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Test Prep 11-21.

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1 Test Prep 11-21

2 13 According to the plate tectonic theory, Australia was a part of the supercontinent Pangaea. Millions of years ago Pangaea divided, and eventually Australia was separated as its own continent. Which of the following is MOST LIKELY a result of the isolation of the Australian continent for millions of years?

3 Answer b. Australia has a large number of species that are not found anywhere else. Species evolve over time to adapt to their environment and Australia has spend millions of years in isolation form other landforms. The species found in Australia have the best adaptations to survive in the continent and as the millions of years pass these species continue to pass on variations that allow them to better survive. This creates creatures that are not found in any other landmass and are unique to Australia and it’s ecosystem.

4 14 As a river enters a larger body of water, sediments are deposited over a wide area. Which of these landforms is likely to be formed at the site of deposition? Cave Mountain Delta valley

5 answer C. Delta A delta is an area at the end of a river where large amounts of sediment are found. This occurs because as the water flows down a river it erodes the land around it and carries the sediment with the current. As the river ends into a larger body of water the energy that moved the water is slowly transferred and the water slows down. As the water slows down the sediment loses speed and drops to the bottom of the river. This leads to large mounts of sediment and thus creating the land form DELTA.

6 16 Which of the following traits is most influenced by the environment? Body weight Eye color Blood type Color blindness

7 answer Body weight Eye color, blood type and color blindness are all characteristics that can only be passed down to a human being through the genetic material from both parents. Body weight is influenced by the environment and foods available to humans. Depending on the habits, influences and costumes body weight may change through out the years.

8 17 A student studying spiders creates the table shown below. What is the best conclusion the student can make based on this information? Spider Type of spider Color Length Cobweb spider Web spider Brown 0.9 cm Wolf spider Hunting spider 3.5 cm Jumping spider Black with orange or red spots 1.9 cm Yellow garden spider Yellow and black 2.5 cm

9 answer b. Wolf spiders are the largest of these spiders. Based on the chart the best conclusion from the collected data is the size of the spiders. The spiders either hunt or create a web and the colors are similar. The best information with the comparison of the spiders is the size of the species.

10 19 A group of students found metamorphic rock near a campsite. The presence of metamorphic rocks is most likely evidence of? Dinosaur activity Sediment deposition High pressure Wind-borne sand

11 Answer c. High pressure Metamorphic rock are a type of rock that is created from great pressure and heat. Dinosaur activity would be evident through fossils, sediment deposition will result in sedimentary rocks and wind-borne sand would lead to rocks that have been eroded and sanded down from the force of the air borne sand.

12 20 Deforestation occurs when large areas of trees are cut down. Which of the following impacts on the environment would result from deforestation? Increased erosion Colder temperature Excess ground moisture Greater oxygen production

13 answer Increased erosion
Plant roots allow for soil to stay put and trees and mass vegetation is cleared from fields it allows winds, water and gravity to pick up the soil that dries, this leads to large erosion in fields.

14 21 Which of these best describes what happens to the light ray as it travels from the air into glass? Reflection Absorption Attarction Refraction

15 answer d. Refraction Light is an electromagnetic wave that can travel through empty space. It travels faster through empty mediums than a substance with closer particles. As the light wave passes through the glass, a solid, it slows down as it goes through the particles. When light waves slow down they bend, refract.

16 22 The presence of hair on the middle section fo the fingers (H) is a dominant trait in humans. Two parents with this dominant trait have children. Some of the children have this trait, and some children do not. Which of the following Punnett Squares shows the genotypes of the parents and children in this family?

17 Answer A. Dominate genes are will be more present that recessive genes when dominate and recessive are paired. H represents dominate and h represent recessive. Every time Hh are paired a dominate will be passed down, every time HH is paired, a dominate will be passed down (hair in knuckles). When recessive hh are paired this represents recessive genes passing down to offspring. In this Punnett square 3 combinations result in dominate genetic and 1 combination results in recessive genetic – this means one child out of 4 will not have hair in the middle section of their fingers. HH Hh hh

18 23 The petals of flowers often are brightly colored. These petals provide a benefit for the plant because they? Prevent insects from taking pollen to other flowers Hides the plant from predators that would eat its flowers Protects the leaves from injury by birds and insect Attracts insects that can carry the pollen needed for plant reproduction

19 answer d. Attracts insects that can carry the pollen needed for plant reproduction Insect are vital for plant reproduction and the bright color of the petals allows for flowers to be visible and attract insects.

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