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Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014

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1 Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014
Radio check Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014

2 Important Points in Radio Communications
Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014 Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Important Points in Radio Communications Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014

3 Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014
Aim That every TD can: Use a radio correctly Knows the principal rules and uses them correctly Basis rules Expressions and phrases Call rules Transmission rules Knows the (frequency) channels and their allocation Knows the peculiarities of Radio transmission Alpine Technical Delegates - Update 2014

4 Peculiarities of Radio Communications
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Peculiarities of Radio Communications Radio nets only permit alternative speech (calls) Transmission is only in one direction All recipients transmit and receive on the same channel If one transmits, all others receive Only when a transmission is over can other recipients transmit Strict radio-discipline is the «A&O» of any competition radio net - This can save lives !

5 Basic Rules Checks the allocated (frequency) channel
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Basic Rules Checks the allocated (frequency) channel Considers words before transmitting (think it through): The call should be: Business like Short and To the point Clear Complete Familiarity should be avoided (no «Please»-»Thank you» All calls should be listened to (an «all-informed radio net) Do not interrupt transmissions from others PPS – Press Pause Speak Speak clearly, slowly, at normal volume and rhythm.

6 Terminology Answer: Request the opposite party to answer. («over»)
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Terminology Answer: Request the opposite party to answer. («over») Understood: Confirm recept of call . («roger») Correct: Confirm a correctly repeated message. («correct») Wrong! I repeat: Repeated message is incorrect. («wrong ! I repeat») Not understood: The message is not undestood Error: The message was incorrect. The correct message will follow . («wrong») End: End of transmission –call . («out») The word «out» terminates all calls and opens the radio net to other messages/users.

7 Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014
Radio Calls Rules Firstly the person or name of the station being called and then your name or station: e.g. «Tony for Hans...answer» The called person or station confirms receipt: e.g «Hans for Tony understood... answer» The use of the word «answer» requests opening call between two Calls with the word «understood» request an answer. When the correct acknowledgement is received the call is ended with «Correct...End»....» Roger....Out» Should the transmission require an answer that must be considered the call should be ended in order to free the radio net for other calls.

8 Traffic Control/Managment
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Traffic Control/Managment PPS – Press, Pause, Speak First listen, then speak Prepare your words Remain brief but understandable Avoid familiarity Answer every call Every message should be repeated Be discreet Avoid confidential information Avoid foreign terms, language and abbreviations Only use one agreed-to language on the radio

9 Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014
Connection controls This will be carried out by the TD approximately 5 minutes before the first forerunner. The control check should be carried out from Finish to Start: Example: Finish Referee from TD answer TD from Finish Referee understood , answer Understood, Control Checks, End Referee Finish Wall from TD answer TD from referee understood , answer....

10 Connection Controls / monitoring
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Connection Controls / monitoring

11 Connection Controls / monitoring
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Connection Controls / monitoring Start- Stop On this order the Start Referee must (immediately) close the Start, confirm this by radio and give the number of the competitor who started as well as the number of the competitor held at the start. The person who called the «Start-Stop» must also give the «Start –Free»

12 Points for Radio Communications
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Points for Radio Communications Turn the radio on and check the channel Adjust Volume and Squelch No calls when another radio is close effect!!! Check the channel Think about what you are going to say Press the «call button» Pause Call with call names or positions Realease the call button Await an answer Pass your message Await confirmation

13 Points for Communication Discipline
Alpine Technical Delegates – Update 2014 Points for Communication Discipline End of any transmission/call: the caller notes «End» Before any further call wait 10 seconds (there may be other more important calls waiting) Important: before any message is sent it is important to ensure tahat the channel is free and not being used: Listen before you call!!! Do Not Interrupt!!!

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