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USAS Closing Procedures

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1 USAS Closing Procedures
NWOCA Calendar Year-end 2017

2 When closing for the calendar year, please use the USAS CYE Closing Checklist. This PowerPoint is just a supplement to the actual checklist. This PP is a supplement to the checklist… When you go to actually close you should follow the checklist and not the PPT. This is a Live Link to Checklist that is on our wiki:

3 Preliminary Calendar Year-End Closing
Reminder: Vendor TIN Last year, the TIN Type was added to VENSCN to determine whether the Taxpayer Identification Number is a SSN or an EIN on the vendor record (in order for the ID number to be formatted correctly on the printed 1099's) This is the same as last year, you will update any New Vendors SSN/EIN information and codes in USASCN>VENSCN….and unfortunately, this is the only way to do any updates. We can’t make these changes in USASWeb.

4 Preliminary Calendar Year-End Closing
Check 1099 vendor data with Datatrieve report VENSSN Check that all vendors flagged to receive 1099’s are accurate and have a social security or tax ID number Check that YTD amounts for 1099 vendors are accurate Check for vendors that have not been flagged Please check your vendor data with Datatrieve report called VENSSN. You will want to make sure you have accurate legal names, correct addresses, and 1099 ID’s. Also, Check YTD amounts to make sure they are correct

5 Here’s a look at VENSSN. When Selecting your VENSSN options: IF you Select Option 4: “1099-MISC and YTD activity meeting IRS requirements” - This means that the YTD amount matches the legal amount required to report a 1099 for that 1099 type, or the override flag in USASWEB is on meaning the district has said they want to create a 1099 even though they don't meet the requirements for needing one created. The legal amount is $ for most types, with the exception of $10.00 for royalty payments. If you Select Option 6: “1099-MISC Vendors only (regardless of YTD activity)” – This means that it will include any vendor on the report that contains a 1099 type (won’t look at amounts – just the 1099 type field)

6 VENSSN - Verify 1099 Vendors
Option 5 Check that all vendors that should be are flagged Review list for any vendors that should get 1099 Another report Selection: Choosing Option 5: “NOT 1099-MISC vendor but YTD activity is more than $599.99” – This means it will pull ALL vendors that do not contain a 1099 type but have $600 or more in YTD activity. You can use this as a check to make sure you didn’t forget to label a vendor as a 1099 vendor.

7 Choose your sort options, our example, “A” is sorting in Alphabetic order by vendor name.
And the system will give you an output file called VENSSN.TXT

8 *Make sure Vendor Name, 1099 ID#, 1099 Type, is valid/legal*
Reminder: EIS/SSN TIN type is not displayed on the VENSSN report. It is displayed in USASCN’s’ VENSCN option. NOTE: There will be a $5 charge for 1099 reprints so please be sure your 1099 vendors are correct and complete before printing them Here is an example of the VENSSN output file. [explain the header rows] SSN column is either an SSN or an EIN, last column is the Vendor YTD Amount. Look up in USASWeb to see the 1099 type but you cannot change the type in USASWeb. What you can do is Look up in USASCN>VENSCN to view details of 1099 vendor and make any changes, if they have been flagged EIN/SSN. This is the only way to change the SSN/EIN flag.

9 From the IRS 2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns
“Sole Proprietors: You must show the individual’s name on the first name line. on the second name line, you may enter the ‘doing business as (DBA)’ name. You may not enter only the DBA name. For the TIN, enter either the individual’s SSN or the EIN of the business (sole proprietorship). The IRS prefers that you enter the SSN.” “Limited liability company (LLC). For a single-member LLC (including a foreign LLC with a U.S. owner) that is disregarded as an entity separate from its owner under Regulations section , enter the owner's name only on the first name line and the LLC's name on the second name line. For the TIN, enter the owner's SSN (or EIN, if applicable). If the LLC is taxed as a corporation, partnership, etc., enter the entity's EIN. “ For Sole Proprietors, IRS states you must show the individual’s name on the first name line of the printed So in order to show the individual’s name on the first line of the printed 1099 but keep the business name as the first name on the printed PO, you will want to enter the ‘doing business as (DBA)’ on the 1st name line. And enter “1099:name” to the second name line. The IRS prefers you use the SSN of the owner on the 1099 data. For a single member LLC disregarded as separate from owner (meaning LLC and owner are one in the same). Here are the key things to remember: Owners name (first line), LLC (on the second line)=enter the individual’s SSN If the LLC taxed as Corp or Partnership=enter the entity’s EIN (Limited Liability Company (LLC): Used for a single-member LLC (including a foreign LCC with a U.S. owner) that is disregarded as an entity separate from its owner under Regulations section , enter the individual’s name only on the first name line and the LLC’s name on the second name line. For the TIN, enter the individual’s SSN (or EIN, if applicable). If the LLC is a corporation, partnership, etc… enter the entity’s EIN.)

