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Final Presentation EDU 214 by: Erica Maddux

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Presentation on theme: "Final Presentation EDU 214 by: Erica Maddux"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Presentation EDU 214 by: Erica Maddux
Subject: Greater Than and Less Than & Equal to Third Grade/ Math

2 Learning Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
Ms. Maddux: Good Morning Everyone! Students: Good Morning Ms. Maddux! Ms. Maddux: Did everybody have a good breakfast today? Students: Yes! Ms. Maddux: Okay Great, because today I will be teaching you how to differentiate greater than, less than, and equal to. Greater than refers to your number having more value than your next number. Less than refers to your number having less value than your next number. Finally, equal to means that your number has the exact same value as your next number. Would you like an example? Ms. Maddux: Okay everyone I would like you to hold your hand in an open mouth position (teacher demonstrates) Now imagine an alligator, an alligator’s mouth is a lot like this side. He likes to eat a lot. Now imagine a bird, a bird’s beak is a lot like this side. He eats little bites with his beak. IF you look at the difference between the alligators mouth and the bird’s beak, the alligator will eat greater portions than the bird so remember that his wide mouth needs to be open towards the larger number and the birds beak is toward the smaller number. (Teacher shows example on the dry erase board.)

3 Learning Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
Ms. Maddux: Now the last one we will talk about is equal to. Do you know what an equal sign looks like? Students: Yes! Ms. Maddux: Okay class, can you demonstrate what it looks like? Students: Yes Ms. Maddux! Ms. Maddux: Okay can I have a volunteer to come and draw one on the dry erase board for the class? (students raise hands and teacher chooses a student) Ms. Maddux: Very good! Now let’s show our first slide for our lesson ( Turns next slide for the class to see) Ms. Maddux: Remember class that with problems where there is addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division involved, solve those problems before answering the comparison.

4 Less Than Greater than 41 251 26 148 Equal To 85 85 This will read 41 is less than 251 This will read 26 is greater than 148 This will read 85 is equal to 85 Remember to read your problem like a book, from left to right. You are comparing the number on the left to the number on the right.

5 Greater than-Less than- Equal to
Class Activity 45__ __ __45 10x0__9x8 5__4x50 12__5x20 86__86 7x4__5x6 4x1__8x6 10x2__9x0 10x10__ x6__ __5 100x2__ __ x5__151-2

6 Learning Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
Ms: Maddux: Okay class can I get four volunteers? (students raise hands) Now your four will come up to the board and will be solving some problems. Okay class raise your hands and give me a number. Our volunteers will write two numbers each on the board and will be demonstrating whether the left number is greater than, less than, or equal to the number on the right. ( teacher supervises as each volunteer writes two numbers and leaves enough space in between to write the correct sign. Ms. Maddux: Class, which number do you start with for your comparison? The right or the left? Students: the left number! Ms. Maddux: Very good! Now we will watch our volunteers put the right answer on the board and explain how to say the answer correctly. (each volunteer takes turns explaining their answer and teacher watches as the volunteer verbally explains the answer to the problem. After each volunteer has their turn, the teacher redirects the class to the group activity worksheet.) Ms. Maddux: Let’s give a round of applause to our volunteers. (class applause) Now class, let’s get into our group tables and I will be handing out worksheets for you all to complete in your groups of four. Make sure that you are all participating because there will be points awarded and deducted for your individual effort in the group activity sheet. You have 15 minutes to complete your 8 problems. ( teacher hands out worksheets. As the class is working while teacher is observing and walking around the classroom.)

7 Learning Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
Ms. Maddux: Okay Everyone, times up! Did you all feel that you learned how to solve these problems? Students: Yes Ms. Maddux! Ms. Maddux: Does anybody have any questions? Students: No Ms. Maddux: Great! Now I will be handing out your individual problem sheets to do on your own. If anyone needs any further help to understand, please raise your hand and come see me at my desk. You all have 15 minutes to complete your individual worksheets. (Teacher allows time for students to complete worksheets) Ms: Maddux: Time to wrap it up everyone. (as teacher gathers papers from desks, the teacher will verbally ask some problems to solve) Is 65 greater than or less than 24? Students: Greater than! Ms. Maddux: Great job, is 56 greater than or less than 100? Students: Less than! Ms. Maddux: Is 1000 greater than or less than 954? Ms. Maddux: Very good everyone! It sounds to me like you guys have the hang of it! Tomorrow we will compare fractions

8 Creating Your Own Activity Sheet
Open Microsoft Word -Under Layout, Orientation- Choose Landscape -Type your name and at the top left corner press enter - In the paragraph section click this symbol to center your title and type (your name’s) activity sheet -change the orientation back to left side and begin creating your activity sheet by typing a set of numbers, holding down shift, and pressing this key twice to create your space and then your next set of numbers. then press tab twice to make space for your next set after you are done hold control + p this icon to print to the printer (Teacher will demonstrate and oversee students progress)

9 Learning Greater than, Less than, & Equal to
For more help and practice on problem solving for Greater than, less than, and equal to feel free to visit these websites greater than less than alligator song

10 Thank you for participating! Have an awesome Day
Erica Maddux EDU 214

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