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Advocating for a Genuine Audience: RTI Students and Community Change

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Presentation on theme: "Advocating for a Genuine Audience: RTI Students and Community Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advocating for a Genuine Audience: RTI Students and Community Change
Nicholas Strom

2 CONTEXT 1st year teaching Language! C/D and Language! E/F
Primary Instructional Learning Goal: Motivation and engagement

3 Context (cont.) Student Reading and Writing level Student Interests
3rd grade – 12th grade based on Test Results Student Interests

4 Context (cont.) Community Rap continued shared through Snap Chat

5 Context (cont.) Community Rap continued shared through Snap Chat

6 Context (cont.) Community Rap continued shared through Snap Chat

7 Context (cont. Again) Epiphany: Shared learning experience = Authentic learning experience

8 Authentic Purpose = Audience
Awareness Advocacy Problem Solving Publication

9 Classroom Application
Awareness Defined Classroom Application Contributing voices, interests, and learning profiles to educate community audience. Question: What community issue can be connected to student learning and student lives?

10 Classroom Application
Advocacy Defined Classroom Application Convincing others to take action in relation to a social issue Question: What is a common social issue that RTI students can advocate for that is directly reflective of students’ lives?

11 Classroom Application
Problem Solving Defined Classroom Application Identify a social issue in a community as a means to instigate change. NAEP ND Reading Proficiency: 19% Below Basic 47% Basic 32% Proficient 2% Advanced Question: If students meet outcomes in a unit, how can they be applied to an authentic audience?

12 Classroom Application
Publication Defined Classroom Application Distribution of student assessments to an appropriate public sphere for critique by an authentic audience . Question: Where can student work be reviewed and critiqued by an audience outside of their educator and classroom peers?

13 Promoting Childhood literacy Project

14 ADVOCACY For Students Question: What is a common social issue that RTI students can advocate for that is directly reflective of students’ lives? Answer: Utilizing literary theme to address North Dakota literacy rates at appropriate student learning level.

15 AWARENESS For Students
Question: What community issue can be connected to student learning and student lives? Answer: Student literacy rates in ND. Utilizing time to improve and motivate student interest in literature.

Question: If students meet outcomes in a unit, how can they be applied to an authentic audience? Answer: Students create children’s stories, utilizing a theme that they have learned through there lives to both influence young students and

17 Publication AND REACHING AN AUDIENCE For Students
Question: Where can student work be reviewed and critiqued by an audience outside of their educator? Answer: PUBLICATION STORYBIRD BAREBOOKS Reaching an Audience Library Donation Head Start YWCA/YMCA

18 Publication AND REACHING AN AUDIENCE For Students (Cont.)
Students share with intended audience: WFPL: Simply Stories WFPL – Tuesdays 10:15 AM WFPL Story Times – Tuesdays 1;30 PM BPL (Approximate Schedule): Toddler Story Time – Tuesdays 9:30 and 10:15 AM Pre-School Story Time – Wednesdays 9:30 and 10:15 AM Lapsit Baby Story Time- Thursdays 9:30 AM GFPL Early Literacy Story Time - 10:00 AM – Every Monday Pre-School Story Time – 10:00 AM Every Tuesday Baby Story Time – 10:00 AM Every Wednesday Toddler Story Time – 10:AM Every Thursday

19 AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE Challenge: Create an authentic learning experience for students and allow students to give back to the community.

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