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Published byPatrick Hancock Modified over 6 years ago
SHRM Survey Findings: 2014 Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies
October 30, 2014
Introduction This is Part 3 of a series of SHRM survey results about the state of jobs and skills in the current economic condition, which relates to a SHRM survey series about the ongoing impact of the U.S. and global recession from 2007 to Overall results will be reported separately in three different topic areas: Overall financial health and hiring. Recruiting and skills gaps. Global competition and hiring strategies. Overall results for 2013 will also be reported separately for California. Industry-specific results for the nine industries that were included in the sample will also be reported for each question throughout the report. The nine industries are: Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade. Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. Educational services. Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing. Government agencies. Health care and social assistance. High-tech. Manufacturing. Professional, scientific, and technical services. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Key Findings What strategies have organizations been using to deal with recruiting challenges for full-time regular positions? Of the 50% of organizations that indicated they were having difficulty recruiting for full-time regular positions, more than one-half (54%) used social media to deal with such challenges, followed by collaborating with educational institutions (48%) and expanding advertising efforts (41%). Organizations have also applied strategies that focus on using current employees, including training existing employees to take on the hard-to-fill positions (39%) and increasing retention efforts (37%). Larger organizations were more likely to report using social media and collaborating with educational institutions to deal with recruiting challenges compared with smaller organizations. Organizations in the high-tech and the professional, scientific, and technical services industries were most likely to use social media to deal with recruiting challenges (74% and 65%, respectively). The most effective strategies for dealing with recruiting challenges included using social media (51%), expanding advertising efforts (51%), using a recruitment agency (51%) and training existing employees to take on the hard-to-fill positions (49%). Are organizations facing global competition when recruiting applicants for hard-to-fill jobs? Fourteen percent of organizations believe they are facing global competition for qualified applicants for jobs they are having difficulty filling, similar to 13% reported in 2012. Organizations in the high-tech industry (37%) were more likely than those in other industries to believe that they are facing global competition for hard-to-fill jobs. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Key Findings (continued)
Have organizations been hiring workers from outside the U.S. for jobs that have been difficult to fill? One-fifth (20%) of organizations have sponsored foreign nationals for H-1B visas in an attempt to fill key full-time regular positions that have been difficult to fill with qualified U.S. employees. For O visas, TN visas and other visas, the percentages were 2%, 8% and 7%, respectively. Overall, larger organizations were more likely than smaller organizations to have sponsored foreign nationals for various types of visas. The high-tech industry is more likely than other industries to have hired workers from outside the U.S. and to plan to continue in an attempt to recruit for hard-to-fill jobs (51% for H-1B visas and 25% for TN visas, respectively). Have organizations been hiring U.S. veterans for jobs that have been difficult to fill? Almost two-thirds (64%) of organizations reported hiring U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months, an increase from 39% in 2011 and 58% in 2012. Larger organizations were more likely than smaller organizations to have hired U.S. veterans in an attempt to recruit for hard-to-fill jobs. Government agencies (73%) were more likely than organizations in other industries to have hired U.S. veterans in an attempt to recruit for hard-to-fill jobs. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
What Do These Findings Mean for the HR Profession?
