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Presentation on theme: "A PERFORMANCE BASED GLOBAL AIR NAVIGATION SYSTEM: PART I"— Presentation transcript:

FITTING THE PIECES TOGETHER Vince Galotti Chief/ATM ICAO 26 March 2007 SPans2007

2 The emphasis on performance comes from the growing reality of privatized air navigation services and the pressure for greater accountability. The aviation community must respond accordingly when designing, planning, implementing and operating the global air navigation system.

3 Presentation Outline Framework for the Symposium
Performance-putting it into context Evolution-Do you still remember FANS? Global Air Navigation Plan Global Aviation Safety Plan Global ATM Operational Concept Performance-the key to success Fitting the pieces together Part II-Transition –Jim Nagle SPans2007

4 Framework for Symposium
Day 1: High level introductions to set the framework Includes transition to a global air navigation system Day 2: Operational Performance Performance–based transition to a global air navigation system Meeting expectations Day 3: Economic and Management Performance Productivity measures and governance Day 4: Systems performance communications, navigation, surveillance Day 5: Wrap up and Conclusions Throughout the week-Safety performance Measuring safety Data collection and analysis Acceptable levels of safety

5 Putting performance in context
Performance objectives Implementation planning Increase capacity, enhance efficiency, etc. Global Performance Initiatives (GPIs) Global Safety Initiatives (GSIs) Meeting expectations Key performance areas (KPAs) Safety, efficiency, capacity, flexibility, predictability, security Key performance Indicators (KPIs) Tonnes of fuel consumed etc. Systems performance Communications, navigation surveillance Performance targets Performance measurement Acceptable levels of safety


7 Path toward Global ATM Evolution in implementation continues
2010 and beyond Global Air Navigation Plan Accepted by Council-2006 Evolution in implementation continues 2003 1998 Progressive development 1993 1992 1991 1988 1983 2006 Global Plan-initiatives (Industry roadmap) AN-Conf/11 Global ATM Operational Concept Transition strategies ATM system requirements Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems accepted by Council Regional planning performance framework CNS/ATM regional planning & implementation SESAR-NGATS SARPs, PANS & Guidance Material Global Co-ordinated Plan for transition to ICAO CNS/ATM Systems completed Assembly endorsed CNS/ATM systems AN-Conf/10 endorsed FANS concept FANS concept developed FANS Committee established SPans2007

8 Tenth Air Navigation Conference
FANS-----CNS/ATM Systems Global Coordinated Plan for Transition to ICAO CNS/ATM Systems CNS focus was on new technologies ATM focus was on accommodation of user preferred flight profiles Performance concept of RNP Cost/benefits Benefits in general (not specific) Many many goals and benefits

9 ANC review of Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems and establishment of ATMCP
To attain the goal of an integrated, global ATM system, the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems needed to be complemented by an ATM operational concept. This would require a substantial effort Global consensus would need to be reached The Air Navigation Commission established the Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Panel (ATMCP)

10 Global ATM Operational Concept
Vision Statement To achieve an interoperable global air traffic management system, for all users during all phases of flight, that meets agreed levels of safety, provides for optimum economic operations, is environmentally sustainable and meets national security requirements. Air Traffic Management Air traffic management is the dynamic, integrated management of air traffic and airspace — safely, economically and efficiently — through the provision of facilities and seamless services in collaboration with all parties. Scope The air traffic management operational concept describes the services that will be required to operate the global air traffic system up to and beyond The operational concept addresses what is needed to increase user flexibility and maximize operating efficiencies in order to increase system capacity and improve safety levels in the future air traffic management system.

