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Helen Capstick & Alison Messenger

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1 Helen Capstick & Alison Messenger
From A(level) to B(TEC): Widening pedagogic strategies for an inclusive learning experience Helen Capstick & Alison Messenger 1. The Rationale Those students who enter Level 4 with non-traditional academic backgrounds tend not to perform as well as those from a traditional academic background. The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between A Level and BTEC students' learning and teaching experience, and how these 'non-traditional' students can be better supported at Solent in order to even up these patterns of achievement. 3. Methods Secondary research In , 49.8% of SSU entrants had a BTEC background: the highest proportion of BTEC entrants in the university sector Local feeder college: class observations; interviews with staff; focus group with students Focus group with students from SADF 2. The Hypothesis BTEC students run the risk of being less likely to achieve ‘good honours’ as they can be uncritical learners at odds with the HE emphasis on independent learning. This hypothesis comes with a proviso: it is also important to value students for what they bring rather than remediate over what they lack. Focus group with SADF and SBL lecturers Unexpected findings Student mental health and student expectations need to be managed better. 4. Findings * Lack of curiosity in students, and no sense of exploration. * Poor academic skills. * Over-reliance on what they can easily access on their phone and through Google. 5. Suggested solutions SSU STAFF An institution-wide transition programme, supporting diverse educational experiences with a progressive, coordinated approach to independent learning. Rich, online learning materials that unpack the idea of ‘studentship’, including critical and reflective thinking, that can be embedded into any unit on a blended basis. * Too much to deal with all in one go; can’t cope with multiple units running at the same time. * Lack of confidence. SSU STUDENTS A ‘learner dashboard’ to provide teaching staff with student data: opportunity to flag students who need support and monitor achievement. Provision of clearer connections between the content of different units, encouraging the transference of skills and knowledge between units. * Freedom to explore but within bounds; assignments are highly structured. * Students are stretched but have lots of tutor support. * Assignments across subjects can feed into each other. COLLEGE

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