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Sociology For Nursing Students IV - Semester

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1 Sociology For Nursing Students IV - Semester


3 Man is a social animal as he cannot live alone and needs society
Man is a social animal as he cannot live alone and needs society. In sociology the term ‘ Society’ refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of the norms of interaction that arise among them. Human society is made of individuals. Human being is a unique organism in the sense that totally individualistic. WEB OF SOCIAL RELATIONS, COMPLEX OF ORGANISED ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS WITHIN COMMUNITY.

4 Definations “Science is a social phenomenon, subject to natural and invariable laws , the discovery of which is the object of investigation. ” August Comte “Science of social institutions. ” Emile Durkhlem “ General Science Of society.” Kingsby

5 “Sociology is the study of collective behavior.”
Park and Burgess “Science of social relationships.” AW Small “Sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelations, their conditions and consequences.” Morris Ginsburg

6 We can say Sociology is the science of society which studies social life , study of social systems, social relationships and behavioral groups. It includes various aspects of society like social interactions, relationships, institutions, groups, process, norms and values.

7 Nature and characteristics of sociology
Sociology is an independent science. Its subject matter has well defined boundaries and methods of study. It is a social science not a physical science. It is categorical and not a normatic discipline. It is a pure science not an applied science. The immediate aim of sociology is the acquisition of knowledge about human society and not its application.

8 Sociology is a general science not a individualizing science.
It is both empirical and rational science. Sociology has been studied in one form or other form of the time Aristotle. In the beginning it was the part of philosophy. Gradually it grew into an independent subject. Sociology enjoys a pre-eminant position in the family of social sciences. A knowledge of sociology is considered essential in the fields of medicine, nursing, law, buisness, social relations administration, social work and other areasof human endeavor.

9 Importance of sociology
Studies role of institutions in development of individuals Studies society Finds out the solutions of social problems Change out look toeards social problems Enriches human culture Plans of society Finds solutions for international problems

10 Importance of sociology in Nyrsing and its application
Medical sociology is a New Branch . Deals with all social factors which causes illness , provision of doctors etc, Social pathology includes social problems like prostitution, drug addiction, poor hygiene, juvenile delinquency, beggary etc.

11 Importance in Nursing profession
To know the different culture and life style of the patient To know all SoCal problems, attitudes of patients, community health problems, different castes, religion, tribes etc, Before treating patients nurses should know their cultural values, traditions , customs and folkways, so that medical and nursing profession can be made more effective.

12 A nurse play vital role while dealing with the patients
A nurse play vital role while dealing with the patients. Welcome patients without any prejudices and any racial differences. The physical and mental well being depends largely on the nurse. She should go to the villages and provide health talk so that illiterate can learn more. She must attend seminars , workshops upon health related programmes, community programmes. It helps nurse to understand the society, pattern and their relations.

13 By sociological study , the role of social support sysytem in maintaining the health can be identified and emphasis can be laid by nurse about their role in preventing , curing and promoting the health . Sociological study helps the nurse in achieving social contro;l by means of positive and negative forces in order to maintain organized society. Guides the people related to welfare programmes.


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