10 Vendor Names If the vendor uses a different name for 1099 reporting, enter the 1099 reportable name on the “2nd Name” field on the Vendor Record Enter the digits “1099:” followed by the IRS-1099 name. Example: :John Doe The F1099 program will strip off the “1099:” and use the name following it as the primary name on the 1099 reporting form and submission file As we previously stated, the IRS guidelines state you MUST show the individual’s name on the first name line of the printed This can be entered in VENSCN or USASWEB, either place. But in order to show the individual’s name and keep the business name as the first name on the printed PO, you will want to enter 1099:individual’s name on the 2nd name field on the vendor record. The next slide shows what will be displayed on the printed 1099

11 To display individual’s name on 1099 but keep
business name as the first line on PO, enter 1099:individual’s name on the 2nd name field of the vendor record. PO will display: The 1099 will exclude the first name, and strip the “1099:” from the second name field, using the 2nd name as the name on the printed 1099 (below) Here is an example of the WEB/ PO / 1099: This First box in green is USASWeb and you will keep the business name in the first NAME line/field and the individuals name on the 2nd name line with the prefix “1099:”. The second box shows how it will be displayed on the printed PO. If you don’t want to display the text “1099:individual name” on printed POs all year, enter that text right before running the F1099 program. Then remove after running F1099. The third box shows the printed 1099, and how the system omits the text “1099:” from the final completed form.

12 What is the1099 TIN Type ? If you are unsure whether the vendor’s ID number is a SSN or EIN: Look at the vendor's W-9 form Utilize the IRS Interactive TIN/Name matching program. Allows you to enter up to 25 TIN/Name combinations and get immediate results. (optional) Utilize the IRS Bulk TIN/Name matching program. This allows you to enter a file with TIN/Name combinations and submit it to IRS. You will receive a file with results within 24 hours of the submission. (optional) Please see IRS publication 2108A for specifics on the use of their interactive and bulk TIN/Name matching programs. Both require the district to have an IRS e-Services account set up before the matching programs can be used Run the TINMATCH program to assist with generating a file to submit to the IRS Bulk TIN/Name Matching program. There are several ways you may get this information: **(probably only applies to NEW Vendors that were newly added as a 1099 Vendor) Look at the vendor's W-9 form in order to tell if the ID # is an SSN or EIN. This is completely optional….You will need to Register at the IRS website in order to use these next e-services. The first one, is the IRS Interactive TIN/Name matching program. This allows you to enter up to 25 TIN/Name combinations and get immediate results. The second one, IRS Bulk TIN/Name matching program allows you to enter up to 100,000 payee TIN/Name combinations. This allows you to enter a file with TIN/Name combinations and submit it to IRS. You will receive a file with results within 24 hours of the submission. (Please see IRS publication 2108A for specifics on the use of their interactive and bulk TIN/Name matching programs. Both programs require the district to have an IRS e-Services account set up before the matching programs can be used. Specific result codes sent back by IRS are also detailed in this publication. The IRS does not currently charge a fee to access the program or to participate in the program.) NWOCA provides a TINMATCH program to assist with generating a file for districts who have a lot of 1099 vendors and wish to utilize this option. This is used with the Bulk TIN/Name matching program. I have an example on the next slide.

13 Example of TINMATCH.TXT
I realize this is something you prob don’t use anymore…but here is an example of the program we offer. 1. The TINMATCH.TXT is an output file in the format specified by the IRS that can be uploaded then to the IRS Bulk Tin Matching Website discussed previously. 2. **Only vendors that have a 1099 type (non-employee comp) and a 1099 ID #(SSN/EIN), but have no TIN Type (E/S) entered, will be selected. 3. The names included in the file will be determined in the same manner as the F1099 program.  So, for vendors with "1099:" on the second name line, it will omit the text "1099:" and use this name in the file, otherwise it will use the 1st name line.  4. Once the file has been submitted to IRS, they will return a results file within 24 hours.  This file will contain an additional numeric code which indicates the status of the match attempt.  These codes are detailed in IRS publication 2108A. 3; ; L SMAPLE SANDBLAST & PAINT; 3; ;SMITH SAMPLE;004219 3; ;JOHN W DOE;005620 SSN/EIN NAME VENDOR NO.

