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Explaining Performance Assessment Exhibitions
Exhibition Week: During Advisory Period December 12th - 15th DRESS CODE FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS: PROFESSIONAL
What is a Performance Assessment Exhibition?
In each of your classes this year, you have completed (or will complete) a Performance Assessment. Now is your time to show off what you have learned! You will choose ONE of these assessments and share with your advisory class (how you have grown as a learner this year. There is a sheet attached to your “Template” that you can use to help you pick which one.
How can you be successful during your
Performance Assessment Exhibition? This presentation will explain to you the following sheets will help you to be successful during your exhibition: Performance Assessment Exhibition Template Handout Digital Presentation Format Feedback Form
Performance Assessment Exhibition Template Handout
Use this worksheet as your road map through your presentation. On it, is ALL of the information that you will need to share during your 4-6 minute presentation of your chosen Performance Assessment.
Performance Assessment Exhibition Template
1) Quote: What quote has personal meaning to you and why? (Bonus Question) 2) Philosophy of Education (11&12) or Metaphor (9&10): How do you think people learn? Or… What would you compare your learning to? (Bonus Question) 3) Project: Which performance assessment are you choosing to present on? 4) Essential Question: What question were you trying to answer by completing this project? If you are unsure of this, ask the teacher who assigned you the performance assessment. 5) Process: Describe your process when creating your project? (3-5 Steps) 6) Examples of the Process: What will you show to help your audience understand your process? 7) B.A.SIX Leadership Value: What leadership values were demonstrated through creating this artifact (2)? 8) Connections: Explanation of how your artifact and learning through the creation of this artifact connect to personal Philosophy of Education or Metaphor. (Bonus Question) 9) Question and Answer Session: The audience will ask you questions specific to the learning and leadership development discussed in your performance assessment and you will answer them. 10) Conclusion: Strengths and Weaknesses
What Does a Performance Assessment Exhibition Look Like?
Performance Assessment Exhibition Presentation
During the next 2 weeks in Advisory, you will create your Exhibition Presentation based off ONE PA Artifact. Your advisory teacher will give you a digital copy of the presentation to change and create a more personal presentation of your learning. You can still use your “Performance Assessment Presentation Exhibition Template” as your notes when you present. Performance Assessment Exhibition Presentation _bzSFQ3J64PLn7BzMrhnSDtoszQ/copy
Performance Assessment Exhibition Presentation
The following slides showcase the Exhibition Presentation Outline. You make the content your OWN with the help of your completed template.
Performance Assessment Exhibition
“A quote that has personal meaning to you.” BONUS QUESTION Alternatively, a student could choose an important image or photograph that he or she feels represents his or her growth as a learner and leader. Students are encouraged to personalize their slides but must keep them consistent and visually appealing. Avoid clutter or distracting fonts and images.
Introduction The Performance Assessment I am presenting on is...
I completed it in _______ class. This was completed_________ (date). Philosophy of Education (PoE) for 12th graders; metaphor for 10th graders. BONUS QUESTION The metaphor or POE should be concise. Change the font size of the outline if needed, but keep the presentation outline and POE on the same slide.
Performance Assessment RICA component
The Essential Question that I answered during this Performance Assessment was… The Essential Question slide begins the presentation of each artifact. The EQ is provided by the teacher to frame the performance assessment that leads to this artifact. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
Performance Assessment RICA component
The process that I completed to be successful on this Performance Assessment: 1 2 3 4 5 Most of the presentation of artifact is spent on the Process slide. Students may move forward in the presentation to display an image or photograph that documents creation of the artifact, but most will return to this slide to frame the presentation. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
1st Artifact - RICA component
I will now show examples of what the steps of this process looked like for me (early drafts, annotations, photographs, etc.). Some image or photographic documentation of actual products created in completing the performance assessment (e.g., essay drafts, annotations, photos of dance performances or JROTC drills) is necessary for a successful Benchmark or CSP defense. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
Performance Assessment B.A.SIX Value
B.A.SIX leadership value or values demonstrated through creating this artifact (Choose 1-2): Express Myself Creatively Manage Projects Effectively Collaborate Productively Communicate Effectively and Persuasively Solve Problems Resourcefully Think Critically As a student begins to wrap up the presentation of the artifact, he or she provides a concise explanation of what B.A.SIX value or values was demonstrated or developed through completion of the performance assessment. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
Performance Assessment Philosophy of Education
Explanation of how your artifact and learning through the creation of this artifact connect to personal PoE or metaphor. BONUS The final slide for the artifact before Q&A draws a clear connection between completion of the performance assessment and the student’s POE or metaphor. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
I am now ready to answer questions specific to the learning
Questions and Answers I am now ready to answer questions specific to the learning and leadership development discussed in my performance assessment. After presenting the first artifact, the student will present the Q&A slide as a signal to the panel that he or she is ready to answer questions specific to the learning and leadership development discussed in artifact one. Students will duplicate this slide for their remaining artifacts.
Conclusion Strengths From this performance assessment and presentation, I have learned that my strengths are… Areas of Growth From this performance assessment and presentation, I have learned that I still need to work on… The Benchmark or CSP conclusion should provide concise lists of the student’s perceived strengths as a learner as well as his or her perceived areas of growth. Both the strengths and the areas of growth should come from B.A.SIX values and be explicitly discussed during the presentation of artifacts
Remember that you are only choosing 1 artifact from your chosen PA to present on. Remember that your Exhibition is ONLY 4-6 minutes long. Remember that you can ABSOLUTELY use your completed template during your presentation as your notes.
Performance Assessment Exhibition Peer Feedback Sheet
This sheet will be given to your peers to fill out during YOUR presentation. Use this Feedback Sheet when you prepare your presentation to make sure you have completed everything they will be looking for. This will be excellent information for you to use with this artifact when you use it for your Benchmark defense in March/April (10th graders) or your Spring Exhibition (9th, 11th, and 12th graders)
Performance Assessment Exhibition Student Grade Sheet
When you are finished with your presentation make sure you attach your… “Performance Assessment Exhibition Template” and your… “Performance Assessment Exhibition Presentation Feedback Form” And give to your Advisor for a grade. These Exhibitions are NOT optional. If you do not complete these during YOUR OWN ADVISORY PERIOD DURING SCHOOL, you will be asked to come before or after school to present in front of ADMIN and your PARENTS.
Now what do I do? You and your advisory teacher will be deciding when you will be going during Exhibition Week. Be thinking about which Performance Assessment you would like to talk about. Remember… You are going to be talking about what you LEARNED about yourself from the Performance Assessment and the PROCESS you went through to complete it. You are not giving a “Math”, “Social Studies”, “Science”, etc. presentation. GOOD LUCK!
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