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Meeting will begin shortly

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting will begin shortly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting will begin shortly

2 Welcome! Microsoft Dynamics CRM user Group (CRMUG)
Atlanta, Georgia Chapter Meeting Tweet during #CRMUGATLANTA, #CRMUGDynamics

3 Agenda Welcome & Introductions Jim Brown- Microsoft Break (10 minutes) CRMUG News & Chapter Business Recap Summit Scribe Presentation Roundtable Discussions & Networking (Lunch)

4 Educational Session: Microsoft Dynamics 365
Presented by: Jim A Brown Dynamics 365 Solution Architect (m) | Jim Brown (CRM TS)

5 Welcome & Introductions
Get to know your CRMUG peers! Name Company (describe Company/Industry) Your role in the company What version are you on? Did you attend Summit this year? If you won a free vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you visit? <LEADERS> Ask something that inspires fun and creativity! (For example, what’s the most exotic place you have been? What is your top take away from Summit 2016?) Tweet the most interesting thing you hear or the person you are most excited to network with #crmug<location>

6 Chapter Business & news for Q3
Local Chapter Announcements: Next Meeting: February 23rd Location: Microsoft Topics: add next topics here Check out our New Home Page on Collaborate – Quick Links! Update your Profile on Collaborate! CRMUG Fact Sheets Join your local community and get others to join! Summit Convince Your Boss! Reasons why you should attend! Local Chapter Maps!

7 CRMUG Reach Across the globe, our members share a common goal of maximizing and advancing the performance of technology so that individuals and companies can improve operations, overcome obstacles and exceed goals 32,679 members 6,347 companies 209 volunteers 18,196 social followers

8 CRMUG Impact 16 Academy Courses (on-demand)
Our resourceful community is powered by users, for users and specializes in the delivery of member-driven education and enriched networking —helping to boost competencies, confidence levels and connections for our members. Our resourceful community is powered by users, for users and specializes in the delivery of member-driven education and enriched networking —helping to boost competencies, confidence levels and connections for our members. 16 Academy Courses (on-demand) 16 Academy Courses (on-demand) 1,700 Annual Conference Attendees (3) 1,700 Annual Conference Attendees (3) 3,178 Collaborate Connections 13,913 Collaborate Discussion Posts 43,341 Educational Downloads 83 Local Chapters 5 Special Interest Groups 151 Virtual Education Sessions (annually)

9 Contact Bryan Erstad, CRMUG Membership Manager
Join CRMUG 26,000 of your Dynamics CRM peers are waiting for YOU to join the Community! Your Peers are saying…. Get Started Now Have Questions? Contact Bryan Erstad, CRMUG Membership Manager x1450 Enroll Online … Connect, Learn, Share Attend one of the hundreds of live or on-demand skill building webinars Participate in local chapter meetings and engage with other Users Access some of the 200 educational events year round Collaborate: Exclusive online social community for CRM users with over 10,000 discussions happening now Save on CRMUG Summit Registration

10 Become a Chapter Leader…
Connect with your Chapter Leader to become involved with your local CRM User Group! Communicates to members at a local level about everything Chapter meeting related via Collaborate, social media, e-invites, etc. Oversees chapter membership roster for accuracy and completeness Welcome meeting attendees, and help facilitate the event Identify and provide suggested topics and speakers for upcoming meetings Follow Microsoft updates for Dynamics CRM to relay to the Chapter and apply to meeting content Assist in building the agenda Chairperson/ Co-Chair VP of Programming VP of Communication VP of Membership Facilitates meetings Solidifies agenda, location, and schedule Assist in finding SME’s and presentations to best fit your group Gather feedback to continuously improve your local Chapter

11 New Live CRMUG Academy Series
Runs July – August classes, each 3 hours long. Each class earns you a different level belt. Rich’s blog with more info: Visit to register today!

12 Why did you take the CRMUG Academy Black Belt Course and what was the experience like? “While I initially took advantage of the Black Belt Program because I was a new administrator for a new implementation, I’ve found increased value in stepping outside of our corporate universe. Sometimes, we get so ‘involved’ with our way of doing something we don’t see alternatives that may be better. By collaborating with people outside of my self-created bubble during the class assignments, I gained new perspectives on how to address old problems.” Ed Gonzales E-Commerce Manager CRMUG Member since 2013

13 Summit Recap: Presented by: Melita Bouchet
Meridien Companies | Cell Tweet during #CRMUG<Location>, #CRMUG<Topic>

14 Sponsor presentation Scribe

15 Thank you to our annual chapter sponsors!
And our promotional sponsor Connect with us if you are interested in becoming a chapter sponsor! Please contact Lauren at

16 Roundtable Discussion

What version are you on? What is keeping you from upgrading (if applicable)? Are you considering upgrading to the cloud? If in the Cloud, what do you enjoy the most about Dynamics CRM Online? What is your best user adoption tip or trick? Do you use CRM for Sales, Marketing, and Service? Do you have Power Users within your company? How do they help embrace adoption? What ISV product is your favorite to use? What is one you are looking to use?

18 REMINDER…. FEEDBACK…. Next Meeting! We want yours!
Date: February 23rd 2017 Time: 9:00AM- 1:00 PM Place: Microsoft Building Topics: What do you want to hear about? You will receive a survey via after the meeting Please provide feedback. Your opinion is valued! Be sure to include topics you would like to see covered in future meetings

19 Thank you for participating!

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