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Resolving Conflict at Work Rachel www

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1 Resolving Conflict at Work Rachel Weiss @Rowan_Rachel www
Resolving Conflict at Work Rachel

2 Join the Rowan conversations

3 Two CIPD reports Conflict management: a shift in direction? March 2015
Getting under the skin of workplace conflict April 2015

4 Conflict ‘when one party perceives that the other has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that he or she cares about’ Thomas(1992) p653

5 Traditional view of conflict Contemporary view of conflict
Conflict is by definition avoidable Conflict is inevitable Conflict is caused by trouble-makers, boat-rockers and prima donnas Conflict is partly determined by systemic factors, e.g. physical shape of buildings, design of career structures Legal forms of authority and formal procedures used to deal with conflict Conflict is integral to the nature of change Scapegoats are inevitable A minimal level of conflict is optimal Source: Adapted from Luthans, 1995, p. 288–9.


7 Options for employees Do nothing Personal action Informal 3rd party
Mediation Grievance/ Disciplinary Tribunal

8 Dealing with Conflict Tribunal Grievance/Disciplinary Mediation
less control of outcome Tribunal Grievance/Disciplinary Mediation Informal 3rd party Personal action Escalation more control of outcome

9 How employers deal with conflict
Disciplinary Grievance Train line managers Facilitated discussion by HR Settlement agreements Mediation: internal and external Conflict Management: a shift in direction? p11

10 One Definition “Mediation is a structured process whereby an impartial mediator facilitates communication between those in dispute in order for them to understand each other and to come up with mutually acceptable solutions which will improve the working relationship in the future”

11 Principles of Mediation
Voluntary Confidential Solution focussed Disputants offer solutions themselves Mediator is impartial

12 Mediation P1 + M P2 + M + 2 + P1 + P2 + Preparing Changing
Changing P1 + P2 + Consolidating

13 2) Mediator coaches Champion
1) Mediation Champion meets with participants regularly 3) Follow up meeting with participants, mediator, Champion and Organisational Sponsor

14 it can re-establish a relationship when a grievance has been raised.
“We value mediation: it can re-establish a relationship when a grievance has been raised. People should stop and think about how their actions are perceived by others: this can change how they respond. Head of HR, global asset management Conflict Management a shift in direction? p14

15 Strategic dispute resolution
Identify issues Train line managers Give HR mediation training Collect data on conflict management What are the main issues leading to conflict in your organisation? (personal clashes, job descriptions, overload, lack of clear line management)

16 Staff engagement “Mediation supports staff engagement.
Legal advice and ET claims damage the psychological contract” HR director, NHS Conflict management: a shift in direction p17 Trade unions support face to face discussion relying on trust and informal resolution.

17 Rowan courses Management Today Nov 29 & Dec 13 2017 Manager as Coach
Feb Mediation Skills Sept 24 &

18 Join the Rowan conversations

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