In their desire to find workers with skills that match their organization’s job openings, HR professionals should consider partnerships or some form of outreach with local educational institutions. Private-sector collaboration with vocational schools, which can involve developing curricula that help build skills required by local employers, has become a popular approach in some U.S. cities. Nearly half of the respondents to this survey said they have collaborated with educational institutions to deal with recruiting challenges. Recent research by SHRM has shown that many employers have cut back on funding for some forms of professional and career development, such as tuition assistance and cross-training for employees. This runs counterintuitive to efforts to find properly skilled individuals for open positions, and may be due only to economic conditions that have caused some employers to tighten their budgets. Nonetheless, professional development assistance should be an important tool for HR professionals to strengthen the skills of their employees. Two-fifths of respondents to this survey said training existing employees for hard-to-fill positions was effective when dealing with recruiting challenges. Across all industries, high-tech appears to have the greatest demand for highly skilled workers. The sector has been a strong performer in the U.S. economy, but HR professionals in that industry should make concerted efforts to train employees and develop partnerships to recruit and retain high-skilled workers. The high-tech industry was most likely to recruit globally for hard-to-fill positions, and its HR professionals, more frequently than in all other sectors, identified global competition for talent as a recruiting challenge for their organization. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (All Industries) More than one-half (54%) of organizations indicated using social media, followed by collaborating with educational institutions (48%) and expanding advertising efforts (41%). Organizations have also used strategies that focus on using current employees, including training existing employees to take on the hard-to-fill positions (39%) and increasing retention efforts (37%). Note: Only respondents whose organizations were having a difficult time recruiting for certain types of jobs were asked this question. Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. *Response was not included in the 2012 survey. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (All Industries, continued) Note: Only respondents whose organizations were having a difficult time recruiting for certain types of jobs were asked this question. Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. *Response was not included in the 2012 survey. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (All Industries) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 100 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are expanding the geographic search region to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 500 to 24,999 employees were more likely than organizations with 100 to 499 employees to indicate that they are expanding the geographic search region to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are using social media to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 100 to 499 employees to indicate that they are using social media to deal with recruiting challenges. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (All Industries, continued) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 100 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are collaborating with educational institutions to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they are collaborating with educational institutions to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 100 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are seeking talent from nontraditional sources (e.g., veterans, retirees) to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 2,499 employees to indicate that they are seeking talent from nontraditional sources (e.g., veterans, retirees) to deal with recruiting challenges. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-time Regular Positions (All Industries, Continued) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are increasing retention efforts to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they are increasing retention efforts to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to indicate that they are providing monetary incentives to candidates (e.g., signing bonus) to deal with recruiting challenges. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they are providing monetary incentives to candidates (e.g., signing bonus) to deal with recruiting challenges. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (All Industries, continued) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 1 to 99 employees were more likely than organizations with 500 to 24,999 employees to indicate that they are improving the benefits package to deal with recruiting challenges. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (by Industry) Using Social Media Collaborating with Educational Institutions Expanding Advertising Efforts Training Existing Employees to Take on the Hard-to-Fill Positions Using a Recruitment Agency Increasing Retention Efforts All industries (n = 2,900) 54% 48% 41% 39% 37% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 280) 60% 51% 38% 49% 33% 43% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 290) 50% 42% 47% Educational services (n = 305) 52% 26% 20% 30% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 267) 59% 40% Government agencies (n = 463) 44% 45% 15% 27% Health care and social assistance (n = 301) 53% 55% 46% High-tech (n = 137) 74% 56% 28% 61% Manufacturing (n = 365) Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 410) 65% 34% 32% Organizations in the high-tech and professional, scientific and technical services industries are most likely to use social media to deal with recruiting challenges (74% and 65%, respectively). Note: Respondents who answered "don't know" were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-Time Regular Positions (by Industry, continued) Expanding Training Programs to Help Improve Skills of New Hires Targeting Passive Job Seekers Seeking Talent from Nontraditional Sources Expanding Geographic Search Region Using/Enhancing Employee Referral Program Improving Compensation All industries (n = 2,900) 37% 33% 32% 30% 26% 24% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 280) 45% 38% 34% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 290) 42% 36% 41% 31% Educational services (n = 305) 18% 9% 16% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 267) 39% 27% 23% 35% Government agencies (n = 463) 28% 6% 19% Health care and social assistance (n = 301) 22% 25% High-tech (n = 137) 57% 47% Manufacturing (n = 365) 40% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 410) 49% 29% Note: Respondents who answered "don't know" were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Strategies Organizations Used to Deal with Recruiting Challenges for Full-time Regular Positions (by Industry, continued) Offering More Flexible Work Arrangements Providing Monetary Incentives to Candidates Improving Benefits Package Offering New Job Perks Other None; No Recruiting Strategies Used All industries (n = 2,900) 23% 19% 14% 7% 3% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 280) 20% 10% 2% 5% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 290) 25% 8% Educational services (n = 305) 15% 11% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 267) 26% 21% Government agencies (n = 463) 13% Health care and social assistance (n = 301) 28% 4% High-tech (n = 137) 36% 39% 12% Manufacturing (n = 365) 6% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 410) 29% Note: Respondents who answered "don't know" were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Recruiting Strategies Organizations Feel Are Most Effective (All Industries)
Among strategies used by organizations, using social media (51%), expanding advertising efforts (51%), using a recruitment agency (51%), and training existing employees to take on the hard-to-fill positions (49%) were reported as most effective in dealing with recruiting challenges. Note: n = ,571. Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Respondents were asked only about those recruiting strategies that their organizations were using and were allowed to select up to three options. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Recruiting Strategies Organizations Feel Are Most Effective (All Industries, continued)
Note: n = ,571. Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Respondents were asked only about those recruiting strategies that their organizations were using and were allowed to select up to three options. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Recruiting Strategies Organizations Feel Are Most Effective (by Industry)
Expanding Advertising Efforts Using a Recruitment Agency Using Social Media Training Existing Employees to Take on the Hard-to-Fill Positions Targeting Passive Job Seekers Using/Enhancing Employee Referral Program All industries (n = ,571) 51% 49% 42% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = ) 40% 53% 45% 46% 39% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = ) 57% 47% 48% 43% 54% Educational services (n = ) 66% 36% - Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = ) 55% 52% 44% Government agencies (n = ) 61% 29% 60% 34% Health care and social assistance (n = ) 50% High-tech (n = ) 31% 37% Manufacturing (n = ) 35% 68% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = ) Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Respondents were asked only about those recruiting strategies that their organizations were using and were allowed to select up to three options. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. “-” Percentage was not reportable due to small sample size (n < 30). Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Recruiting Strategies Organizations Feel Are Most Effective (by Industry, continued)
Improving Compensation Package Offering More Flexible Work Arrangements Collaborating with Educational Institutions Expanding Training Programs to Help Improve Skills of New Hires Expanding Geographic Search Region Increasing Retention Efforts All industries (n = ,571) 41% 40% 37% 33% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = ) 39% 34% 42% 27% 43% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = ) 32% 30% 26% Educational services (n = ) 47% 51% 44% 31% 36% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = ) 28% 45% Government agencies (n = ) 55% 46% 29% Health care and social assistance (n = ) 35% 38% High-tech (n = ) 23% Manufacturing (n = ) 25% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = ) Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Respondents were asked only about those recruiting strategies that their organizations were using and were allowed to select up to three options. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. “-” Percentage was not reportable due to small sample size (n < 30). Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Recruiting Strategies Organizations Feel Are Most Effective (by Industry, continued)
Providing Monetary Incentives To Candidates (e.g., Signing Bonus) Improving Benefits Package Seeking Talent From Nontraditional Sources (e.g., Veterans, Retirees) Offering New Job Perks All industries (n = ,571) 31% 29% 27% 12% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = ) 34% - Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = ) 28% Educational services (n = ) 38% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = ) 25% 21% Government agencies (n = ) 41% 43% Health care and social assistance (n = ) 24% High-tech (n = ) Manufacturing (n = ) 30% 42% 20% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = ) 33% 18% 9% Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Respondents were asked only about those recruiting strategies that their organizations were using and were allowed to select up to three options. Percentages do not equal 100% due to multiple response options. “-” Percentage was not reportable due to small sample size (n < 30). Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Do You Believe That Your Organization Is Facing Global Competition (i
Do You Believe That Your Organization Is Facing Global Competition (i.e., Competition from Other Countries) for Talent for Hard-to-Fill* Jobs? (All Industries) Fourteen percent of organizations believe they are facing global competition for qualified applicants for jobs they are having difficulty filling, similar to 13% reported in 2012. n = 720 n = 1,492 n = 2,253 Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. * Question stated “for full-time regular positions that your organization has been having difficulty filling.” Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Do You Believe That Your Organization Is Facing Global Competition (i