11 Eleventh Air Navigation Conference How we get there
Endorsed the global ATM operational concept Requested ICAO to: develop ATM system requirements address interoperability and seamlessness define requirements for global AIM publish the operational concept amend the Global Plan harmonize interregional AN systems establish an ICAO air navigation database develop a performance framework SPans2007

12 Eleventh Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/11) — Outcome
That States and PIRGs consider the Global Air Navigation Plan for CNS/ATM Systems as a catalyst for change, providing a global safety and interoperability framework while allowing regional or local adaptation to efficiently meet regional and local needs SPans2007

13 Endorsement by the 35th Session of the Assembly
Assembly Resolution A35-15 Calls upon States, regional planning groups and the aviation industry to use the ICAO Global ATM Operational Concept as the common framework to guide planning and implementation of CNS/ATM systems and to focus all such development work on the operational concept Urges the Council to take the steps necessary to ensure that the future global ATM system is performance-based and that the performance objectives and targets for the future system are developed in a timely manner

14 Partnering with Industry
ANC Industry Meeting (2004) – Conclusions That those industry partners in a position to do so, work together toward the development of a common roadmap/global action plan, aimed at attaining operational benefits in the near to medium term for inclusion in the ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan SPans2007

15 Partnering with Industry
To ensure that the capabilities and capacities offered through existing aircraft equipage, ATM infrastructure and ATC systems are utilized to the maximum extent possible To deliver transitional benefits while we continue our evolution SPans2007

16 Global Plan as a transition roadmap
Revised Global Plan developed on the basis of Recommendations of AN-Conf/11 Global ATM Operational Concept, which provides the target system Industry Roadmap, which provides the near and medium industry requirements Assembly Resolution A35-15 Global Plan provides guidance on environment, business case, costs, human resources, etc. SPans2007

17 Global Performance Initiatives (GPI)
Options for ATM improvements Relate to ATM objectives in older version of Global Plan Result in direct performance enhancements Meet performance objectives Based on Industry Roadmaps and current regional activities Bring near- and medium-term benefits to aircraft operators Regional planning groups establish work programmes SPans2007

18 Global Performance Initiatives Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
(GPI-5) Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Scope: The incorporation of advanced aircraft navigation capabilities into the air navigation system infrastructure. Related ATM objectives: Application of required navigation performance; Application of required surveillance performance; Reduced longitudinal separation; Reduced lateral separation SPans2007


20 Use of the word “Performance”
Performance Objectives In the context of the Global Plan means “ATM Improvement Programmes” including “timelines” Global performance Initiatives (GPIs) Performance framework In the context of the operational concept is associated with the “expectations” of the ATM Community 11 KPAs

21 Measuring performance by meeting expectations
Capacity Cost-effectiveness Efficiency Environment Flexibility Global interoperability Access and equity Participation Predictability Safety Security

22 Air navigation system performance things to think about
Members of the aviation community will have differing performance demands of the system All will have safety expectations Some will focus mainly on cost-effectiveness, while others may emphasize efficiency and predictability For optimum system performance, each of these sometimes competing expectations will need to be balanced explicit safety outcomes will need to be met and demonstrated You can please some of the people all of the time You can please all of the people some of the time But you cannot please all of the people all of the time


24 Approach to implementation
The approach to implementation of GPIs builds on: progress already achieved experience gained by PIRGs in the previous cycle of CNS/ATM systems implementation process existing capabilities of the air navigation systems; and successful regional implementation SPans2007


26 PLANNING STRUCTURE Global Planning (ICAO) Regional planning (ICAO)
Operation Concept SARPS 1 Global Planning (ICAO) 2 Global Plan [Top-down] Regional planning (ICAO) 3 Regional Air Navigation Plans [Bottom-up] ATM Implementation/ Operational Evolution Plans Investment Plans National planning (States) 6 Etc. National Architectures Operational Concepts 4 5 Strategic Plans

27 CONCLUSION Global ATM 11th AN Conf 10th AN Conf Industry roadmap
Global Air Navigation Plan 11th AN Conf FANS Industry roadmap ATMCP CNS/ATM Operational Concept ATMRPP Global Plan Transition strategies Regional planning and implementation ATM system requirements NGATS Boeing ATM SESAR Global ATM Performance framework EADS Airbus ATM Free Flight EATCHIP-EATMP


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