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Welcome to 4th Grade! with Miss. McQuesten

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4th Grade! with Miss. McQuesten"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4th Grade! with Miss. McQuesten
Dear Families and Students of Room 330, I hope you have enjoyed your summer vacation to its fullest and are as ready to come back to school as I am! I have spent the past few weeks getting our classroom organized and ready to go. I am excited for what this year has in store for us since we are both new to W.I.S! Some topics we will be learning about this year are fractions, division, rocks, minerals, states and capitals, and much more! Enjoy your last few days of summer and I look forward to meeting each and every one of you!  With Love, Miss. McQuesten Contact Information: WIS- (508) ext: - Scholastic Code: Q3ZRR A few of my Favorites: color- purple food - dark chocolate drink- iced coffee quote- “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Subject- math season - fall

2 Class Supplies: for you to be successful in 4th grade
Student: Mini white board9X13 white board markers - white board eraser (socks work awesome!) - Folders of different colors (5) notebooks (5) pencils & erasers black, blue or red pen Markers Crayons post-it notes Pencil box Independent reading book Throughout the school year we will be in need of the following supplies: Antibacterial wipes hand soap hand sanitizer Paper Towels tissues ziploc bags gently used chapter books 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade levels for our library Class Donations would be greatly appreciated! 

3 Curriculum Topics: I have listed a few of the topics we will be focusing on this year in the 4th grade! Math: Place Value Fractions Multiplying 2 digit by 2 digit numbers Division Improving fact fluency Grammar/Writing/Read ing Multi-paragraph writing Writing for a purpose Increasing independent reading stamina Reading comprehension Themes in a novel Science: Electricity Rocks Minerals Plants Social Studies: States Capitals Regions of the United States

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