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Scholar Works at UT Tyler

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1 Scholar Works at UT Tyler
What it does for our faculty, students and University View at: Terra Gullings, MLIS, CA Head of University Archives and Special Collections

2 What is Scholar Works? Digital service that collects, preserves, and provides access to the scholarly work of UT Tyler’s faculty, students, and staff. Image courtesy of the J. Murrey Atkins Library at UNC Charlotte

3 Why should I participate?
Persistent URLs Alternative access point Statistics ed to authors No surrender of copyright Discoverability…

4 Discoverability 521 works with over 2,100 unique downloads

5 Traditional publication costs
Authors Visibility of work is narrowed Pay for your own work Researchers Interlibrary Loan Directly from publisher Libraries Cost of journal/database Interlibrary Loan fees

6 Alfred, D. , Yarbrough, S. , Martin, P. , & Garcia, C. (2011)
Alfred, D., Yarbrough, S., Martin, P., & Garcia, C. (2011). Gender and professional values: A closer look. Nursing Management. 41(1), Cost to ILL Purchase from publisher Library Subscription to OvidSP Approx. $13,750 annually for Ovid Nursing Full Text PLUS ...without our subscription, $50.50

7 Publisher version vs. Post-print

8 UT Tyler Faculty: in their own words
Dr. Melinda Hermanns Associate Professor of Nursing “Scholar Works is an excellent medium to share our scholarship (manuscripts, poster presentations, etc.) with our UT Tyler community of scholars as well as others outside of the university. The benefits are plentiful. One, increased visibility…think about the connections that can be made; this has the potential to open doors for interdisciplinary collaboration, and, this is very exciting!”

9 UT Tyler Faculty: in their own words
Dr. Jessica Rueter Associate Professor of Special Education “I think it is going to be very helpful in highlighting our scholarly work for the outside community.” Dr. Ali Azghani Professor of Biology “As a Biology teacher and biomedical research scientist, my professional life would be empty without research because, as Stephen Hawking stated ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.’ This approach [Scholar Works] makes the process much easier as it is easily accessible. This alone promotes more awareness, respect, and interdisciplinary collaboration among UT Tyler faculty.”

10 UT Tyler Staff: in their own words
Vicki Betts Professional Librarian “For a number of years I’ve been reading microfilm from Civil War newspapers and transcribing out articles—it’s fascinating but time-consuming. There’s really no point in other researchers, whether students or faculty or independent scholars, having to repeat that work. I’ve now put those files into Scholar Works, which will be stable and perpetual. I’ve been very pleased to see, in just few months, how many people are downloading my files from all over the U.S. and all around the world.”

11 What can I add? Published articles (where copyright allows)
Conferences papers, presentations, and posters Artworks, musical compositions, audio and video recordings Working papers, technical reports, white papers Manuscripts

12 Student scholarship Best papers Performances
Undergraduate and graduate research Conference posters and presentations Special projects

13 Faculty Profiles: Selected Works
Scholar Works at UT Tyler add-on Populated through Faculty 180 details Each profile includes: Full CV Links to your research Courses taught Awards Received Research Interests “Since I am headed into my 6th year at UT Tyler and will be going through the Promotion & Tenure process this year, I think this is a great way for P&T outside reviewers/committee members to see my endeavors in a professional way all in one place!”- Dr. McWhorter, Assistant Professor, Human Resource Development.

14 What to do Send your CV:
Review copyright policies Provide feedback Know your rights! Keep final-proof/post-prints Remember to review copyright policies /add author addendum: SPARC: Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition Open access for all!

15 Questions? Open Access Explained! - from PHD Comics
Terra Gullings, MLIS, CA | Head of University Archives and Special Collections

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