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Table III. Syndromic CAKUT (Part 1).

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1 Table III. Syndromic CAKUT (Part 1).
Table 1. Multiorgan syndromes associated with CAKUT in humans Table III. Syndromic CAKUT (Part 1). Syndrome MOI Gene Extrarenal phenotype Renal phenotype Alagille AD JAGGED1 Intrahepatic cholestasis Cystic dysplasia abnormalities of heart, eyes and vertebrae Apert AD FGFR Craniosynostosis, syndactyly Hydronephrosis Beckwith AD p57KIP Macroglossia, gigantism, Medullary dysplasia Wiedemann visceromegaly Wilms’ tumor Branchio-oto AD Eya Deafness, ear malformations, Unilateral or bilateral Renal Six branchial cysts renal agenesis, VUR Six renal hypodysplasia Campomelic AD Sox Short and bowed femora and Hydroureter, renal dysplasia tibiae, hypoplastic vertebrae hypodysplasia, cranial anomalies, heart defects hydronephrosis Fraser AR Fras Cryptophthalmos, syndactyly Renal agenesis, dysplasia ear and heart defects HDR AD Gata Hypoparathyroidism Renal dysplasia sensorineural deafness Jeune AR Ift Skeletal dysplasia with small Cystic kidney disease thorax Kallman XL Kal Anosmia, hypogonadotrophic Renal agenesis hypogonadism Mammary AD Tbx Posterior limb deficiencies Renal dysplasia ulnar hypoplastic teeth and breasts delayed pubertal development

2 Table III. Syndromic CAKUT (Part 2).
Table 1. Multiorgan syndromes associated with CAKUT in humans Table III. Syndromic CAKUT (Part 2). Syndrome MOI Gene Extrarenal phenotype Renal phenotype Okihiro AD Sall Limb, anorectal, ear, heart, eye Renal agenesis, VUR movement abnormalities cross-fused ectopia Pallister-Hall AD Gli Polysyndactyly, hypothalamic Renal dysplasia hamartoma, tracheal stenosis imperforate anus Renal-coloboma AD Pax Optic nerve coloboma Renal hypoplasia, VUR hearing loss Renal tubular AR AGT Oligohydramnios, facial Tubular dysplasia dysgenesis Renin dysmorphia, arthrogryposis ACE lung hypoplasia, skull AT1R ossification defect Renal cysts AD HNF1β MODY, genital anomalies Glomerulocystic kidney and diabetes disease, MCDK, uni- or bilateral cystic kidneys renal hypodysplasia horseshoe kidney oligomeganephronia Rubenstein AD Crebbp Mental retardation, heart defects Renal hypolasia Taybi broad thumbs and toes Simpson-Golabi- XL Gpc Somatic overgrowth, tumors Medullary dysplasia Behmel Smitz-Lemni AR 7-HCR Microcephaly, mental retardation Renal agenesis, dysplasia Opitz micrognathia, ptosis of eyelids poly/syndatyly, cataracts heart defects Townes-Brock AD Sall Anal atresia, sensorineural Renal hypodysplasia, VUR hearing loss, triphalangeal thumbs Zellweger AR Pex Dysmorphic facial features Cystic dysplasia, VUR neurologic dysfunction

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