14 1099 TIN Type The F1099 program includes the hyphens in the correct location when formatting the TIN on the printed form. Included on the .DAT file used with the 1099 printing software provided by EDGE. Included in the .TAP file that gets submitted to IRS. F1099 program includes hyphens in the formatting of the printed form. This all goes back to that flag in VENSCN. Edge software was updated last year (2016) to contain hyphens.

15 F1099 TIN Type error An error will be displayed at the end of your F1099 run as well as printed on the F1099.TXT report if a 1099 vendor does not have a TIN type filled in. Errors are displayed on the F1099.TXT report. This is what it looks like on the report, you will have to menu view the .txt file to see the exact error(s). Obviously, if you have errors, you will want to clean them up. **Even if you don’t get errors, please Review the F1099.TXT file just to make sure everything is in order and nothing is missing.

16 1099 Vendors “2017 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns” (Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498 and W-2G” IRS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Includes more general information on when to file, correcting returns on paper form, guidelines on recipient names and taxpayer identification numbers (TINs), payments to corporations/partnerships and how to get tax help or forms and publications “2017 Instructions for Form 1099-MISC” IRS 1099-MISC INSTRUCTIONS: pdf/i1099msc.pdf Details specific instructions on the 1099-MISC form Here are the links to the IRS General instructions and the IRS 1099-Misc. Instructions… These links will help you with questions like …. When things are filed? And Where to go to correct a 1099? *********** These links work 

17 1099 submissions to IRS Reminder???: Last year, a new federal law moved up the 1099 deadline. Those reporting nonemployee compensation (Box 7) such as payments to independent contractors submitted to the IRS are due by Jan. 31. The earlier deadline makes it easier for the IRS to find and stop refund fraud. Different from past deadline. Employers normally had until the end of February, if filing on paper, or the end of March, if filing electronically, to send in copies of these forms to the IRS. NWOCA’s Deadline: We electronically submit 1099 data on behalf of all of our districts via the IRS FIRE system. With the submission deadline moved up to January 31st we will need all 1099s to be completed and NWOCA notified that the process has been run by the end of the day on Thursday January 25th. This gives us time to clean up and append all of your 1099 TAP files to submit and receive back that it was successfully sent to the IRS. 1. Just a REMINDER that the 1099 deadline is January 31st. 2. This earlier deadline makes it easier for the IRS to find and stop refund fraud. 3. Nwoca’s 1099 deadline to submit data on behalf of our district’s is Thursday, January 25th. (laws require Forms W-2, W-3, and certain Forms 1099-MISC, to be filed with IRS/SSA on or before January 31 of the year following the calendar year to which such returns relate, regardless of whether the forms are filed on paper or electronically. This provision applies beginning with returns and statements filed in 2017. Currently, the deadline for paper filers to file these returns is the end of February and the end of March for electronic filers.  With accelerated filing, the administration is targeting tax fraud and identity theft.  The deadline for providing these forms to the employees or vendors remains the same at January 31. The 1099-MISC form requires additional explanation because not all of them (but most) are required to be filed by the deadline schedule.  This form must be filed with the IRS by January 31 (or the first business day after January 31 if January 31 is not a business day) if a payer makes an entry in Box 7 to report nonemployee compensation. The filing deadline is still the last day in February for paper forms, and the last day in March for electronic forms, if Form 1099-MISC is filed to report any income, other than nonemployee compensation.)

18 NWOCA 1099 DEADLINE Thursday January 25th, 2018
This deadline gives us time to print your 1099’s and get them mailed out to you. As well as, append all of district’s TAP files and submit to the IRS on your behalf, before the Jan. 31st deadline.

19 Month-End Closing Steps
Proceed with closing out for the month of December as you would any other month. Enter all transactions for the current month Perform Bank Reconciliation from the USAS User Guide “USAS Useful Procedures” chapter (section 12.5) USAEMSEDT– Cash Reconciliation – Option 1 Run BALCHK and outstanding PODETL reports MTD, FTD, YTD expended amounts on BALCHK are identical MTD, FTD, YTD received amounts on BALCHK are identical BALCHK current encumbered totals agree with outstanding PODETL encumbered amount. If they don’t match, run FIXENC. 1. Close out for the month of December as you normally would. 2. Be sure to check that all transactions for the month have been entered 3. Perform a Bank Rec . You can use the one from the USAS Useful Procedures Guide, 4. then run USAEMSEDT – Cash Reconciliation – Option1 5. Run BALCHK and outstanding PODETL 6. MTD, FTD, YTD should all match. If they don’t match = run FIXENC and then Run BALCHK and PODETL again.

