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Bible Jeopardy Early Church Round 2

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1 Bible Jeopardy Early Church Round 2
Mary & Martha Judas Iscariot Mary Magdalene Thomas Advent $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Instructor Notes Jump to a question by clicking on the appropriate button. The question will appear first then any click will unveil the answer. To return to the main presentation, click on the button in the upper left of the screen. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Mary & Martha $100 Question Correct Answer
What was the name of Mary & Martha’s hometown? Correct Answer Bethany

3 Mary & Martha $200 Question Correct Answer
What was the name of Mary & Martha’s brother? Correct Answer Lazarus

4 Mary & Martha $300 Question Correct Answer
Which sister listened to Jesus teach while the other sister did all the work? Correct Answer Mary

5 Mary & Martha $400 Question Correct Answer
Which sister perfumed Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair? Correct Answer Mary

6 Mary & Martha $500 Question Correct Answer
Which sister warned Jesus not to roll away the stone from Lazarus’ tomb? Correct Answer Martha

7 Judas Iscariot $100 Question Correct Answer
What was Judas in charge of carrying? Correct Answer The money bag

8 Judas Iscariot $200 Question Correct Answer
What does the disciple John accuse Judas of being? Correct Answer A thief and a devil

9 Judas Iscariot $300 Question Correct Answer
What infamous deed did Judas do? Correct Answer Betray Jesus

10 Judas Iscariot $400 Question Correct Answer
How did Judas identify Jesus to the Jewish leaders? Correct Answer With a kiss

11 Judas Iscariot $500 Question Correct Answer
How did Judas Iscariot die? Correct Answer Committed suicide (by hanging)

12 Mary Magdalene $100 Question Correct Answer
What town is Mary Magdalene from? Correct Answer Magdala - a Gentile town near Lake Gennesaret 

13 Mary Magdalene $200 Question Correct Answer
What did Jesus cure Mary Magdalene of? Correct Answer Seven demons

14 Mary Magdalene $300 Question Correct Answer
True or False: Mary Magdalene was not present when Jesus was crucified? Correct Answer False

15 Mary Magdalene $400 Question Correct Answer
What was Mary Magdalene the first person to witness? Correct Answer The Risen Jesus

16 Mary Magdalene $500 Question Correct Answer
When Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb and was crying, who did she mistake Jesus for? Correct Answer A gardener

17 Thomas $100 Question Correct Answer What does the name Thomas mean?

18 Thomas $200 Question Correct Answer
True or False: Thomas was loyal and courageous? Correct Answer True – When Jesus wanted to go back to Jerusalem and the other disciples were afraid, Thomas said, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” (John 11:16)

19 Thomas $300 Question Correct Answer
What is Thomas most remembered for? Correct Answer His doubt (Doubting Thomas)

20 Thomas $400 Question Correct Answer
Where is it believed that Thomas did his missionary work? Correct Answer India

21 Thomas $500 Question Correct Answer
What does tradition claim Thomas was the only eyewitness of? Correct Answer The Assumption of Mary

22 Advent $100 Question Correct Answer
What does Advent mark the beginning of? Correct Answer The Church year

23 Advent $200 Question Correct Answer What is the purpose of Advent?
Preparation – To prepare for the birth of Jesus and also for the second coming of Jesus at the end of time

24 Advent $300 Question Correct Answer When does Advent begin?
Four Sundays before Christmas

25 Advent $400 Question Correct Answer
Where did the Advent calendar originate? Correct Answer Germany

26 Advent $500 Question Correct Answer
What Holy Day to we celebrate during Advent? Correct Answer Immaculate Conception - December 8 commemorates the day that Mary was conceived without sin

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