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Seminaries, Faith Based Organizations, and Advocacy Networks

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1 Seminaries, Faith Based Organizations, and Advocacy Networks
UCEDD-Based Collaborations to Enhance Spiritual Supports and Congregational Leadership

2 Boggs Center Initiatives
Congregational Survey (DD Council Funded) becomes New Jersey Coalition for Inclusive Ministries, moving to 501c3 Clinical Pastoral Education Program. Only accredited CPE program at a UCEDD. Agency and UCE funded. Guest lecturer seminary courses. Develop and teach courses. Seminary funded. Pastoral supports with people with brain injury. Resource Guide. BIANJ funded. Pastoral supports with people with autism and their families. Resource guide. In process. Foundation funded.

3 Areas for Consideration
Preservice training. Links to seminaries and CPE programs. Inclusion in community training initiatives by UCEDD Coordination of conferences Dissemination Training and TA to faith networks Interdisciplinary assessments in clinical services Research and writing

4 Key Assets of UCEDD’s for Faith Communities and Networks
Interdisciplinary Neutral point for interfaith initiatives Importance of “scientific” blessing Research

5 Key New Resources Books. Eg. Carter book by Brookes
Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health Potential summer institutes AATS initiatives

6 Communication and Dissemination
Data base and mailing list: Are they included? Library resources AAIDD Religion and Spirituality Division membership, newsletter, etc. Videos for use by congregations Resources for families. Lots going on. People do not know.

7 Training Affiliations with CPE programs
Inservice for UCE staff and trainees on spiritual supports Seminary nearby? Explore collaboration, including courses, field education Host interfaith, interagency conference Collaboration between hospice networks and DD networks Use UCE for meetings, etc.

8 Direct Services Address spirituality in assessments and planning

9 Research Spiritual supports in DD: Where are the researchers? They are there in health.

10 Collaboration DD Councils funding initiatives
Protection and Advocacy? Religious freedom, civil rights issue? UCEDD Network of People Involved…give to Bill Gaventa, or at Thank You!

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