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Project Topic 3: Architectural Visualization

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1 Project Topic 3: Architectural Visualization
INF 221 Software Architecture Fall 2017 Project mentor: Mahmoud Hammad

2 DELDroid Visualization
“Architectural visualization defines how architectural models are depicted, and how stakeholders interact with those depictions.” Textbook chapter 7 In this project, you are asked to: Visualizing the generated Least-Privilege (LP) architecture by DELDroid MDM representation Visualizing the analysis result of DELDroid Privilege escalation attacks Intent spoofing Unauthorized Intent receipt

3 Android System

4 LP Architecture

5 Cool Features Messaging App + Target SDK + Declared Prms + Used Prms
+ Exported Comps + Private Comps

6 Cool Features ListMsgs App: Messaging Type: Activity + Intent Filters
+ Enforced Prms

7 Cool Features

8 Cool Features Explicit Comm. Domain

9 Cool Features Privilege Escalation Prm SMS Privilege Escalation
Attacker App: FunGame Comp: LevelUp Victim App: Messaging Comp: Sender Intent Action SEND_SMS Privilege Escalation Unauthorized Intent Receipt Intent Spoofing

10 Visualization tool Suggested Technology Input Output
D3.js: a Java script library developed at Stanford university to visualize data Input MDM.csv Apps Components Analysis result Output Visualized MDM

11 Be creative and have fun!

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