20 Month-End Closing Steps
Run FINSUMM selecting “Y” to generate FINDET at the same time. The current fund balances should be identical on each report. Optional…..Run SM2CALC option (if tracking SM12 figures). SM2CALC calculates SM2 for month… you may print the resulting report Perform the monthly COPY routine from your “B” account by typing in MONTHEND at the MENU prompt VERY IMPORTANT!! Watch copy process to make sure no errors are displayed. There is a flag you can set to “Y”- to generate FINDET at same time you run FINSUMM. The Current Fund Balances should match on each report. You can run SM2CALC if your tracking SM12 figures. SM2M is generated during SM2CALC. If you don’t run SM2CALC beforehand, when ADJ runs for the month it automatically calculates SM2. Run Monthly Copy from _B account. It’s important to watch your copy process to make sure it completed without errors. The file lock error is the common error that you get.

21 MONTHLYCD From your “B” Account, run MONTHLYCD to generate December’s reports. You will be prompted whether you want to generate the report NOW or LATER. NOW would cause reports to run immediately whereas LATER will run them overnight. We recommend LATER to relieve load on the system during the day. Upon completion, you will receive an message in your “B” account stating they are finished; Access the reports from NWOCA’s MONTHLYCD website by clicking on your district’s link Run MONTHLYCD from your _B account. When Going through MONTHLYCD, Your going to say generate report “Later” when prompted. We recommend later to relieve load on the system during the daytime. **And remember to check your monthly CD links on the website to ensure the DEC links are showing.

22 MONTHLYCD This procedure will generate a standard set of Monthly reports for later archival on CD-Rom. Continue? (Y/N <Y>): Y Start NOW or LATER? <LATER> Job MONTHLYCD (queue OECN$BATCH, entry 430) holding until 03-OCT :00 Please wait for this procedure to complete before running ADJUST to close for the month. Since you chose the LATER option, you will need to wait until tomorrow before running ADJUST. You will receive an notification when the procedure has completed. We recommend using the LATER option if at all possible to relieve load on the system during the day. After receiving the message that the procedure has completed, please use the DAS-designated URL to access the reports . You will be prompted for a username/password to access the web site. Please contact your DAS to set up a username/password to access the web site as well as others at your district who wish to access the reports on the web site. Please ignore this paragraph because you are running MONTHLYCD from your “B” account instead of your live data When running your MONTHLYCD Reports, Please ignore the paragraph about running ADJUST. [Our District’s have _B account so they don’t have to worry about this information]

23 After receiving the email message that MONTHLYCD has completed for the
month, please access December’s link from your district’s MONTHLYCD website to confirm that the reports are there and the data is correct. After running MONTHLYCD, you will receive an that MONTHLYCD completed, then Please go out and check your December link to confirm that the reports are there and the data is accurate.

24 Month-End Closing Generate any additional month-end reports from your “B” account Run ADJUST from your NORMAL account and select “month-end” You must NOT be running any other programs from your normal account during this process. You have completed the monthly closing. You may continue on with the calendar year-end closing. Other reports can be generated in the _B account. Then back to your live files to run ADJUST for the month. No other open programs, including payroll, while running ADJUST. And That completes December!!

