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Battle for souls: Savior VS. Satan Who is Satan?

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2 Battle for souls: Savior VS. Satan Who is Satan?
The Devil Battle for souls: Savior VS. Satan Who is Satan? God created all things, Jn. 1:3 Nothing evil, 1 Jn. 1:5 Rebellion, 2 Pt. 2:4; Jude 6 Ruler of demons, Mt. 9:32-34; 12:22-26

3 The Devil Our duty is to resist the devil. Know our enemy. Serve God.

4 The Devil Disposition Devices Destiny

5 The Devil Disposition Murderer, Jn. 8:44 Cain, Gen. 4:3-8
Judas, Lk. 22:3-6 Us, 1 Jn. 3:11-15

6 The Devil Disposition Liar, Jn. 8:44 Eve, Gen. 3:1-6
To us, 2 Pt. 2:18-19 Us, Acts 5:1-4; Col. 3:9; Eph. 4:25

7 The Devil Disposition Deceiver, 2 Cor. 11:13-15
Eve, 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:14 World, Rev. 12:9 Us, Titus 3:3; 2 Tim. 3:13

8 The Devil Disposition Tempter, 1 Thes. 3:5
Jesus, Matt. 4:1-10; Heb. 4:15 Us, Jas. 1:13-15; 1 Cor. 10:13

9 The Devil Disposition Adversary, 1 Pet. 5:8 Jesus, Mk. 1:13
Peter, Mt. 16:21-23 Us, Mt. 12:30

10 The Devil Disposition Accuser, Rev. 12:10 Job, Job 1:8-12; 2:4-6
God, Gen. 3:4 Us, 2 Cor. 10:10, 11

11 Ruler of this World, 2 Cor. 4:4
The Devil Disposition Ruler of this World, 2 Cor. 4:4 Whole world, 1 Jn. 5:19 Us, Eph. 2:1-3

12 Obsessive sorrow for sin, 2 Cor. 2:6-11
The Devil Devices Obsessive sorrow for sin, 2 Cor. 2:6-11 Paul, 1 Tim. 1:15 Forgiveness, Acts 8:38, 39; Eph. 2:4-7

13 Persecution, 1 Thes. 2:14-16; 3:1-5
The Devil Devices Persecution, 1 Thes. 2:14-16; 3:1-5 Paul, 1 Thes. 2:18 Light, 2 Cor. 4:17, 18

14 Twists scriptures, Gen. 3:4; Mt. 4:5, 7
The Devil Devices Twists scriptures, Gen. 3:4; Mt. 4:5, 7 False teachers, 2 Pt. 3:16 Know the truth, 2 Jn. 1; 1 Thes. 5:21

15 The Devil Devices Worldliness, 1 Jn. 2:15-17
Kings: Saul, David, Solomon Focus, Col. 3:1, 2

16 The Devil Destiny Hell, Mk. 9:44 Christ will defeat him, Rev. 19:20, 21 Wicked men will share his fate, Mt. 25:41; Rev. 21:8

17 The Devil Disposition Devices Destiny

18 Battle for souls: Savior VS. Satan Who is Satan?
The Devil Battle for souls: Savior VS. Satan Who is Satan? God created all things, Jn. 1:3 Nothing evil, 1 Jn. 1:5 Rebellion, 2 Pt. 2:4; Jude 6 Ruler of demons, Mt. 9:32-34; 12:22-24

19 The Devil Our duty is to resist the devil. Know our enemy. Serve God.

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