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Kick-Off Webinar 2017 – 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Kick-Off Webinar 2017 – 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick-Off Webinar 2017 – 2018

2 Kick-Off Webinar Welcome and Agenda Introductions
Leadership Team University Teams Industry Mentors Get to Know the National Fluid Power Association 5 W’s of the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge Program Design and Overview Questions and Discussion

3 Leadership Team Program Manager Lynn Beyer
Technical Liaison Ernie Parker Parts Supplier SunSource and Eaton Corporation Chad Crowley & Bill Hotchkiss Fluid Supplier Lube-Tech Philip Thompson Final Competition Event Host Kevin Lingenfelter Danfoss Power Solutions

4 History The NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge is based on the Chainless Challenge program, pioneered and managed by Parker Hannifin Corporation from Many thanks to Parker for their continued support.

5 Team Introductions Advisors Students Introduce yourself
Share previous experience with the program What type of experience do you wish for your student team? Students Share your name, school and school year

6 Industry Judges We envision industry judges to establish a coaching-like mentorship with one or more teams to: answer technical questions, assist in vehicle design, serve as team ambassadors, help teams succeed Mentors and teams can make connections as needed; no forced match-matching Industry mentors will come to understand the capability and knowledge sets of students Industry Introductions What motivates your involvement in the program?

7 National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) Education and Technology Foundation
Charitable organization that is committed to meeting the workforce development needs of the U.S. fluid power industry. Through generous support of our donors, the NFPA Foundation supports programs that: Foster awareness and involvement of middle and high school students, helping them understand fluid power’s potential as a technology and as a career path. Increase the number of technically trained people capable of integrating and applying fluid power, and connects them to careers in the fluid power industry. Increase the number of university engineers educated in fluid power, and connects them to careers in the fluid power industry.

8 NFPA Foundation Supporters (as of 8.31.2017)
Pascal Society GOLD DONORS SILVER DONORS Bimba Manufacturing Afton Chemical Bobcat Danfoss Power Solutions Bosch Rexroth Chevron Enfield Technologies Clippard Instrument Laboratory CNH Hydra-Power Systems Deltrol Fluid Products Donaldson Company Parker Hannifin Evonik Oil Additives Proportion Air ExxonMobil Gates Corporation HYDAC/Schroeder Industries Iowa Fluid Power Linde Hydraulics Lubrizol Moog NetShape Technologies Poclain Hydraulics Quality Control Corp. Woodward HRT

9 5 W’s of the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge
Who? Teams of undergraduate students, advisors, and industry judges/mentors What? A workforce development program designed to promote original thinking in a competitive setting by combining two technology platforms that are not normally associated with one another—human-powered vehicles and fluid power. When? During academic school year, September – April   Where? At home university, through capstone courses or extracurricularly. Final Competition is held at a Midwest location. This year, Danfoss- Ames, IA. Why? By combining this unlikely pair, the Vehicle Challenge hopes to create an environment that results in uncommon connections and breakthroughs, while supporting learning and the growth of fluid power industry knowledge.

10 Program Objectives Stimulate education in fluid power components, circuits, and systems, incorporating them into a systems engineering experience. Provide students with experience in real world engineering under a strict timeline of designing, simulating, ordering, building, testing and demonstrating their designs. Stimulate innovative thinking for designing and testing potential new fluid power technologies or concepts integrated into a vehicle platform. Provide an industry recruitment opportunity for high potential engineering seniors by engaging directly with practitioners in the fluid power industry.

