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Presentation on theme: "Second Edition BETH JOHNSON JANET M. GOLDSTEIN"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit One: Chapter 1 • affinity • proximity • fledgling • sagacious
• hackneyed • supplant • incessant • unassailable • opulence • voluminous Page 8 in textbook.

3 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 affinity – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 affinity – noun • It is hard for someone with an affinity for warm weather to be happy living in Alaska. • My cat has an affinity for small, dark hiding places—I’ve often found her asleep in my dresser drawer, under the footstool, and inside my suitcase. Affinity means A. a preference. B. a fear. C. ignorance. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

4 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 affinity – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 affinity – noun • It is hard for someone with an affinity for warm weather to be happy living in Alaska. • My cat has an affinity for small, dark hiding places—I’ve often found her asleep in my dresser drawer, under the footstool, and inside my suitcase. Affinity means A. a preference. B. a fear. C. ignorance. Page 8 in textbook. If a person has a preference for warm weather he or she would not be happy living in the cold weather of Alaska. If the cat often is found in a drawer, under a stool, or in a suitcase, she must have a preference for small, dark hiding places.

5 A fledgling archer learns
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 fledgling – adjective • The short-story class is full of fledgling writers. They’re all enthusiastic, but since they’re beginners, they’re shy about sharing their work. • Myra and her sisters are excited about their fledgling catering service, which was booked for three parties during its first week of business. Fledgling means A. old. B. new. C. different. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service A fledgling archer learns from an expert.

6 A fledgling archer learns
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 fledgling – adjective • The short-story class is full of fledgling writers. They’re all enthusiastic, but since they’re beginners, they’re shy about sharing their work. • Myra and her sisters are excited about their fledgling catering service, which was booked for three parties during its first week of business. Fledgling means A. old. B. new. C. different. Page 8 in textbook. In the first item, the word beginners tells you that fledgling means “new.” And a catering service that is in its first week of business is a new company. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service A fledgling archer learns from an expert.

7 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 hackneyed – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 hackneyed – adjective • The hackneyed phrase “Have a nice day!” is heard so often that it has become almost meaningless. • The worst part of our family reunions is hearing my uncle’s hackneyed jokes—the ones he’s been telling since about 1980. Hackneyed means A. worn-out. B. insulting. C. funny. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

8 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 hackneyed – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 hackneyed – adjective • The hackneyed phrase “Have a nice day!” is heard so often that it has become almost meaningless. • The worst part of our family reunions is hearing my uncle’s hackneyed jokes—the ones he’s been telling since about 1980. Hackneyed means A. worn-out. B. insulting. C. funny. Page 8 in textbook. A phrase that is heard so often it has become almost meaningless is worn out. Jokes the uncle has been telling since 1980 are worn-out jokes.

9 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 incessant – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 incessant – adjective • The children nearly drove their parents crazy on the long car trip with their incessant questions: “Are we there yet?” “Is it much further?” “When can we get out of the car?” • Mrs. Soto finally insisted that her husband see a doctor about his incessant snoring. It didn’t bother him, but she wasn’t getting any sleep. Incessant means A. silent. B. wise. C. nonstop. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

10 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 incessant – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 incessant – adjective • The children nearly drove their parents crazy on the long car trip with their incessant questions: “Are we there yet?” “Is it much further?” “When can we get out of the car?” • Mrs. Soto finally insisted that her husband see a doctor about his incessant snoring. It didn’t bother him, but she wasn’t getting any sleep. Incessant means A. silent. B. wise. C. nonstop. Page 8 in textbook. If the children nearly drove the parents crazy, their questions must have been nonstop. If Mrs. Soto isn’t getting any sleep, her husband’s snoring must be nonstop.

