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Unit1 Living well.

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1 Unit1 Living well

2 Learn about Language Pre-reading

3 2 What kind of students were in her class?
Photos 1 to 3 1 What was Jo's job in PNG? A teacher. 2 What kind of students were in her class? Teenage boys. They are poorly dressed.

4 3 Describe the classrooms.
The classrooms are made with wooden poles and have bamboo walls and roofs (except for the new science lab which has a metal roof). The floor has bamboo matting on it. The walls do not reach the roofs (except the walls of the science lab). There is no glass in the windows.

5 Photos 4 to 10 1. Jo took many photos of a visit to a student's village. What can you say about the village? The village is very small. It is by a river at the bottom of a valley. It has steep slopes all around it.

6 2 . What can you say about life in the village?
The village huts are small. They have no windows. They are made of wood and bamboo and have grass roofs. Meals are prepared and cooked outside. One of the crops grown is peanuts. The tool used for this crop is a digging stick. There is a woman carrying a naked baby on her shoulders. She is also carrying a heavy-looking bag. She has bare feet.

7 comprehending 1. Now read the letter and, in groups, discuss these questions. 1 Did you guess correctly about the kind of job Jo has? 2 Would you like to go to a school like the one described in the letter? Give reasons. 3 What are the differences between the school you go to and the one described in the letter?

8 4 What have you learned about the customs and lives of the people in Tombe’s village? Read Jo's letter again and look at her photos. Then complete the table below.

9 Types of houses Diet Family relatio-nship Posses-sions
Small, round, made of bamboo, grass roofs; men’s huts have grass sticking out of the top of the roof, no windows (men and women have separate huts); small doorway, floor covered with fresh grass Sweet potato, corn, greens, banana leaves, peanuts Large extended families (“everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombe’s.” Not many-a few tin plates and cups, a couple of pots

10 cooking methods agricul-ture sleeping arrange-ments beliefs Hot stones are placed in an oil drum, then vegetables are placed in the drum, covered with banana leaves and steamed. Tools are very basic eg a digging stick. (there is no machinery.) The villagers believe in evil spirits. They believe that leftover food attracts evil sprirts so they dry it out in a can over the fire. Then the can is thrown out of the hut. A new sleeping platform for the guests, Kiak usually slept in her own hut.

11 5 Jo felt it was a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family
5 Jo felt it was a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe's family. If you were Jo, how do you think you would have felt? Give reasons. 6 Why do you think Jo became a volunteer in PNG? Give as many possible reasons as you can. Would you like to work as a volunteer in a poor area? Give reasons.

12 2. Find or guess the reasons for these facts according to the reading passage.

13 Facts Reason The boys jumped out of the windows in the science lesson. Jo wondered how relevant chemistry was to the boys. Tombe’s mother cried “ieee ieee” when she saw Jo. Because they were frightened; they had never seen anything like it before. Because most of them would live all their lives as farmers. It was her way to welcome visitors to the village and she drew everyone’s attention to their arrival.

14 Facts Reason There were no windows in Mukap’s hut. The tin can was standing upside down on the grill. Because it was a man’s house? The tin can was used to dry out the leftover food, which might attract evil spirits, so the tin/can was thrown out of the hut.

15 3. What do you think are the positive and negative things about living in a village in Papua New Guinea. Give your reasons. The first one is done for you.

16 Positive aspects Negative aspects Boys value education 1. No running water or electricity. 2. The village might be cut off from the outside world and might not have roads to and from it. 2. Everyone would know each other. 3. The village does not have to rely on outside sources for food. 3. The village might not have a school so students might have to walk a long way to the closest school. 4. People can live without many possessions. 4. There might not be any medical services close by.

17 Learn about Language Discovering useful words and expressions

18 1. Find words in the reading passage that have the following meanings.
1 to change slightly to make something work better 2 a metal shelf for cooking meat, toasting bread, etc 3 connected with what is being done or discussed 4 opening to a room, building, etc 5 an honour 6 how something is organized adjust grill relevant doorway privilege arrangement

19 2. Complete the paragraph with words or phrases from the reading passage.
Sharon looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. Her hair was ______________ all over the place. She smoothed it down with a wet comb. She thought about the time when she had met him three months before. He was the nicest boy she had ever ________ . He had rung her often but now she hadn't ________ him for two weeks. Why not? She decided to find out. She walked down to the ________ to catch the train. She felt both excited and nervous. She was see _______________ him again but what if he didn't want to see her? sticking out come across heard from platform dying out

