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Collecting Primary Data Through Observation

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1 Collecting Primary Data Through Observation

2 Purpose of Observation:
To examine and understand what people do. Types of observation: Participant Observation Qualitative technique To discover meaning that people attach to their action Structured Observation Quantitative Technique To see frequency of actions Term: Those who agree to be observed = “informants” Researcher = “Participant”

3 Type of Participant Observation
Complete Participant Researcher become a member of the group. Researcher not reveal the true purpose to the group members A kind of ‘spying’ Complete Observer Researcher not reveal the purpose. Researcher do not take part in the activities. Just observe the behavior

4 Type of Participant Observation
Observer-as-participant Researcher reveal the true purpose to the group members. Main role is to observe but when necessary you participate Participant-as-observer Researcher reveal the purpose. Main role is participant then observe the behavior

5 Factors that will determine the choice of participant observer role
The purpose of your research Your status: Part-time student or full time student Time The degree of adaptability and your personality Organizational access Ethical consideration

6 Data collection and analysis
Note making (diary) Record on the same day; Observed Describes Narrates Forms of observation: Traditional Technologies i.e video Data analysis: Use qualitative method Carry out data collection & analysis simultaneously. Do informal discussion to clarify situation

7 Structured Observation
The concern is to quantify behavior. Just a part of your data collection approach Just to know how frequent things happen, rather than WHY they happen. Coding Schedule: Example 1: Delighting the customer Behavior Was the behavior observed? Comments Yes No Smiles & Make aye contact Greet the customer in a friendly manner Gives the customer undivided attention

8 Structured Observation
Coding Schedule Example 2: If I were observing in the Library Café and was interested in interactions between students and the staff working at the cash-registers I could code each student’s behaviour in the following way: No conversation, no eye contact, no smile Eye contact and/or smile, no conversation Conversation, only as required by the transaction Conversation as required by the transaction and polite thanks. Conversation that goes beyond transaction and polite thanks.

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