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How to Contribute to Fedora Project

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Presentation on theme: "How to Contribute to Fedora Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Contribute to Fedora Project
Jaroslav Řezník & Jiří Eischmann

2 About Us Jaroslav Řezník: Fedora Program Manager Fedora Board member
Fedora Ambassador for the Czech Republic Jiří Eischmann: Community manager in Red Hat Czech Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee

3 Fedora A community distro sponsored by Red Hat RPM-based
Released every six months Values: freedom, friends, features, first

4 Why Fedora? Very close to upstream Innovative Great community

5 Governance model Fedora is about meritocracy Several steering groups
Board, FESCo, FAmSCo, SIGs, teams But community...

6 Fedora Project Board Fedora Project Lead (FPL)
Currently held by Robyn Bergeron 4 appointed members 5 elected members by community Top level body Strategic and tactic goals Trademark approval Escalated issues by other groups

7 FESCo Fedora Engineering Steering Committee
9 members, elected by community Technical decisions, new features approval

8 FAmSCo Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee 7 elected members
You can meet ambassadors here (Fedora booth near entrance) Sales of open source :) Leading ambassadors Coordination Budget Events

9 Elections Fedora 18 will be... Wait...
Wait... (it's going to be legendary) Spherical Cow! Elections for every release (so every 6 months) Board, FESCo, FAmSCo, name Continue with naming? Coming soon!!!

10 Many Ways to Contribute
Bug Reporting Testing (test days) Localization Documentation Packaging Development Design&Artwork Promoting

11 SIGs and teams Special interest groups
Join one to contribute in specific area Create one to work on not yet established area and gain momentum! Other teams Design team, marketing team, release engineering team, documentation, QA etc...(more later)

12 Fedora Test Days Focused on features that are going to land in the next version of Fedora. Prepared by professionals. Help by the community and Fedora engineers. Easy to test.

13 Ambassadors Promoting Fedora Representing Fedora at events
Organizing release parties Distributing DVDs, stickers,... Looking for new ambassadors in Poland and Slovakia.

14 Packaging Look for unpackaged software you'd like to see in Fedora
Prepare package (SPEC file) Go through Package Review Get sponsored Become packager! Join relevant SIG (optional)

15 Q&A Got a question?

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