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Technical University of Cluj Napoca

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1 Technical University of Cluj Napoca
FINAL CONFERENCE “Space emergencies system” – cross-border system for protection of natural disasters incidents on basis of exploitation of satellite technologies in Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Ukraine” HUSKROUA/1101/252 Technical University of Cluj Napoca NORDTECH Making scientific and educational Consortium: goal, main objectives and activity directions Uzhhorod, Ukraine 17-19 december 2015

2 The relevance and justification of research in the field of Earth monitoring in the context of New Consortia Development Earth monitoring has been identified in Europe as one of the five challenges in the next development plan, highlighting in the need to improve the capacity for innovation and research for the development of models, tools strategies which improve the environment in context of concerns for sustainability

Introducing a new range of strategic themes in the consortium directly contributes to supporting and promoting top areas in the field of Earth Monitoring The issues covered will promote research for new opportunities, , will propose several research projects that integrate strategic interventions (to be addressed in a multidisciplinary manner), with a major impact on the economic and social organizational environment, in order to be aligned to European Earth monitoring requirements.



6 Strategy Symbol Obiective Action Terms Out put Internal Environment A1
A1 Increase educational efficiency A11 A12 A13 ST CUNBM UT Cluj A2 Increase of scientific and research production A21 A22 MT A3 Increase of number and relationship quality whith students A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 Sciences Faculty External Environment B1 Development of partnership whith actors in romania B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 LT Local organisations SME’s Public Instit. Associations NGO from Romania B2 Development of partnership whith cross border actors, EU actors, international actors B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 Hungary Slovakia Ukraine partners

7 A1 = Implementation of educational strategies based on development of cognitive, technical or professional skills and emotional value which are made by the doctoral training program. Monitoring the professional performances of students, master and doctoral students through activities that combine individual study with a well established learning pace and expected results. A12 Adopting a certain flexibility in the transmission of knowledge through the individual and quantitativ differentiation of pace of learning units. A13 Modern educational techniques and methods based on information technology and computer applications.

8 B1 B11 Identification of businesses with concerns in the area of economic Earth monitoring in order to ensure an organizational recruitment base, recruiting future students and PhD students. B12 Establishing partnerships to strengthen the legal framework, the initiation and implementation of joint projects to increase Earth monitoring. B13 Identification of financial resources to support research in Earth monitoring and offer financial support to doctoral students through scholarships, sponsorships, donations. Promotion of the Research Centre at departmental level by providing highly qualified specialists.

9 Structural Healh Monitoring, GIS,
II. Analysis of the cross-border stability and the danger of producing earthquakes in this area. Perspectives of participation of Romanian partners of Consortium Geodetic Sciences, Structural Healh Monitoring, GIS, The Risk Management in Sustainability, Seismicity, Geotehnică, Geologie

10 Seismic Events - 5 martie 1603, First reg. N.Trans., Transcarp. ,
- 1 iulie 1829, Stronger : mag.: 6,2, Satu Mare. - 19 iulie 2015, 9 X mag: 3,8. N.Trans., Transcarp. , - 20 iulie 2015, 3 X mag: 3,2. N.Trans., Transcarp. ,

11 1. Management of Structural Health Monitoring- SHM
III. The Research Area of the Terrestrial measurements and Cadastre Team, Civil Engineering Faculty from Technical University of Cluj Napoca 1. Management of Structural Health Monitoring- SHM 2. New technologies used in SHM 3. Geographic Information System - GIS 4. IMMINENT ("Integrated Model of Monitoring Land Degradation near Former Mining Areas from the NW of Romania") 5. Contributions to analyze the role of Advanced Geodetic and Geospatial Technologies: Remote sensing, Fotogramm., GNSS, to ensure land sustainable development

12 Management of Structural Health Monitoring- SHM
Tracking the behavior over time of buildings in a static regime - TBTSR Tracking the behavior over time of buildings in a dynamic regime - TBTDR Structural Health Monitoring – SHM

Incheon grand bridge South Korea

14 The amounts of possible combinations for different monitoring periods at various intervals

15 The distribution of measured data relative to the line defined by equation

16 The percentage size and distribution of residual values

17 The rank 1 equation has the form:
y=a+bx+cx²+dx³+ee-x Where: a = ; b = ; c = e-05; d = e-07; e = e-08; With a correlation coefficient r² =

Digital levels DeMoN System( Leica robotic Total Station

19 Sub-system with intelligent sensors and implementation example in the case of intelligent bridges


21 3. Mining Data Bank Geographic Information System (MDB GIS)

22 Distribution of information in MDB GIS

23 IMMINENT ("Integrated Model of Monitoring Land Degradation near Former Mining Areas from the NW of Romania") The bordering of the preserved mining perimeter, related to the position of the cone-shaped landfall traced

24 The evolution of the cone-shaped landfall for the five measuring cycles

25 MASCA-IARA 2010


27 The research results, following the application Project IMMINENT
Implementation of a new monitoring system based on modern technologies for subsidence phenomena and associated phenomena, Developing a modern and innovative system implemented on a GIS platform, Developing a new paradigm in dealing with scientific research internationally through the integrator concept

28 A. Space geodetic technologies
5. Contributions to analyze the role of Advanced Geodetic and Geospatial Technologies to ensure land sustainable development A. Space geodetic technologies 1. Terrestrial Laser scanner – TLS 2. Total robotic station 3. Terrestrial digital fotogrammetry 4. Sensor technologies 5. Videography

29 B. Avansated geospatial technologies
1. Remote Sensing 2. GNSS 3. INSAR, Airborne Lidar C. GIS

30 Thanks for your patience !

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