11 Project Overview Design Team Vehicle Requirements Components Safety
One team per University sponsored by NFPA One advisor and up to five students eligible for travel support Vehicle Requirements Must be human powered. No internal combustion, electric drive motor, or other modes of propulsion Components Official Parts Supplier, Eaton Corporation and SunSource, will provide basic components Safety Designs must comply with safety policies Final Competition Includes inspection, design assessment, sprint race, efficiency challenge, endurance challenge, and presentation Basic components include: 2 pump/motors, up to 2 accumulators, valves, hoses, fittings, and biodegradable fluid

12 Program Revisions Gears, chain or belts are allowed in order to transfer power to the fluid power pump/compressor, but a fluid link (oil or air) is required between the pump/compressor and the motor. Vehicle designs must include at least two fluid power circuits- one for direct propulsion and the second for regenerative braking. There is no requirement for the method of switching between the circuits, i.e., electronic or manual. The course will require at least one stop and restart of the vehicle. Part order deadline: December 1st No final paper Reliability & Durability Race name change to Endurance Race Review travel section of Overview, Rules and Awards

13 Project Phases Phase 1: Kickoff
Phase 2: Design and Specification Midway Review Phase 3: Build and test Phase 4: Verification Review Phase 5: Final Competition

14 Phase 1: Sept - Oct Kickoff Fluid Power Safety Video reviewed by all
Local safety measures are understood Understanding of fluid power basics Understanding of the program, rules, expectations, and deliverables Familiar with program contacts and industry judges

15 Phase 2: Oct – Dec (1 of 2) Discovery Design Procurement
Teams learn about fluid power technology Investigate concepts from previous year Educational Webinars Design Initiate vehicle and fluid circuit designs, sketch and record ideas Simulate design and perform dynamic, fluid flow, expected performance, and other relevant analyses on the vehicle Procurement Identify and select hardware and components

16 Phase 2 Oct- Dec (2 of 2) Design and Specification Midway Review
Student Teams prepare and present their project objectives and design specifications 45 minute presentation and a 10 minute Q&A Teams will be evaluated on: Design Objectives Vehicle Design Fluid Power Circuit Design Results and incorporation of analyses Stage of Prototype built to date * All presentations will be posted to the FPVC web after the final competition event.

17 Phase 3: Dec – Mar Build and Test Build Test Make adjustments

18 Phase 4: March Documentation Verification
Submit final presentation one week prior to competition Verification Only operational vehicles will be allowed to compete Video proof of operation will result in confirmation of entry in final competition Program Manager will send shipping instructions

19 Phase 5: April (1 of 2) Safety assessment
All vehicles will be evaluated for safety by Technical Liaison Final Presentation (occurs the evening before the competition) Includes 15 minute presentation followed by 5 minute Q&A Teams who exceed the 15 minutes will be docked points No more than 20 minutes will be allotted. Presentation should be a narrative business focused synopsis Teams will be evaluated on: Summary of the Design and Specification Midway Review Don’t spend too much time on this. Vehicle construction Vehicle testing and improvements Final vehicle brought to the competition Lessons learned and conclusions *All presentations will be posted to the FPVC website after the final competition event.

20 Phase 5: April (2 of 2) Competition Awards
Sprint race, Efficiency, and Endurance challenge The judging and scoring rubric is subject to change Awards Scores are tabulated Winners are announced during evening reception Winners are required to submit relevant documentation to Program Manager within 30 days after the Final Competition. Awards and amounts are subject to change

21 Download the App (1 of 2) NFPA launched a phone app to help teams stay informed about program updates, schedules and to provide open communication between students and industry supporters. Registered participants are provided a username and password using their non-university address. Download the ConferenceBeat Event App to your phone using either the Apple App Store or Google Play. Click Current Events Search for NFPA Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge To open the event, click the Go to Event button at the bottom To access it on desktop computers:

22 Download the App (2 of 2) Benefits to download
Chat rooms to ask peers and industry supporters general questions Option to directly message individuals All relevant documents are broken out by program phase (can ) Includes all program updates and notifications leading up to and live announcements during the Final Competition Documents can also be found in the Resource Center on the NFPA FPVC website. Use the left side bar to filter resources for the FPVC Use to contact Lynn Beyer

23 Questions? Ideas? Recommendations?
Final Thoughts Questions? Ideas? Recommendations?

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