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The Federal Court System

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1 The Federal Court System

2 Background Information
Article III, Section 1 : “The Judicial Power of the U.S. shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” This is the only mention in the Constitution of a federal judiciary.

3 Background Information
The Judiciary Act of 1789 Established a Supreme Court Chief Justice and five Associate Justices. Created a structure of lower courts.

4 U.S. Supreme Court Highest court in the land Nine justices
Chief Justice presides Each Justice has one vote Congress can change Court’s size. Supreme Court nominations have to be approved by the Senate. Most of its work is from appeals Lower Federal Courts State Supreme Courts

5 The Current Supreme Court
Conservative Members: John Roberts/Chief Justice 6 appointed by Republican Presidents 3 appointed by Democratic Presidents 4 liberal/moderates (Stevens, Ginsberg, Breyer) 4 conservatives (Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito) Kennedy swing vote Two women One African American, One Hispanic 6 Catholics, 1 Protestants, 2 Jews

6 Basic Judicial Requirements
Before a case can be brought before either a state or federal court 2 important criteria must be met: Jurisdiction Standing to Sue

7 Jurisdiction Jurisdiction is the authority of the court to hear and decide a case Federal courts’ jurisdiction are limited to cases involving: Federal question – pertains to the U.S. Constitution, acts of Congress, or treaties Diversity of citizenship Lawsuits between citizens of different states Lawsuits between U.S. citizens and citizens of a foreign country.

8 Standing to Sue Sufficient stake in the outcome of the case. The party bringing a lawsuit must have suffered or been threatened by some harm Must be a justiciable controversy. Must be a real and substantial issue – no hypothetical questions. Court does not give advisory opinions.

9 Which Cases Reach the Supreme Court
No absolute right of appeal Justices never explain reasons for hearing cases Factors that bear on the decision to hear a case: A legal question has been decided differently by various lower courts Lower court’s decision conflicts with existing Supreme Court ruling Issue has significance beyond the parties Solicitor General is pressuring the Court to hear case

10 The Supreme Court Process
1. Court grants petition for review and issues a writ of certiorari ordering lower court to send up the record of the case for review. - Court denies 90 percent of petitions Court only hears case if four justices agrees. Called the Rule of Four 2. Deciding Cases: - Extensive research on legal issues and facts involved in case. Do not hear evidence. Attorneys present oral arguments Justices ask questions. These are tape recorded. - Justices then meet to discuss and vote on cases. Strictly private sessions. No records of it.

11 The Supreme Court Process
3. Decisions and Opinions - Court writes an opinion explaining the legal reasoning on which ruling is based. - In many cases decision of the lower court is affirmed. - If a reversible error was committed the decision of the lower court will be reversed. - Some cases remanded back to lower court for new trial - Opinions are signed by all justices who agree with it.

12 The Supreme Court Process
3. Decisions and Opinions - Unanimous opinion - all justices agree on the opinion When opinion is not unanimous a majority opinion is written, outlining the view of the majority Concurring Opinion - a separate opinion written by a justice who supports the decision but wants to clarify a point or to voice disapproval of the grounds on which the decision was made Dissenting Opinion - one or more written opinions written by justices who do not agree with the majority. Important because it forms the basis in later years to establish a new precedent 4. After opinion is written Court announces it from the bench

13 Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint

14 Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint
Liberal Constitution living document Meaning not fixed Many times intention of framers cannot be determined Language must be adapted to new times and conditions Activist judiciary has an essential role in adapting Constitution to new political problems. Federal judiciary should take active role in checking activities of President, Congress, state legislatures, and administrative agencies when they exceed their authority.

15 Judicial Restraint Conservative
Judges should apply the Constitution not rewrite it Judges must adhere strictly to the intent of the framers To do otherwise is to substitute personal views for those specified in Constitution Courts should defer to the decisions made of legislative and executives branches because they were elected by the people. Judiciary should only be involved if a law clearly violates specific language in the Constitution.

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