25 Calendar Year-End Closing
Generate any additional CYE reports (i.e. WORKCOMP) Perform a Calendar Year End COPY Routine. From your NORMAL account enter the command CALCOPY from the MENU prompt Run the program F1099 program If you are ready to process your 1099s, run F1099 from your NORMAL account. Make sure you say Y to create the tape file as it is the file that is submitted to the IRS If you are NOT ready to process your 1099s, continue with the rest of the closing procedures and when you are ready, run the F1099 program from your B account. Contact NWOCA by or Service Desk within 48 hours of running the F1099 program to print the 1099’s. NOTE: There will be a charge for 1099 reprints so please be sure your 1099s are complete before printing them. $5.00 charge per 1099. Now we will move onto the CYE STEPS. Run any additional reports like WORKCOMP. CALCOPY is the Calendar Year End Copy: this will take a snapshot of your data and name it under dif extension. IF you are READY to generate your 1099’s, run the F1099 Program. If you are not ready, continue with the rest of the closing procedures and when you are READY, go to _B & run F1099. Because maybe you were waiting on ID#’s, or W9’s…you can wait to get the info and enter it into both _b & live accounts later. Then.. Run F1099 out of _B. Send us an /ticket to let us know you’ve completed 1099 program so we can print them for you. **this is the only step you can hold off on. All others should be completed. One last thing to note: There will be additional charges for any reprints of 1099’s, so please be sure to look over your 1099’s. *************** You will need to collect totals from _________ the final W2REPT. Enter the total gross from the 001 fed. Taxes. Compute taxable gross by taking total gross less dep. Care, 457 and section 125 plans. Enter your BWC % rate. OR, to balance w/expenditures run BUDSUM, choosing “Y” to obtain calendar YTD expenditures. Restrict to obj. 1** only. You may also need to run BUDLED (restricted to obj. 1** only) to look for reimbursements, “sub-repayments,” or manual changes to 1** obj. excluding payroll and LEVPRO.

26 Calendar Year-End Closing
From Normal account, run VENHIRE, then VHRESET Resets all vendors flagged as “Reported” to “Reportable” Last Reported Date will be left as is for historical tracking purposes You are prob running VENHIRE throughout the year. The VENHIRE program provides the ability to gather the necessary information for USAS vendors that need to be reported to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. And then VHRESET of VENHIRE ….all this does is reset any vendors that are marked “reported” on the vendor record back to “reportable” status.  Here’s an example of VHRESET.

27 Calendar Year-End Closing
For your NORMAL account, run ADJUST again Select “Year-End” and run for “Calendar” You must NOT be running any other programs from your normal account during this process You may begin processing for January Recap: CALCOPY > 1099 > VENHIRE > Calendar YE ADJUST SO…Why are we Running CYE ADJUST?? Month End ADJ clears out your monthly figures. Calendar YE ADJ clears out the CTD amounts. If it isn’t included as a CYE steps, it might be forgotten.   CYE ADJUST clears out the CTD amounts for the vendors and the accounts. After you close out for the year, you can THEN begin process for January.

28 NWOCA 1099 Procedures District runs the F1099 program which generates the following: F1099.TXT – report of 1099 vendors sorted by miscellaneous income type Please review report for any error messages due to missing TIN_TYPE F1099.DAT – file containing the 1099 data that is to be used with laser-generated forms F1099.FRM – file containing vendor 1099 information to be printed on blank pin-fed forms F1099.TAP – tape file containing the vendor 1099 information to be sent to the IRS Now I just want to review with you what NWOCA does when we receive the from you that you have completed your 1099’s. (From here, we will Explain what NWOCA’s F1099 Procedures are and we will Explain what the 4 output files do.) When Running F1099 will produce 4 output files: .TXT –this is the actual report .DAT –NWOCA uses this for laser printer forms .FRM –blank 1099 forms (we don’t use anymore). .TAP –contains 1099 sent to IRS Look over the .TXT file and clean up any errors.

29 NWOCA 1099 Procedures After NWOCA receives that the district has completed the F program, we check to see that the F1099 files were created completely during the district’s F1099 run. We rename the files to a different extension in order to save them for later use. We take the F1099.DAT file and merge it with EDGE software designed to generate 1099 forms to print on self-sealing 1099-MISC laser forms. When you send the saying that you’re 1099’s are ready to print, we look to see that all 4 files are there and look good. Then we run a procedure to change the file name. We rename the files to a dif extension and we merge the .DAT file with EDGE in order to print the 1099’s.

30 NWOCA 1099 Procedures After the 1099s are printed and the district copy of the 1099 is made, we run the 1099s through an envelope sealer to seal the 1099s. Each district will receive the following packet: Copies of each 1099 (1099 vendor copy and district copy) The VENDOR copy is sealed and ready for postage and mailed out The DISTRICT copy is an 8 ½ x 11 print-out (two vendors printed per page) The F1099.TXT report Instructions on how to distribute the 1099s After We will generate the 1099’s & seal them for you. We send you a packet. The packet contains: Instructions about distributing the 1099’s Sealed 1099’s District copy. 2 vendor’s printed per page. .TXT Report 5. These packets get shipped UPS or sent to your district by bus. Or if you prefer, you can pick them up here at NWOCA.

