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Presentation on theme: "MATHS INFORMATION eVENING"— Presentation transcript:

Mrs Gaynor Richards Maths Subject Leader

2 Aims of our Maths Information Evening
To show the progression of learning of calculations ( + - x ÷ ) across the school Increase understanding of how calculations are taught Share our Maths Calculation Policy

3 Our Calculation policy
Calculation policy - progression from year 1 onwards In line with National Curriculum 2014

4 Year 1 Division Year 1 Group and share small quantities
Using objects, diagrams and pictorial representations to solve problems involving both grouping and sharing.

5 Year 1 Grouping small quantities

6 Year 1 Sharing small quantities

7 Year 2 Division Year 2 Group and share, using the ÷ and = sign
Use objects, arrays, diagrams and pictorial representations, and grouping on a number line.

8 Year 2 Using an array

9 Year 2 Grouping using a number line / bead string

10 Year 3 Division Year 3 Divide 2-digit numbers by a single digit (where there is a remainder in the final answer) Grouping on a number line, followed by short division

11 Year 3 Grouping on a number line where a remainder is in the final answer

12 Year 4 Division Year 4 Divide up to 3-digit numbers by a single digit (without remainders initially) Continue to develop short division

13 Year 4 Divide up to 3-digit numbers by a single digit (without remainders initially) using short division



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