Do You Believe That Your Organization Is Facing Global Competition (i.e., Competition from Other Countries) for Talent for Hard-to-Fill* Jobs? (by Industry) Organizations in the high-tech industry (37%) were more likely than those in other industries to believe that they are facing global competition for hard-to-fill jobs. Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. * Question stated “for full-time regular positions that your organization has been having difficulty filling.” Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (All Industries) One-fifth (20%) of organizations have sponsored foreign nationals for H-1B visas in an attempt to fill key full-time regular positions that have been difficult to fill with qualified U.S. employees. For O visas, TN visas and other visas, the percentages were 2%, 7% and 7%, respectively. n = 2,560 n = 2,261 Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Fime Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (All Industries, continued) n = 2,301 n = 2,131 Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (All Industries) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they have sponsored foreign nationals for H-1B visas in an attempt to fill key full-time regular positions that have been difficult to fill with qualified U.S. employees. Organizations with 2,500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 2,499 employees to indicate that they have sponsored foreign nationals for H-1B visas. Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they have sponsored foreign nationals for TN visas in an attempt to fill key full-time regular positions that have been difficult to fill with qualified U.S. employees. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (All Industries, continued) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 499 employees to indicate that they have sponsored foreign nationals for other types of visas in an attempt to fill key full-time regular positions that have been difficult to fill with qualified U.S. employees. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (by Industry) H-1B visas (specialty occupation workers) Have Recruited and Plan to Continue Have Recruited but Do NOT Plan to Continue Have Not Recruited but Plan to in the Next 12 Months Have Not Recruited and Do NOT Plan to in the Next 12 Months All industries (n = 2,560) 20% 7% 2% 71% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 233) 13% 5% 80% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 259) 22% 8% 68% Educational services (n = 269) 31% 9% 57% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 227) 15% 6% 1% 78% Government agencies (n = 408) 88% Health care and social assistance (n = 269) 3% 74% High-tech (n = 130) 51% 39% Manufacturing (n = 327) 69% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 369) 28% 10% 60% Organizations in the high-tech (51%), educational services (31%) and professional, scientific, and technical services industries (28%) were more likely to have recruited foreign nationals for H-1B visas and plan to continue, compared to those in other industries. Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (by Industry, continued) O visas (individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement) Have Recruited and Plan to Continue Have Recruited but Do NOT Plan to Continue Have Not Recruited but Plan to in the Next 12 Months Have Not Recruited and Do NOT Plan to in the Next 12 Months All industries (n = 2,261) 2% 1% 94% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 215) 0% 97% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 223) 3% 93% Educational services (n = 221) 5% 4% 90% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 206) 98% Government agencies (n = 388) Health care and social assistance (n = 244) High-tech (n = 92) 8% 87% Manufacturing (n = 289) 96% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 317) 91% Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (by Industry, continued) TN visas (Treaty NAFTA visas for Mexican and Canadian businesspeople) Have Recruited and Plan to Continue Have Recruited but Do NOT Plan to Continue Have Not Recruited but Plan to in the Next 12 Months Have Not Recruited and Do NOT Plan to in the Next 12 Months All industries (n = 2,301) 8% 2% 3% 88% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 211) 0% 1% 97% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 239) 14% 82% Educational services (n = 225) Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 205) 4% 94% Government agencies (n = 385) Health care and social assistance (n = 243) 5% 91% High-tech (n = 103) 25% 66% Manufacturing (n = 297) 86% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 328) 79% Organizations in the high-tech (25%), professional, scientific, and technical services (14%) and construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industries (14%) were more likely to have recruited foreign nationals for TN visas and plan to continue, compared to those in other industries. Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Sponsorship for Foreign Nationals for Key Full-Time Positions That Are Difficult to Fill with Qualified U.S. Employees (by Industry, continued) Other visas Have Recruited and Plan to Continue Have Recruited but Do NOT Plan to Continue Have Not Recruited but Plan to in the Next 12 Months Have Not Recruited and Do NOT Plan to in the Next 12 Months All industries (n = 2,131) 7% 2% 90% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 207) 9% 1% 89% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 208) 5% 4% Educational services (n = 211) 12% 3% 83% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 196) 95% Government agencies (n = 370) 0% Health care and social assistance (n = 228) 93% High-tech (n = 89) 19% 74% Manufacturing (n = 274) 8% Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 289) 10% 84% Note: Respondents who answered “don't know” were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Organizations That Hired U. S
Organizations That Hired U.S. Veterans for Full-Time Regular Positions in the Last 12 Months (All Industries) Almost two-thirds (64%) of organizations reported hiring U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months, an increase from 39% in 2011 and 58% in 2012. Note: n = 2,561. Respondents who answered "don't know" were excluded from this analysis. Percentages do not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Organizations That Hired U. S
Organizations That Hired U.S. Veterans for Full-Time Regular Positions in the Last 12 Months (by Industry) Almost two-thirds (64%) of organizations reported hiring U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months, an increase from 39% in 2011 and 58% in 2012. Note: Respondents who answered "don't know" were excluded from this analysis. Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Organizations That Hired U. S