20 Revising useful structures
Learn about Language Revising useful structures

21 1. Complete each sentence with your own words.
1 I made the present which 2 Painting is an activity that 3 The person to whom you is on holiday. 4 The man who is a doctor. I gave her for her birthday. I really enjoy. need to talk my best friend has just married

22 6 You won't find the theatre where we
unless you have a map . 7 Anne is doing some research on the time when 8 The reason why he was that he was watching an interview of the first Chinese astronaut on TV. are meeting grandmother was a child. was late for school

23 2. Answer the following questions using attributive clauses
2. Answer the following questions using attributive clauses. Use the pronouns in brackets. Compare your answers with a partner. 1 What kind of friend would you like to have? (whom) I'd like to have a friend whom I can trust. 2 What kind of place would you like to go to for a holiday? (where) 3 What kind of bedroom would you like to have? (which / that)

24 4 Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play
4 Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play? (which / that) 5 Why didn't you finish your homework? (why) 6 What kind of person is she married to? (to whom / who) 7 What kind of mobile phone are you going to buy? (which / that) 8 Which day won't you ever forget? (when)

25 Reading and discussing
Using Language Reading and discussing

26 1. Before you read the Internet page, glance quickly at it and answer these questions.
1 . What does the page show you? 2. Where is the list of gifts? 3. In what kind of order are the gifts listed? How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts? 4. Where is the gift card? 5. What do the photos show you?

27 1 . What does the page show you?
2 Where is the list of gifts? A gift catalogue. On the bottom left side of the page.

28 3 In what kind of order are the gifts listed?
How much are the cheapest and dearest gifts? They are ordered from the cheapest to the dearest. The cheapest gift is A: 20 tree seedlings. The dearest is U: a well and water pump.

29 4 Where is the gift card? 5 What do the photos show you? Across the middle of the page (the photo is on the bottom and the words in the card are on the top). The photos show you how particular gifts will be used (that is, to buy sewing machines, provide water, help children).

30 2. On the Internet page, when you click on each gift, you get a description of that gin. In pairs, write the correct gift (A to U) from the Internet page next to each description below. 1. This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income, giving her and her family a better future. (India, Tanzania, Kenya) 2. This gift gives a man or a woman the opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing, and life skills. Adults develop the confidence to participate in the social, economic and political lives of their communities. (Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Uganda) N G

31 3. This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings, as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert. (Kenya, Tanzania, India) 4. This gift buys a goat. A goat gives milk and is a valuable income. Goats increase in number quickly and add much to a family's food and financial security. They are easy and fun for children to care for. (Nepal, India, Uganda) A J

32 5. This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for community primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages. (Southern Sudan) 6. This gift gives a child a good start in life. Community schools provide good quality education for children who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school. (Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda) ' F I

33 Listening and speaking

34 1. In the listening, Jennifer Wells interviews Dr Mary Murray, a volunteer with Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF). They use time expressions to talk about what has happened in Mary's life. Listen to these expressions and number them in the order you hear them.

35 6 8 3 11 9 2 1 4 10 7 5 in 1997 in 1990 in the future for two weeks
for a couple of months over the last few years for six more months in the 1980s in 1992 in two weeks' time 6 8 3 11 9 2 1 4 10 7 5

36 2. With a partner, answer as many of the questions below as you can before you listen for a second time. Then listen and check your answers. 1.Why did Mary decide to work in developing countries? 2 When Mary worked in a clinic in Malawi, why did the children die7 3 In the Sudan, why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came7 4 Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging? 5 What was one of the effects of Mary's experiences on her?

37 1.Why did Mary decide to work in developing countries?
2. When Mary worked in a clinic in Malawi, why did the children die? Because when she worked in an African health clinic, she saw children with illness that could be prevented. Because they didn’t have enough medicines.

38 3 In the Sudan, why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came?
Because the roads became so muddy that they spent most of their days digging the car out.

39 4. Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging?
Because it could be very hot; it could be nearly impossible to get to the clinics when it rained; the clinics were very basic and the only tools she had were a stethoscope and her hands.

40 5. What was one of the effects of Mary's experiences on her?
She now has a much greater appreciation of life and what other people have to go through.