11 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 opulence – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 opulence – noun • The opulence of the magnificent, luxurious resort was in stark contrast to the poverty of the little fishing village at its gates. • The writer Thoreau had no liking for opulence. He wrote in his journal, “That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.” Opulence means A. closeness. B. riches. C. permanence. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. The opulence of a king’s palace

12 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 opulence – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 opulence – noun • The opulence of the magnificent, luxurious resort was in stark contrast to the poverty of the little fishing village at its gates. • The writer Thoreau had no liking for opulence. He wrote in his journal, “That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.” Opulence means A. closeness. B. riches. C. permanence. Page 8 in textbook. The words magnificent and luxurious suggest that opulence means “riches” or “luxury.” The statement from Thoreau’s journal indicate that he had no liking for riches. The opulence of a king’s palace

13 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 proximity – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 proximity – noun • The proximity of the railroad tracks worries neighborhood parents when their children play outside. • My brother doesn’t drive a car, so when he was apartment hunting, he had to consider the proximity of public transportation. Proximity means A. similarity. B. contrast. C. nearness. Page 8 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. Proximity to mom helps baby swans survive.

14 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 proximity – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 proximity – noun • The proximity of the railroad tracks worries neighborhood parents when their children play outside. • My brother doesn’t drive a car, so when he was apartment hunting, he had to consider the proximity of public transportation. Proximity means A. similarity. B. contrast. C. nearness. Page 8 in textbook. If the parents are worried about the children’s safety, the railroad tracks must be nearby. Not driving a car would make the it important to live near public transportation. Proximity to mom helps baby swans survive.

15 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 sagacious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 sagacious – adjective • The Bible tells the story of King Solomon, who was so sagacious that he knew what to do when two women came to him, both claiming to be the mother of the same child. • Often when you are faced with a difficult situation, the most sagacious response is to do nothing right away, but wait to see what happens. Sagacious means A. silly. B. intelligent. C. strong. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

16 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 sagacious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 sagacious – adjective • The Bible tells the story of King Solomon, who was so sagacious that he knew what to do when two women came to him, both claiming to be the mother of the same child. • Often when you are faced with a difficult situation, the most sagacious response is to do nothing right away, but wait to see what happens. Sagacious means A. silly. B. intelligent. C. strong. Page 9 in textbook. A king who knew what to do in the situation described must be intelligent. In a difficult situation, waiting to see what happens is often the intelligent thing to do.

17 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 supplant – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 supplant – verb • Acme Company fired its entire accounting staff today. It intends to supplant these employees with part-time workers. • An idealistic young revolutionary overthrew the dictator and set up a democratic government. But he too was soon supplanted when a military strongman seized power. Supplant means A. to replace. B. to restore. C. to support. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

18 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 supplant – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 supplant – verb • Acme Company fired its entire accounting staff today. It intends to supplant these employees with part-time workers. • An idealistic young revolutionary overthrew the dictator and set up a democratic government. But he too was soon supplanted when a military strongman seized power. Supplant means A. to replace. B. to restore. C. to support. Page 9 in textbook. If the company fired the entire accounting staff, it would need to replace these employees in some way. If a military strongman seized power, the young revolutionary must have been replaced.

19 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 unassailable – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 unassailable – adjective • The Bradleys’ claim that their house is the oldest in town is unassailable. They have a deed dated 1804, and a copy was filed in the county courthouse that same year. • “My opponent may try to attack me,” said the candidate, “but my record is unassailable. On every issue, I’ve voted for the benefit of this city.” Unassailable means A. untrue. B. undeniable. C. unimportant. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

20 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 unassailable – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 unassailable – adjective • The Bradleys’ claim that their house is the oldest in town is unassailable. They have a deed dated 1804, and a copy was filed in the county courthouse that same year. • “My opponent may try to attack me,” said the candidate, “but my record is unassailable. On every issue, I’ve voted for the benefit of this city.” Unassailable means A. untrue. B. undeniable. C. unimportant. Page 9 in textbook. The deed and the copy filed in the courthouse make the Bradleys’ claim undeniable. If the candidate has always voted for the benefit of the city, his or her record is undeniable.

21 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 voluminous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 voluminous – adjective • In the weeks before Christmas, each issue of our newspaper is voluminous, swollen enormously by all the ads. After the holidays, the paper shrinks back to its normal size. • Denise chose a wedding dress in a “Southern belle” style, with a long, voluminous skirt. Now she’s worried she’ll trip over all those yards of material. Voluminous means A. valuable. B. cut short. C. large. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. Voluminous pants

22 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 voluminous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 voluminous – adjective • In the weeks before Christmas, each issue of our newspaper is voluminous, swollen enormously by all the ads. After the holidays, the paper shrinks back to its normal size. • Denise chose a wedding dress in a “Southern belle” style, with a long, voluminous skirt. Now she’s worried she’ll trip over all those yards of material. Voluminous means A. valuable. B. cut short. C. large. Page 9 in textbook. Voluminous pants The words swollen enormously suggest that voluminous means “large.” If there are yards of material in the long skirt, it must be large.

