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Visible Learning at Hawthornden...

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Presentation on theme: "Visible Learning at Hawthornden..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visible Learning at Hawthornden...
This is your life... Reflection and Action Planning

2 Visible Learning - Reminder
The five key strands of Visible Learning; Visible learners Know the impact Inspired and passionate teachers Effective feedback Visible Learning school Hattie’s Visible Learning research and its accompanying literature is not a prescriptive ‘off the shelf how to do it’ programme and there is no one way – one size fits one. The Visible Learning approach invites us to consider a highly significant body of research into what works best in education. The 5 key strands provide us with a coherent and evidenced based framework to support and challenge professional practice and further evaluate its impact in working towards the best outcomes for pupils learning. *Taken from EPS Visible Learning Spotlight

3 Where and when it all began...
Introduced to HT’s in May 2014 Priority for the authority

4 For us at Hawthornden... Appeared in our SIP for 2014/ (Know Thy Impact) Introductory session with Yvonne in Nov 2014 – outline of VL and Relational Trust survey. Learning Council ASG focus – P5. Kerry asked to join Practitioner Group – November 2014.

5 The Journey starts to gather pace in 2015...
P6 begin work on VL – Start to write blog and share their work – Jan 2015. (Visible Learner , Inspired and Passionate Teacher ) Sarah Philp gave input to all teaching staff – begin the gather evidence – What is a good learner? March (Know Thy Impact ) Analyse Good Learner Data – clear areas to develop – behaviour focus as apposed to learning skills / strategies – March 2015. (Know Thy Impact )

6 The Journey starts to gather pace in 2015...
Whole staff engage in CSCC workshops – focus on Mindset – April (Inspired and Passionate Teachers) Focus for Term 4 on mindsets in classes with staff engaging in own professional reading. (Inspired and Passionate Teachers) Kerry attended Visible Learning Conference in London and shared key messages from Conference and impact on learners – May (Visible Learning School) Visible Learning chosen as key area on SIP for 2015/2016. (Visible Learning School, Know Thy Impact)

7 New Session 2015/2016 All teaching staff and support staff given Visible Learning input through foundation day course. (Inspired and Passionate Teachers, Know Thy Impact) Establishment phase introduced at in-service day with key focuses for Term 1 – key elements of VL introduced and embedded. (Inspired and Passionate Teachers, Know Thy Impact, Visible Learners) Fortnightly blog written to assess impact and share journey. (Know Thy Impact)

8 New Session 2015/2016 Focus group of learners share pupil voice on the impact of the establishment phase with EPS member – key areas to continue to develop (Know Thy Impact ) Kerry Visits Bader Primary and brings back key messages – stuck stops, learning pit, learning powers. PAT PAL session for parents with VL focus – booklet sent to parents. (Visible Learning School) Baseline data on how you learn – whole school – will help us build our learning powers (Visible Learner)

9 2015 Continued Consulted with parents at parents evening on “how do you learn” and sharing the Learning Pit. (Visible Learner) Whole Staff Relational Trust survey completed and evaluated ... Action Plan created with support from EPS. Staff Professional Reading sessions provided by Working Party – 2 to date with more in the diary. (Inspired and Passionate Teachers) Walk throughs and focus groups focus changed in line with VL – focus on the learning, skills and next steps/targets. (Visible Learners , Know Thy Impact) Sharing Good Practice – Target setting (Know Thy Impact)

10 2015 Continued Evidence gathered for all 5 strands of VL with support from EPS as a result of SLT attending EIA Days - shared evidence with staff. Staff - self evaluation of mind-frames in line with Inspired and Passionate Teachers – targets and key areas chosen. (Inspired and Passionate Teachers) Learning Council Focus group – analysed data from “How do you learn” key question and made baseline statements and created common list of learning skills – they will develop these further and share with the whole school. (Visible Learner)

11 How it all fits together
Relational Trust Peer Observation / Trios / Sharing Good Practice Inspired and Passionate teachers Professional Development Walk Throughs and Focus Groups Effective Feedback Learning Powers/Dispositions Visible Learner Know Thy Impact / Self Evaluation Visible Learning School Visible Learning at Hawthornden... How it all fits together

12 So... What now? Share Relational Trust Action Plan – Central Place e.g. staff room. Working Party will continue to work on Action Plan and support staff and learners. Learning Council will continue to develop the Learning Powers – aim to launch in Term 4. P6 Learning Council to support the continued development of the Language of Learning. More Professional Reading groups and Sharing good practice.

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