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Biosensor 서울대학교 화학생물공학부 박 태 현.

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Presentation on theme: "Biosensor 서울대학교 화학생물공학부 박 태 현."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biosensor 서울대학교 화학생물공학부 박 태 현

2 Biosensor Device that uses a biological element as an intimate part of a sensor Organism-based biosensor Cell-based biosensor Biomolecule-based biosensor

3 Organism-Based Biosensor
Human – 5 senses (2 chemical senses) Canary – sensing for methane and carbon monooxide in coal mine (more than 100 years ago) Fish, Daphnia – water quality Dog – drug, explosive

4 Cell-Based Biosensor Magnetic bacteria – water quality
Olfactory biosensor – smell sensing Organism- or cell-based biosensors are not specific for certain compounds but are capable of responding to a wide range of biologically active compound and offers the potential to gather information content.

5 Biomolecule-Based Biosensor
Protein : enzyme, antibody, receptor DNA, RNA Aptamer

6 Olfactory and Taste Biosensor
Using Human Receptors 6

7 in Physiology or Medicine Discovery of Smell Sensing Mechanism
2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Discovery of Smell Sensing Mechanism

8 Olfactory System General Smell Nasal Cavity Sexual Information

9 Olfactory System Olfactory Bulb Olfactory Epithelium Vomeronasal Organ

10 Olfactory Receptor Brain Bone Olfactory Epithelium Olfactory Receptor

11 Olfactory Signal Transduction

12 Receptor and Cell for Biosensor
Receptor-Based Biosensor E. coli HEK-293 (Human Cell) Cell-Based Biosensor HEK-293 (Human Cell)

13 Expression of Receptor in E. coli
Western Blot Sung, Ko, and Park, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 21, (2006) Kim et al., Advanced Materials, 21, (2009)

14 Purification of Receptor
Song, Lee, Oh, and Park, Current Microbiol., 21, (2009)

15 Expression of Receptor
on Surface of HEK-293 Cell Western Blot 84 KDa 79 KDa 118 KDa (I7) Ko, and Park, Biological Chemistry, 387, (2006)

16 Development of Biosensor
Cell-Based Receptor-Based Biological Recognition Element (Primary Transducer) Whole Cell Biochip Hardware Platform (Secondary Transducer) Sensor Platform

17 Primary Transducer Receptor-Based Receptor expressed in E. coli
Receptor expressed on HEK-293 cell surface Cell-Based HEK-293 cell with receptor expressed on the cell surface

18 Secondary Transducer Nanotube QCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance)
SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) Microelectrode Nanotube

19 QCM (quartz crystal microbalance)
: Odorant : Olfactory receptor protein : Dried cell : Coated gold : Quartz crystal ΔF = -F Δm / (A r t)

20 SPR G Golf PLC G Odorant Solution Ca2+ Ca2+ IP3 Ca2+ PIP2 Ca2+ ER

21 Planar Microelectrode
Glass substrate Buffer Recording electrode Odorant injection Cell Oscilloscope OR Reference electrode

22 Carbon Nanotube

23 Receptor & Carbon Nanotube
Olfactory Receptor Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

24 Current Change Kim et al., Advanced Materials, 21, (2009)

25 Conducting Polymer Nanotube

26 Receptor & Conducting Polymer Nanotube
Olfactory Receptor Nanotube

27 Sensitivity Yoon et al., Angewantde Chemie, 48, (2009)

28 Selectivity Yoon et al., Angewantde Chemie, 48, 2755-2758 (2009)
Amyl Butyrate (AB) Butyl Butyrate (BB) Hexyl Butyrate (HB) Propyl Butyrate (PB) Yoon et al., Angewantde Chemie, 48, (2009)

29 Dose-Dependent Relationship
Yoon et al., Angewantde Chemie, 48, (2009)

30 Signals of Artificial Olfactory Cells
Human genomic DNA Cloning Expression Indole 10 μM 100 μM 1000 μM Amyl butyrate

31 Sense of Taste

32 Human Taste System Salty and Sour Tastes
Ions interact with ion channels. Bitter, Sweet and Umami Tastes Detected by receptor-mediated signaling like the smell sensing mechanism

33 Bitter Taste Receptor About 25 genes
Similar structure with olfactory receptors Bitter Tastant hTAS2R

34 Sweet Taste Receptor Heterodimer Sugars, Aspartame Neotame, Sucralose
TAS1R2 TAS1R3 Sugars, Aspartame Neotame, Sucralose Monellin etc. Heterodimer

35 Umami Taste Receptor MSG Heterodimer TAS1R1 TAS1R3

36 Taste Sensor Using Bitter Taste Receptor
(Bitter) (Sweet) (Umami)

37 Dose-Dependent Relationship
PTC (Bitter), PROP (Bitter), MTU (Mild bitter)

38 Bitter Taste Receptor (hTAS2R38)

39 PTC (Bitter Tastant)

40 Development of Artificial Sense
Human Olfactory Receptor Genes Whole set of genes potential candidates Human Taste Receptor Genes Bitter taste receptor (about 25 genes) Sweet taste receptor Umami taste receptor

41 Natural Sense & Artificial Sense

42 Applications Standardization of smell
(classification, code for each smell …) Smell Industry (perfume, cosmetics, wine…) Disease diagnosis Monitoring of food freshness Environment monitoring by smell sensing Process monitoring by smell sensing Public safety (explosive, toxicant) Smuggling (drugs…) Security (smell sensing security system) New sweeteners and umami materials

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