23 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 1. In her __________ tote bag, my mother carries money, credit cards, photos, makeup, a mirror, running shoes, and an amazing quantity of other stuff. 2. During the 1960s, the Beatles held a(n) _________ position as the world’s most popular rock group. They sold more records and won more fame than any other band. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 1. voluminous; 2. unassailable The next slide explains the answers.

24 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 1. In her __________ tote bag, my mother carries money, credit cards, photos, makeup, a mirror, running shoes, and an amazing quantity of other stuff. voluminous A tote bag that holds an amazing quantity of stuff must be large. 2. During the 1960s, the Beatles held an __________ position as the world’s most popular rock group. They sold more records and won more fame than any other band. unassailable Page 10 in textbook. If the Beatles sold more records and won more fame than any other band, they their position as the most popular rock band was undeniable.

25 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 3. Irene knew her roommate’s family was wealthy, but nothing had prepared her for the __________ of their home—it was like a palace. 4. It would not be __________ to go out today without an umbrella—look at those black clouds! Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 3. opulence; 4. sagacious; 5. affinity The next slide explains the answers. 5. Crows have a(n) _________ for bright, shiny things, so they sometimes pick up bits of mirrors, metal, or jewelry and carry them back to their nests.

26 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 3. Irene knew her roommate’s family was wealthy, but nothing had prepared her for the __________ of their home—it was like a palace. opulence A home that is like a palace is a place of great wealth. 4. It would not be __________ to go out today without an umbrella—look at those black clouds! sagacious Page 10 in textbook. If it is going to rain, it would not be sensible to go out without an umbrella. 5. Crows have an __________ for bright, shiny things, so they sometimes pick up bits of mirrors, metal, or jewelry and carry them back to their nests. affinity If crows carry bright, shiny things to their nests, they must have a liking for such objects.

27 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 6. “You’ll always be my best friend,” Christy told Keisha when Keisha moved away. “I may have other friends, but no one will ever __________ you in my heart.” 7. I get my hair done cheaply by going to a beauty school, where __________ hairdressers do cuts and coloring for half of what more experienced beauticians charge. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 6. supplant; 7. fledgling The next slide explains the answers.

28 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 6. “You’ll always be my best friend,” Christy told Keisha when Keisha moved away. “I may have other friends, but no one will ever __________ you in my heart.” supplant If Keisha will always be her best friend, no one will ever take her place. 7. I get my hair done cheaply by going to a beauty school, where __________ hairdressers do cuts and coloring for half of what more experienced beauticians charge. fledgling Page 10 in textbook. The hairdressers at the beauty school are inexperienced compared with the beauticians who have finished school. The words more experienced are an antonym clue.

29 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 8. Mr. Engelhardt finally told his daughter to stop running in place in her upstairs bedroom; the __________ pounding noise was giving him a headache. 9. While visiting Hollywood, Sayda was excited by the __________ of movie stars. “You could be standing right beside one and never know it!” she said. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 8. incessant; 9. proximity; 10. hackneyed The next slide explains the answers. 10. Allie has decided to stop saying the __________ word “Hello!” when she answers the phone. Instead, she says “Greetings!”

30 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. affinity B. fledgling C. hackneyed D. incessant E. opulence F. proximity G. sagacious H. supplant I. unassailable J. voluminous 8. Mr. Engelhardt finally told his daughter to stop running in place in her upstairs bedroom; the __________ pounding noise was giving him a headache. incessant Running in place would create a nonstop pounding noise in the house. 9. While visiting Hollywood, Sayda was excited by the __________ of movie stars. “You could be standing right beside one and never know it!” she said. proximity Page 10 in textbook. The words standing right beside suggest the nearness of the stars. 10. Allie has decided to stop saying the __________ word “Hello!” when she answers the phone. Instead, she says “Greetings!” hackneyed Because almost everyone answers the phone by saying “Hello!”, the word might be considered over-used.

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