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Contribution of Wine to the Marlborough Economy

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1 Contribution of Wine to the Marlborough Economy

2 Marlborough wine highlights
Key Stats Value Marlborough wine sector GDP $477 million Marlborough wine sector as % of Marlborough economy 19% Marlborough wine sector direct jobs 2,350 Wine sector’s share of total employment in Marlborough 10% Jobs in sectors supporting the Marlborough wine sector 2,500 Total jobs associated with the Marlborough wine sector 4,850 Marlborough wine sector wages $130 million Marlborough wine sector purchases from supplying sectors $695 million 2016 values except Wine GDP and Price of inputs (2015 data) Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

3 Marlborough WINE’s contribution to THE regional economy

4 Wine contributes $477 million to the Marlborough economy and has grown by 300% since 2000
Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

5 …and accounts for a third of the NZ wine sector’s GDP
- 20 percentage point increase Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

6 Wine accounts for 19% of Marlborough’s economy; and this share is growing
Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

7 Marlborough economy snapshot
GDP = $2.5b (1% of NZ GDP) “Other manufacturing” comprises of the following industries Fabricated metal product manufacturing Transport equipment manufacturing Wood product manufacturing Polymer product and rubber product manufacturing Machinery and other equipment manufacturing Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing Furniture and other manufacturing Non-metallic mineral product manufacturing Printing Textile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturing Petroleum and coal product manufacturing Primary metal and metal product manufacturing 2015 figure Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, NZ Wine

8 Marlborough wine’s contribution to jobs and WAGES

9 Marlborough employs 2,350 wine workers; this has doubled since 2000
- 100% increase in employment Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ

10 Marlborough wine indirectly supports 2,500 jobs in other sectors
Land and land improvements 391 Meal Services 267 Packaging 195 Agriculture support services 171 Wood container manufacturing 95 Other support services 72 Glass product manufacturing 71 Road freight services 58 Additional wine product manufacturing 57 Accommodation services 55 Other 1043 2016 figures Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ

11 Wine sector directly accounts for 1 in 10 jobs in Marlborough
Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ

12 Marlborough grape growing pays $52 million to workers - this has more than quadrupled since 2000
Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

13 Marlborough wine manufacturing pays $78 million to workers – this has more than tripled since 2000
Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, MBIE

14 Job growth in Marlborough wine has been strong
Bars = average growth rate, Labels = 2016 employment level Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ

15 Marlborough wine injects $130 million of income into Marlborough households’ pockets; 10.5% of total household income All wages are for 2016 except the last column which shows annual Marlborough wine wages for 2000. Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ

16 Marlborough wine supports various supplying sectors, buying $695 million of inputs, some of which are sourced locally 2015 figure Producer price estimated from I/O table 2015 figure Source: NZIER, Statistics NZ, NZ Wine

17 Prepared by NZIER for Wine Marlborough

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