of instructional materials

33 Compare overall ratings and synthesize feedback:
Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric Step 5 (Continued): Discuss Summary and Next Steps Compare overall ratings and synthesize feedback: How do our overall ratings compare? Does this example serve as a model of CCSS instruction? What are its strengths? Areas for improvement? What are the next steps for this material? Time: 10 minutes Speaker Notes: Share out. Next steps for the materials: have teams compare their overall ratings and come to agreement then determine what the next steps for the materials ought to be.

34 Session 3: Using the EQuIP Rubric EQuIP Review Process
STEP 1: Review Materials STEP 2: Apply Criteria in Dimension I STEP 3: Apply Criteria in Dimension II – IV STEP 4: Apply an Overall Rating and Provide Summary Comments STEP 5: Determine Next Steps Time: 1 minute Speaker Notes: The five steps do not correlate to the five dimensions - we are going to take each step at a time, and then implement them with a lesson.

35 Check your email for a feedback survey link or submit online via our website.

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