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Tethered Balloon Activities

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1 Tethered Balloon Activities
Marion Maturilli (AWI), Holger Siebert (TROPOS), and others…

2 Balloon Sounding Activities
radiosondes 4 x daily ozone sondes 1 x weekly COBALT sondes 1 x monthly CFH sondes 1 x monthly handled by 2 persons tethered balloon operation whenever possible 2 intensive campaigns 1 year

3 Strategy to be discussed:
(1) Frequent balloon launches with a small balloon equipped with basic sensor packages for year-around observations (2) Two intensive campaigns with a big balloon and more sophisticated observations in two different seasons tethered balloon operation whenever possible 2 intensive campaigns

4 (1) AWI Tethered Balloon
payload of 3 kg  profiles up to 2 km (maximum payload weight 5 kg limits profiling to ~800m) launch conditions: maximum surface wind speed 5-6 m/s 9 m3 balloon operation can be handled by 1 – 2 persons When not in use, the tethered balloon is stored in a tent.

5 Frequent Meteorological Profiles
Example: 18 April 2009 (NP36) single sonde profiles other option: multi-sonde profiles, Boundary layer thermodynamics over the annual cycle

6 Honing on VERtical Cloud & Aerosol properTies
J. Creamean, CU Boulder/NOAA HOVERCAT: Honing on VERtical Cloud & Aerosol properTies Front of box Vertical profiling of ice nucleating particles Aerosol size distributions from an optical particle counter (OPC; 0.38 – 20 µm in diameter) Camera post Inlets Collection of aerosol samples on filter using a Time-Resolved Aerosol Particle Sampler (TRAPS) Battery pack Micropump OPC TRAPS Intended launch schedule: weekly or biweekly during all seasons, profiling in clear sky and clouds Inside the box

7 Aerosolfilter with pump on balloon
Analysis: chemical: Marine Sugars/TEP physical: INP concentration (freezing array) Aim: Connecting Marine Sugars from Ocean/Sea surface Microlayer and from shipborne aerosol measurements with vertical aerosol measurements Equipment on ballon during PS 106.1, Duration: 3 h Flow: 10 L/min Payload: < 1 kg Hydroxide, anion Form of ion chromatography Manuela van Pinxteren Frank Stratmann Hartmut Herrmann Pump Filter holder (quartz fiber) with PM 10 inlet

8 Markus Frey BAS

9 (2) TROPOS Tethered Balloon
Max height about 1 km Max wind speed up to 15 m s-1 Vertical speed about 1 -2 m s-1 Flying in mixed-phase clouds possible Total payloads up to 10 kg Standard meteorology, telemetry link Payloads for Basic meteorological parameters Turbulence Radiation Aerosol properties

10 Turbulence Probes TROPOS & University Leipzig
Ultrasonic anemometer with 50 Hz resolution combined with precise attitude and motion package Small hot-wire based turbulence probe

11 Broadband Radiation (2x)
TROPOS & University Leipzig

12 The New Aerosol Cube TROPOS & University Leipzig Micro-aethalometer AE51, 880 nm Single channel Tricolor Absorption Photometer STAP (Brechtel) 450, 525, 624 nm The cube is flexible and can be equipped with different systems up to 5 kg in total. The cube is isolated, a temperature control is under development OPS: TSI 3330 A new light-weight combination of SMPS and OPC will be considered for 2018

13 The NCAR Video Ice Particle Sampler (VIPS)
Measurements: Ice particle shape and size from 20 to 2000 mm Relative size distributions in any conditions. Absolute size distributions require co-located wind measurements (and steady winds at 5 m/s or so) Weight: currently 3 kg, can be reduced to 1.5 kg - Can be operated by others (after instruction) - Data analysis not automated ( funding application for grad student to analyze data) Assuming that there is positive feedback from the St Petersburg Workshop, I will put in a proposal to US NSF to fund the VIPS for TBS use as well as a ship-borne fog particle measurement instrument.  Carl Schmitt, There are some "consumables" for the instrument, so unlimited use would require regular maintenance, probably 3-4 hours every 20 hours of operation time.  Basic operation would likely require half an hour of prep before and the same amount of time after to save the data (take videos off of SD card). 

14 Result of this morning‘s side meeting
(1) small balloon year-around observations (AWI) meteorological sondes (AWI) OPC for ice nucleating particles, aerosol size distribution (CU Boulder, NOAA) Aerosol Filter Sampler for chemical composition (TROPOS) OPC (CLASP) , filter collector (BAS)

15 Result of this morning‘s side meeting
(2) big balloon dedicated campaign periods (TROPOS) turbulence radiation (TROPOS, Univ.Leipzig) Aerosol / INP: OPC, SMPS (UCAR) VIPS The 2 legs with intense tethered balloon measurements should cover the aircraft activity period.

16 To be discussed feasibility of big balloon operation: manpower !
(3 persons + 2 helping) which parameters / time schedules are needed by models ? (e.g. aerosol size distribution 1x per week or more frequent) air space: coordination with helicopter and UAV activity necessary Are we lacking crucial parameters ?

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