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Claims Reporting Workflow

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1 Claims Reporting Workflow
Diocese of Amarillo Loss reported via: Website Fax (631) Telephone 1 (800) or A File is established same day of initial report. An acknowledgement is sent to the Parish & Risk Management Office and a diary is set for tracking. We will follow up with Parish & copy in Diocesan Finance and adjusters for any documents needed to settle claim Property claims and Liability claims will be subject to a signed, notarized release. Claims within our authority are handled in-house. Claims outside our authority are assigned to adjusters below: Property Claims Axis / Liberty Underwriters Liability Claims York Claim Service Liability claims are subject to SCHIP / Medicare Reporting, done by York Claim Service. Final disposition of all liability claims will be advised to us by York. Upon receipt of executed Proof of Loss or Release of all claims – claim check will be issued. 30-day Diary is set up for all claims for follow up with Adjuster and/ or parish. WRS will do all follow up Directly with the Parish and copy in Diocesan finance office. Checks will be issued directly to the Diocesan Office and not the location.

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