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Modernism And The Church. Introduction This project is designed to give understanding of what modernism is in the context of the church, How it affected.

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Presentation on theme: "Modernism And The Church. Introduction This project is designed to give understanding of what modernism is in the context of the church, How it affected."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modernism And The Church

2 Introduction This project is designed to give understanding of what modernism is in the context of the church, How it affected the church in the past and examine its existence in the current Ethiopian church. Basically it will define what modernism is, it will explain its historical background, the basic worldview of modernism and how it affected the western church.

3 What is Modernism? Modernism is not that simple to define because it is a word used in different areas of study: art, film, architecture, literature, religion, etc. Nevertheless, Webster dictionary defined it as this, modernism is a style of art, literature, philosophy, etc. that uses ideas and methods which are very different from those used in the past. In Christian theology, Modernism is a movement of 20 th century that tried to reform Christianity with the findings of modern science an d philosophy.

4 The Rise of Modernism Modernism arose from wide transformations of western society by the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped modernism were the development of modern industrial and the rapid growth of cities. The western world had transformed itself intellectually, culturally, politically, scientifically and so forth. During this civilization, the Modernists of the Roman Catholic Church tended to deny the objective value of traditional beliefs and to regard some dogmas of the church as symbolic rather than literally true. A corresponding movement among Protestants had also been attempted to find new interpretations of religious experience and an understanding of history that could accommodate the implications of the theory of evolution and discoveries in psychology and archaeology. Prominent among Protestant Modernists were the German theologians Friedrich Schleiermacher and Albrecht Ritschl.

5 Modernism Mind Modernism denies the literal inspiration of the Bible and the historicity of the Jesus Christ of the Gospels. It worried about ethical and moral behavior, rather than obedience to formal creeds, as essential to Christian life. It argue that divine revelation is imperfect, and therefore subject to continual and indefinite progress, corresponding with the progress of human reason. Modernists argue that the writers of both the Old and the New Testaments were conditioned by the times in which they lived. Importance was placed upon the immanent rather than the transcendent nature of God.

6 Modernism Mind Pre-ModernismModernism RealitySupernaturalNature KnowledgeFaithReason HumanDependantIndependent EthicsServiceSelf

7 Oppositions to Modernism On 1907 Pope Pius X (Roman Catholic) issued a formal document that state modernism is a synthesis of all heresies and an association of faith and philosophy. In protestant there was also a reaction against Modernism in the movement called fundamentalism.

8 Modernism and the Western Church The Church of England is good example of modernism. A report by the doctrine commission of the Church of England said: "Hell is not eternal torment, but it is the final and irrevocable choosing of that which is opposed to God so completely and so absolutely that the only end is total non- being." The catechism (question and answering) of the United States Episcopal Church defines Hell as " " A growing number of people, says U.S. News & World Report, are promoting the idea that "the end of the wicked is destruction, not eternal suffering... They contend that those who ultimately reject God will simply be put out of existence in the 'consuming fire' of hell." This is religious liberalism, denying the plain teachings of the Bible.

9 Modernist

10 Kittredge Cherry is a lesbian Modernist author and minister. She founded in 2005 to support LGBT and the arts.

11 Oprah Winfrey, who claims to be a Christian, has been increasingly advocating Modernism. She says, "I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christ.“ She has said, "One of the mistakes that human beings make is believing that there is only one way...there are many paths to what you call God (

12 The Fall of The Modernist The fall of the Modernists (E. J. Pace, Christian Cartoons, 1922)

13 Conclusion As we conclude the topic, we would like to underline that Modernism is religious liberalism. Modernist are people who claim to know God but, they deny one or more of the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Some of the basic characteristic of a liberal Christian is, 1. He/she doesn’t accept fully authority of Scripture and Church. 2. He/she doesn’t believe fully manifestation and gifts of Holy Spirit. 3. He/she compromises and tolerates the fundamental Christian traditions.

14 Reference,Clip1 Microsoft Encarta 2008: Microsoft Corporation

15 Modernism in Ethiopian Church Testing and Evaluation Does modernism exist in Ethiopian church? YESNOPartially

16 Modernism in Ethiopian Church Testing and Evaluation If your answer is Yes or Partially, classify it. Authority of Scripture and Church. Manifestation and gifts of Holy Spirit. Christian Traditions

17 Thank you

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