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PUTTING TOGETHER THE PARTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPER “More information is useless until someone puts it together in ways to make it clear and relevant to.

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Presentation on theme: "PUTTING TOGETHER THE PARTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPER “More information is useless until someone puts it together in ways to make it clear and relevant to."— Presentation transcript:

1 PUTTING TOGETHER THE PARTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPER “More information is useless until someone puts it together in ways to make it clear and relevant to the lives of others.” (Gronbeck, McKerrow, Ehninger & Monroe, 1994) ENGLISH IV/ RESEARCH

2 Choosing a Title for your RP
The title should be a phrase, not a sentence. It should help the readers predict the content and organization of your paper. It should include keywords from your thesis statement. Example: Title: The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering Thesis Statement: Despite the promises of genetic engineering, it should not continue because it is immoral and unethical.

3 INTRODUCTION Well-written introductions are needed because they catch the reader’s attention. They prepare the readers/ listeners for the discussion and bridge the gap between the known and unknown. Psychologists explain that the information in our head is arranged into categories. With the right stimulus, the mind activates the correct category, and prepares itself for what is to come.

4 INTRODUCTION The introduction gives us a general overview of the topics covered in the research paper. Use the deductive method in writing an effective introduction. The deductive method means starting from the broad and working down to the specific. Broad Less broad Specific

5 Sample Introduction Through the years, drugs have been considered as one of the most versatile and important substances in the field of medicine. Drugs, whether natural or synthetic, have been a vital part of our lives. Drugs have been used to cure diseases and sickness, heal wounds and relieve or even kill pain. Pain relievers or pain killers used in the field of medicine are usually made from drugs. These pin relievers, analgesics and anesthesia, in particular, have been very helpful in the management of mild to severe pain. However, some of the most powerful of these pain relievers are made from the narcotic groups of drugs. This paper aims to prove that although narcotics can relieve severe pain, they should not be administered to patients because they can cause irritation, disease and death if not carefully and meticulously administered.

6 INTRODUCTION Constructing the Purpose Statement
The purpose statement comes after you have provided current knowledge related to your topic. Format: This paper + seeks to prove that + thesis statement + aims to prove that + thesis statement + intends to prove that + thesis statement + argues that + thesis statement + presents proofs that + thesis statement + supports the + thesis statement + claims that + thesis statement

7 BODY Expounds the thesis statement and utilizes the working outline.
Contains the Review of Related Literature, Methodology (Data Gathering) and Data Analysis Integrates the use of paraphrasing, summarizing and direct quotation Paragraphs should be coherent and unified.

8 BODY Methodology refers to the nature by which data will be gathered for discussion and analysis: Participants Sampling Procedures Instrument for Data Gathering Data Analysis (statistical treatment)- frequency percentage

9 RESULTS DISCUSSION Vital here is the presentation of findings and results from data gathering arranged in tables and charts. Direct quotations and paraphrases are important on this section under the body. Your results should be backed up by related literature. Show how the results contribute to the realization of the purpose of the study.

10 CONCLUSION Conclusions bring readers full circle (Hacker, 1992). Well- written endings sum up the major points presented in the body of the paper and help readers understand the implications of facts and opinions presented therein. In addition, conclusions enable the writer to emphasize key points.

11 CONCLUSION Use a combination of any of the following strategies in writing the conclusion: Restate your thesis statement or summarize the key points. Draw implications. Predict the future significance or practical use of the facts presented. In an argumentative paper, point out the stand of the issue. Suggest actions that the reader should make.

12 Sample Conclusion: “The Electronic Automobile: Vehicle of the Future
Sample Conclusion: “The Electronic Automobile: Vehicle of the Future?” by Ma. Bernadette Gatbonton This paper has presented the electronic automobile as a possible solution to the problem of finding a mode of transport that is both efficient and environment- friendly. The paper has also shown that although electricity- powered vehicles are still difficult to mass- produce at present, there is a big possibility that they would become the most practical means of transport in the near future. And since research and development in the field has not ceased, the minor impediments to this project are now gradually being overcome, as proven by winning arguments for the electric car and its advantages. Research and development of this type of vehicle should continue until a prototype has been truly refined. A probe into what the Nissan project has amounted to would greatly help because it specifically targeted the battery question. The probability of using hydroelectric plants as recharge stations would likewise make an interesting study.

13 Assignment for Thursday
Quiz Discussion of References and APA style of documentation NAT Reply Slips Family Day Evaluation Forms

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