41 Listening

42 1. Jason, Mick and Annie belong to their high school's Community Care Committee (CCC) which decides how the school can serve communities outside the school. Listen to their discussion and number the items below in the order that you first hear them.

43 3 8 1 5 6 4 7 2 The Cancer Council the environment Plan
serving soup to the homeless old people Youth in the City children in hospital The Fred Hollows Foundation 8 1 5 6 4 7 2

44 2. Listen again and complete the table.
organization Who What does it do? Plan The Fred Hollows Foundation The Cancer Council Youth in the city Mick Sponsors children from poor countries. Helps blind people in developing countries to get their sight back. Annie Does research into cancer. Jason Helps young adults to get their Year 10 certificate. Mick

45 Listen again and list the students'
suggestions for raising money. 4. Listen again and list the ways the students could give their time.


47 1. Complete these pairs of sentences with the phrasal verbs in brackets.
1. A You're so wet. Come and ____________ in front of the fire. (dry out / dry up) B There has been no rain for such a long time that the water in the pond has ____________. 2. A After school, Elizabeth _______________ her new skin from the tailor. (pick out / pick up) B Lisa looked at her dresses and ____________ her red one to wear to the school dance. dry out dried up picked up picked out

48 3. A Sally can tell you how to _______________ on the Internet
3. A Sally can tell you how to _______________ on the Internet. (Look out / look up) B I'm going to the match too so I'II _____________ for you. Maybe we can go somewhere afterwards. 4. A Ben's going to __________________ Alice on Saturday but I'm not sure where. (take out / take up) B Andrew says he's going to ______________ the piano during the holidays. 5. A Why don't you ________________ with us on Saturday night? (come out / come up) B Have you __________________ with any ways we can raise money to buy a new TV for the school? look up look out take out take up come out come up

49 2. Find the words in list A in Unit 4 of the Student's Book
2. Find the words in list A in Unit 4 of the Student's Book. Look at the context of each word. Then match each one with a word in list B that has a similar meaning in the same context. Use your dictionary if necessary. Write the pairs of words below.

50 8. assistance/support 9. sickness/illness 10. adapt/adjust ll. participate/take part in l2. tailor/dressmaker 13. nutritional/nourishing 14. skill/ability 1. income/earnings 2. remote/distant 3. purchase/buy 4. trunk/suitcase 5. attractive/lovely 6. security/safety 7. catalogue/list


52 1. You use that after quantifiers and superlatives rather than which
1. You use that after quantifiers and superlatives rather than which. Often that is omitted. Complete these sentences using an attributive clause. 1. The few times ____________________________ ______________were very disappointing because it was too cold to go there. 2. Don't worry about not bringing anything. I'II share the little food ________________________ with all of you. (that)I go swimming in the new swimming pool (that) I have brought with me

53 3 Mrs Yang really wanted to help her daughter's school but there was nothing _________________ because she was very ill. 4 Everything ________________________ was useful. 5 Something ______________________ really upset her. I have no idea what he could have done. (that) she could do (that) you provided for us (that) her boyfriend did

54 (that) you don't want 6. Have you got anything ___________________ ______________? We're collecting things for a sale at our school to raise some money. 7 The best thing ______________________was to go on a trip overseas. 8 It was the funniest book ____________________. anymore (that) I have ever done (that) I have ever read

55 2. Change the underlined phrases into attributive clauses
2. Change the underlined phrases into attributive clauses. The first one is done for you. 1 There was a sleeping boy in my seat on the train. There was a boy who was sleeping in my seat on the train. 2 Alice had an arranged marriage. 3 The crying baby kept me awake all night. Alice had a marriage that was arranged. The baby that was crying kept me awake all night.

56 4. The store sold Adam a damaged CD.
The number of endangered animals has increased in the last few years. 6. The erupting volcano has destroyed several villages. The store sold Adam a CD that was damaged. The number of the animals that are endangered has increased in the last few years. The volcano that is erupting has destroyed several villages.

57 3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the attributive clause correctly.
1. She has not yet answered the question why she left / resigned / gave up her job. 2. Why don't you ask the teacher who's coming to help Diana with her maths to help Oliver too / as well? 3. The man whose dog bit the baby has denied that it was his dog that did it. 4. The restaurant where they planned to have their wedding reception has gone out of business / closed. 5. The woman to whom you spoke on the phone is Kelly's mother. 6. The theatre which is closest to our house is half an hour away by bus.

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