31 Further 1099 information NWOCA fiscal department will charge $5.00 for each W2 or 1099 that needs to be re-printed If you have specific questions about a vendor/1099, review the 1099 Guides on-line, or contact the IRS or your tax advisor/legal counsel. Questions? There is a $5 charge for a re-print. If you have questions about 1099’s or vendors? We really should not be answering those questions. You can review the 1099 Guides online, or contact your IRS/Tax Advisor. ******************* F1099/TR Combined Federal/State Filing support added Requires Test File be submitted by each district. We do ours in Nov. Approval letter will be received from IRS File submitted to IRS same as prior years, they automatically forward information to state of Ohio No visible changes to district closing procedures F1099 program will add “K” state total records Minor prompting changes in TR1099 program “Copy to Tape” option removed “Approved for Combined Federal State/Filing?” option added Output submission file adjusted as needed based on above response Is 1099-MISC income taxable? Yes.  Your 1099-MISC income should be included on your RITA return and can be reported in the W-2 wage income section on RITA Forms 37, 37B, and 37EZ (albeit is not specifically mentioned) or on line 25 (All Other Taxable Income) of Schedule J (RITA Form 37). See Sample Form 1099-Misc A 1099 transmittal sheet is required to be filed on or before the last day of February following any calendar year in which an employee receives 1099-misc., rents, other income, non employee compensation, or excess golden parachute payments Also required to be filed on electronic media are employers with 250 or more 1099-misc forms, and those employers currently filing 100 or more 1099-misc forms magnetically with SSA. Employers not required to file 1099-misc forms electronically shall file paper copies of the 1099-misc forms, or shall file a list of all 1099-misc forms issued by the employer. The list shall include all information contained on each 1099-misc form issued. Online Ordering for Information Returns and Employer Returns 2010 General Instructions for Certain Information Returns (Forms 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, and W-2G) The Title of the instructions has changed… Also Publication 1220 title has changed Pub. • The Box 11 description in the Instructions for Participant, has 1220, which is now titled Specifications for Filing Forms 1098, been returned to the wording found on previous versions of the 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, 8935, and W-2G Electronically

32 CYE FAQ’s Q: I’m not ready to run my 1099s yet. Can I still close December, run CYE ADJUST and do my 1099s later? A: Yes. When you are ready to run your 1099s, you MUST run them from your B account! NOTE: They have to be run from your B account before you run MONTHEND copy for January. When you send us the message that you completed your 1099’s …please indicate that you completed them from your _B.

33 CYE FAQ’s Q: What if I need to make changes to my vendors before I run F1099 in my B account? A: You must log into USASWEB using your B account username and password. When doing so, you may have to select between your B account and your live data. If you see the following screen, click on the down arrow to select the B account. If you see this screen in USASWeb, just make double sure you are logging into your “USASB” account to make those changes to your vendors. Also note, if the changes warrant ….update in both the _B and your live files. NOTE: If the changes warrant the vendor to be updated in the live files as well (address change, tax ID #, etc), please make sure to log into your live account and update the vendor data.

34 CYE FAQ’s Q: I forgot to run CYE ADJUST and have been processing in January. Can I still run CYE ADJUST in my live files? A: No! Manual intervention must be done from NWOCA’s fiscal staff to adjust your CTD amounts on both the account and vendor file. Please contact NWOCA. If you aren’t sure you ran it, you can confirm by running a BUDSUM, including CTD expended amounts. At the beginning of a calendar year, your CTD and your MTD expended should match. If your CYTD amounts are much higher than MTD, it’s a good indication you did not run CYE ADJUST. No, NWOCA would have to do some manually intervention here. If you aren’t sure if you ran CYE ADJ, You could confirm by running a BUDSUM, and if the CTD amounts are more higher than my MTD amounts, then you know you did not run CYE ADJ. We can fix this for you bc we don’t want you running CYE ADJ when you are in January processing, and we would let you know once it’s fixed.

35 CYE FAQ’s Q: I forgot to run WORKCOMP at calendar year-end time. Can I run it from my B account? A: It depends on what month your “B” account is in.. If your “B” account still contains your December data, yes, you can run WORKCOMP from your B account. If your “B” account contains January or later months data, then you must contact NWOCA and we will copy your CYE data to your “D” account and you can run it from there. Yes you can run _b account if your still contains December data. If you are in Feb/Mar processing your _b account won’t contain December data anymore, and you’ll need to contact us and we can copy your CYE data to your “D” account and then you can run it from there.

36 Questions ??? Call us if you have questions 

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