Organizations That Hired U.S. Veterans for Full-Time Regular Positions in the Last 12 Months (All Industries) Comparison by organization staff size Organizations with 100 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 1 to 99 employees to have hired U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months. Organizations with 500 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 100 to 499 employees to have hired U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months. Organizations with 25,000 or more employees were more likely than organizations with 500 to 2,499 employees to have hired U.S. veterans for full-time regular positions in the last 12 months. Note: Only statistically significant differences are shown. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Organization Industry
Percentage Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade 10% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction Educational services 11% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing 9% Government agencies 16% Health care and social assistance High-tech 5% Manufacturing 12% Professional, scientific, and technical services 14% Other industry 3% Note: n = 3,335. Percentages do not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Organization Sector (All Industries)
Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Organization Sector (by Industry)
Privately Owned For-Profit Government Publicly Owned For-Profit Nonprofit All industries (n = 3,335) 45% 20% 15% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 330) 63% 0% 36% 2% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 336) 71% 28% 1% Educational services (n = 367) 9% 39% 4% 48% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 307) 56% 24% 19% Government agencies (n = 537) 100% Health care and social assistance (n = 349) 32% 59% High-tech (n = 156) 54% 44% Manufacturing (n = 404) Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 458) 76% 5% Other industry (n = 91) 57% 22% 21% Note: Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Region (All Industries)
Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Region (by Industry)
South West Midwest Northeast All industries (n = 3,022) 39% 23% 22% 16% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 287) 37% 29% 20% 14% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 304) 44% 25% 18% 13% Educational services (n = 330) 36% 26% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 279) 33% 19% Government agencies (n = 494) 48% 24% 21% 6% Health care and social assistance (n = 323) High-tech (n = 142) 30% 12% Manufacturing (n = 365) Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 418) 42% 17% Other industry (n = 80) Note: Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Organization Staff Size (All Industries)
Note: n = 2,945 . Percentages do not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Organization Staff Size (by Industry)
1 to 99 Employees 100 to 499 Employees 500 to 2,499 Employees 2,500 to 24,999 Employees 25,000 or More Employees All industries (n = 2,945) 21% 31% 22% 20% 7% Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade (n = 278) 14% 27% 17% 19% 24% Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (n = 301) 23% 33% 3% Educational services (n = 318) 10% 29% 32% 25% Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing (n = 279) 6% Government agencies (n = 470) 13% 30% 4% Health care and social assistance (n = 314) 15% 9% High-tech (n = 143) 16% Manufacturing (n = 355) Professional, scientific, and technical services (n = 409) 40% 11% 5% Other industry (n = 78) 36% 8% Note: Percentages may not equal 100% due to rounding. Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Demographics: Other (All Industries)
For multi-unit organizations, are HR policies and practices determined by the multi-unit headquarters, by each work location or by both? Does your organization have U.S.-based operations (business units) only, or does it operate multinationally? Multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 48% Each work location determines HR policies and practices 3% A combination of both the work location and the multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 49% U.S.-based operations only 71% Multinational operations 29% n = 3,092 Is your organization a single-unit organization or a multi-unit organization? n = 2,223 Single-unit organization: An organization in which the location and the organization are one and the same. 31% Multi-unit organization: An organization that has more than one location. 69% n = 3,116 Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
SHRM Survey Findings Survey Methodology Response rate = 13%
3,335 HR professionals participated in this survey from a randomly selected sample of SHRM’s membership from nine different industries: Accommodation and food services, retail/wholesale trade. Construction, mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. Educational services. Finance, insurance, real estate and rental and leasing. Government agencies. Health care and social assistance. High-tech. Manufacturing. Professional, scientific, and technical services. Margin of error +/-2% Survey fielded December 16, January 16, 2014 Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
Additional SHRM Resources
SHRM Leading Indicators of National Employment (LINE) SHRM Jobs Outlook Survey (JOS) SHRM Metro Economic Outlooks SHRM’s Workforce Readiness Resource Page SHRM Foundation: What’s Next: Future Global Trends Affecting Your Organization, Evolution of Work and the Worker Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
About SHRM Research For more survey/poll findings, visit For more information about SHRM’s Customized Research Services, visit Follow us on Project lead: Tanya Mulvey, researcher, SHRM Research Project contributors: Alexander Alonso, Ph.D., SPHR, vice president, SHRM Research Evren Esen, director, Survey Programs, SHRM Research Yan Dong, Survey Research Center, SHRM Research Christina Lee, researcher, SHRM Research Qikun Niu, intern, SHRM Research Jennifer Schramm, manager, Workplace Trends and Forecasting, SHRM Research Copy editor: Katya Scanlan, SHRM Knowledge Center Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
About SHRM Founded in 1948, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the world’s largest HR membership organization devoted to human resource management. Representing more than 275,000 members in over 160 countries, the Society is the leading provider of resources to serve the needs of HR professionals and advance the professional practice of human resource management. SHRM has more than 575 affiliated chapters within the United States and subsidiary offices in China, India and United Arab Emirates. Visit us at Economic Conditions—Global Competition and Hiring Strategies ©SHRM 2014
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