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North of Scotland Annual Event eHealth Challenges/Opportunities

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1 North of Scotland Annual Event eHealth Challenges/Opportunities
Elaine Mead Chief Executive NHS Highland

2 Contents Challenges Opportunities Shared Services Agenda Governance
eHealth Support

3 Challenges Everyone has a day job
All Boards have their own priorities/objectives Just about enough funding for Business as Usual Existing local monies already committed for next 1/2 years Every request from the service is top priority How do we get the balance correct

4 Opportunities We are in the midst of transformational change
Willingness to work together to achieve good patient outcomes Already work underway around convergence of systems Opportunity to review local workload Essential that we re-set the priorities

5 For Example!!!! Working with the NOS Planning Groups, each area has identified a number of issues to be addressed:- Child health 12 Cancer 4 Adult 2 Other Projects 2

6 All about access to data
The Issues!!!! Access to SCI-Store in across Board areas Different Usernames for the same service in different areas Different platforms in use in each area Different Processes in use each area eHealth support for driving work forward Not just restricted to Health agenda, we cannot forget about H&SCI All about access to data

7 Shared Services Agenda
Need to consider other programs What is the impact on eHealth across not only the region, but Scotland Similar emerging themes Again the need for visibility and prioritisation

8 Governance The need for a robust governance framework for audit and accountability NOS Leads meet once a month New Technical Group also to meet once a month led by Program Manager Each Board to provide representation for the technical group Responsibility to take on the requests and propose solutions and prioritise Need to ensure national policies do not get in the way of patient care

9 eHealth Support There is a need for the Boards to release staff, but this will have a consequence locally What are the things we are doing that we can share to release resources How can Scottish Government help to provide support It should be about diagnose, propose solutions and fix – identifying opportunities and collective planning

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