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Study of the Hebrew Epistle

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1 Study of the Hebrew Epistle
The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief – Session 3

2 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
INTRODUCTION: Christ – How Great (Better/Superior) is He? Hebrews 1:1-3 Christ is better than the best of everyone and everything presented on earth Christ is better than anything the Old Testament (Jewish writings) or the Old Covenant (agreement between God and Humanity) provided.

3 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Verse 1 – The Preparation The Purpose of the Old Testament was to prepare for the coming of Christ. By Prophecy or Typology (human and physical) Prophecies regarding Christ Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 40:3-5, Psalm 110:4, Psalm 22:18, Isaiah 53:5-12

4 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Typologies of Christ (Some You may not have Known) Adam (represents humanity given by God), Abel (the first death because of anger toward God), Melchizedek (MEL-KIZ-A-DECK) (King/High Priest), Paschal Lamb (Passover or Easter/Sacrificial), Noah’s Ark, Menorah (golden candlesticks), Laver of the Temple, Shewbread…

5 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Verse 2 - Until the coming of Christ, everything else was “Just as good as a Xerox” No Prophet, prophecy, or typology was appointed by Jehovah to be “….heir of all things…” Only Christ is the “exact representation” of the being of God. Exact representation – THE SAME THING.

6 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Verse 3 - Angels are tremendous, powerful, instruments of God… but not above Christ! A Simple Definition Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, though created higher than man. Some, the good angels, have remained obedient to Him and carry out His will, while others, fallen angels, disobeyed, fell from their holy position, and now stand in active opposition to the work and plan of God.

7 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Names of Angels There are only five angels named in the Bible: Abaddon (Rev. 9:11), Beelzebul (Luke 11:14), Gabriel (Luke 1:19), Michael (Rev. 12:7-9), and Satan (Zech. 3:1,2). Three are fallen angels and two serve God. Abaddon is the Angel of the bottomless pit who appears to be a ruler of evil spirits as described in the book of Revelation.

8 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief
Verses 5-13 This becomes an important section for the receivers of this message. As Humanity becomes excited by the realities of the spirit world, we must be mindful that Christ is above all, and only Christ should be worshipped, and prayed to…

9 The Believer, Living in a World of Non-Belief

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