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Friday May 19, 2017 What is a consumer? What is a producer?

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Presentation on theme: "Friday May 19, 2017 What is a consumer? What is a producer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday May 19, 2017 What is a consumer? What is a producer?
Give the different types of consumers. And explain them. Give an example of each. What is ecology? What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors. Give examples of each What is a population. Give an example. What is a community?


3 Analysis Questions What was the population in 1978 for both wolves and moose? Which population, the wolves or the moose, must increase first? Why? Name one limiting factor that could have caused a decrease in the moose population. Explain why this factor could have caused the decrease. If the wolf population was reduced, how would this affect the moose population?

4 Interactions in Ecosystems

5 CLIMATE Interactions between ______ and _______ factors
2 major abiotic factors that determine what and how living things can survive in an ecosystem: __________ and ______________ biotic abiotic TEMPERATURE RAINFALL CLIMATE

6 Limiting Factors — A factor that controls the size of a population such as the amount of food, water, living space, and/or sunlight.

7 Limiting Factor examples
Example: Drought in the grasslands affects the population of bison Limiting factor --- Example: Fire in the coniferous forest affects the population of deer water space

8 Carrying capacity ______________  The largest population that can be supported by an environment. When a population grows larger than its carrying capacity, limiting factors will cause it to __________. decrease Carrying capacity  1) Fill in this graph to show a population increasing exponentially until it reaches its carrying capacity. 2) Label the carrying capacity. population time

9 DECREASE exceeds the carrying capacity
Overpopulation  When a species’ population ______________________ of its environment. Limiting factors cause the size of the population to: exceeds the carrying capacity DECREASE

10 Endangered Animals —low population numbers because of limiting factors and/or environment’s carrying capacity for that particular species

11 Endangered Animals (1) A lot of the limiting factors that have decreased the environment’s carrying capacity for a particular species is caused by human intervention (2) Example: Gorillas in the rainforests are endangered because of deforestation, logging and farming.

12 1985 These NASA photographs, showing the destruction of tropical rain forests, provides a visual indication of the rate of deforestation that is taking place in Brazil, which has been especially hard hit by deforestation. In many areas, the amount of clear-cut area now exceeds the area of remaining rain forest timber stands. The solid dark green areas show the remaining tropical rain forest canopy. Scientists predict that half of the Amazon Rainforest will be gone by 2030. 1992

13 Niche= role of an organism in an ecosystem (an organism’s job)
Niche includes its feeding habits, where it lives, its reproductive behavior, and what it contributes to its surroundings.

14 Biodiversity- the number and variety of living things.
“variety of life” Everything depends on everything else! Keeps ecosystems stable!

15 Predator-Prey Analysis
Name one limiting factor that could have caused a decrease in the moose population. Explain why this factor could have caused the decrease.

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