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Applied Research Methods (ARMs) ARMS 1 – Critical Reading & Writing

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1 Applied Research Methods (ARMs) ARMS 1 – Critical Reading & Writing
Ian D. Rotherham Professor of Environmental Geography, Reader in Tourism & Environmental Change

2 Some thoughts on critical writing and critical thinking………….
In order to……………… Identify, critically evaluate, select & apply the relevant concepts and principles of quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques appropriate to a MA or an MSc dissertation research study, using appropriate IT applications and strategies; Recognise & apply ethical considerations to the research design;

3 Reflect upon & apply the research theories and methods discussed to your own work through the completion of a well developed dissertation proposal in a creative and imaginative way; Identify, select, and present information and data from current research and academic publications and appropriate primary sources to a relevant audience.

4 Need to consider and address……
The critical understanding of ethical issues and problems in data collection and analysis; And the practicalities too…..

5 Examining relationships between aspects of the physical environment can seem less prone to distortion of 'fact' by bias. However ………. To disregard the necessity for critical analysis of potential bias on the grounds that a research project is in the field of pure or physical science, and thus deals in nothing but 'absolute truth' is a naïve approach to take. All knowledge is constructed, just some more overtly than others. The danger may be that when dealing in the realm of hard science, bias and invalidity may be latent, or hidden.

6 It is important to consider critically, potential sources of bias & invalidity, particularly when using secondary data. Who created the data, how, and why? For what purpose was the data-set originally constructed? With this in mind, are the data suitable for our desired use?

7 Critical reading …….. Unlike other forms of reading, gathering material for a literature review involves CRITICALLY APPRAISING what you have read. Critical appraisal involves the following three processes: Reorganising - i.e. selecting what is important in each of the sources to your research topic and putting together what you have learned in a way that is relevant to your project. Inferring - consider the possibility that some of the meaning of the work is not stated explicitly but is inferred. Evaluating - try to form an opinion of the value of what you are reading – what arguments are presented, how well structured is the material? Does the work develop a persuasive argument?

8 Connection & Criticism
You are aiming to make explicit the nature of the connections between the methodological choices an author has made and the data they have collected through to the interpretations they have made of their data. A common starting point for countless reviews has, in fact, been the ability to assess structures of reasoning that different authors use in their work. This ability enables the reviewer to evaluate and appraise critically the degree of scholarship an author has managed to attain in their work

9 You are aiming for ………… Review involves sound interpretation and discussion. Information is aggregated, and sorted for logical connections, rigorously and critically interpreted within the context of the research. Your own approach to analysis is evaluated. Creative insights. Readable, flowing style. Broad, yet relevant list of additional literature, substantially reviewed. Summary comments.

10 Policy evaluation & analysis ……..
Requires a structured & organised approach to defining an answerable question Summoning appropriate and relevant evidence Critically appraising and analysing that evidence Identifying the risks & opportunities of a policy, programme or project Determining the likely effects (positive and negative) of the policy or of an associated project

11 EXERCISE – Examples of writing………..
Given a selection of articles and papers, read them and critically consider their styles, content, authority, and audiences. What do they say; how do they say it; who to; and why?????????? How do they provide authority on which to base their credibility?

12 TASK…..

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