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Secure and Insecure Mixing

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1 Secure and Insecure Mixing
Shahram Khazaei March 10, 2012 TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAAAAAAA

2 Voting Voters cast secret votes
Authorities reveal votes in random order

3 Mix-Net v1 v2 vN

4 Mix-Net Epk(v1) vπ(1) Epk(v2) vπ(2) Mix-Net Epk(vN) vπ(N)

5 Mix-Net ci = Epk(vi) vi = Dsk(ci) di = vπ(i) v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 v2 v3 v4

6 Chaum's Mix-Net (1981) Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 A B C D Voter: C B D
To distribute trust, several mix-servers cooperate Voters use public keys in reverse order to encrypt their votes Mix-servers decrypt and permute

7 Homomorphic encryption
Epk(m,r) ∙ Epk(m',s) = Epk(m∙m',r+s) Rerandomization of ciphertext Epk(m,r) ∙ Epk(1,s) = Epk(m,r+s)

8 Re-encryption Mix (PIK'93)
Epk(vπ(1),t1) vπ(1) Epk(v1,r1) Re-encrypt & Permute Joint Decryption Epk(v2,r2) Epk(vπ(2),t2) vπ(2) Epk(vN,rN) Epk(vπ(N),tN) vπ(N)

9 Mix-Net C B D A Server 1 Server 2 Server 3
To distribute trust, each mix-server in sequence shuffles the ciphertexts from the previous mix-server

10 Re-encrypt & Permute ci = Epk(vi;ri) ei = ci ∙ Epk(1;si) di = eπ(i) v1

11 Problem: Corrupt Server
D A Server 3 Server 2 Server 1 m m m Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 A C m D D B B m C B C D B A D m A A C

12 More threats Voter might be an attacker
Servers and voters might collude Solution: add verification

13 Secure mix-nets Chaumian mix-net Re-encryption mix-net
Heuristically secure: Randomized Partial Checking (RPC) No provably secure solution Re-encryption mix-net Heuristically secure: many incl. RPC Provably secure: many

14 Contributions I: Cryptanalysis of RPC
II: First provably secure Chaumian mix-net

15 Cryptanalysis of RPC Joint work with Douglas Wikström

16 Randomized Partial Checking
By Jakobsson, Juels, and Rivest (USENIX 2002) For both Chaumian and homomorphic mixing No attack for a decade Implement by experts including Chaum, Rivest, Adida, Clarkson Its variants was adopted for several real elections including 2009/2011 Takoma Park City Municipal

17 Verification A B C D C C D C B A B D D A Mix-servers are paired
The intermediate ciphertexts are divided in two groups Each mix-server reveals information to verify the correspondences A B C D C C D C B A B D D A

18 Permutation Commitment
Mix-servers commit to their permutations beforehand Decommit to the opened connections No check is performed to verify that the decommited values are distinct!! A B C D C C D C B A B D D A

19 Pfitzmann Attack Attacks privacy in homomorphic mixing
Success probability: 50 % Target a voter and take his vote c = E(A) Replace with ce Joint Decryption A B C D B C D A D C B A Ae D B A C Ae

20 Improved Attack Needs two corrupted voters to submit re- encryptions of the same message m Will not be caught if the permutation is not checked Joint Decryption A B m m B A m B A Ae m B A Ae

21 Rigging an Election Replace all ciphertexts with your own submission m
Possible to make less suspicious Joint Decryption m B A C m A B C m m C B m A m C B A m

22 RPC with Chamian mixing
If the duplicates are not removed: Privacy of senders can be violated Votes can be replaced If duplicates are removed: No attack on privacy Votes can be eliminated With proper tweak of the protocol: May be possible to provide a security proof Seems difficult and nontrivial

23 Summary Protocol flaw rather than an implementation bug
Found while attempting to make a proof Do not use RPC with homomorphic mixing Check the previous election results Postpone usage of RPC-like protocols until properly analyzed

24 A Provably Secure Mix-Net From Any CCA2-Secure Cryptosystem
TWT A Provably Secure Mix-Net From Any CCA2-Secure Cryptosystem Joint work with Tal Moran and Douglas Wikström

25 Trip-Wire Tracing (TWT)
Three decryption layers Two nested Chaumian mix-nets One with explicit verification One with partial tracing Public Decryption Chaum's Mix-Net

26 Trip-Wire Tracing (TWT)
Parametrized with an integer parameter t ≥ 2 t is a security parameter determined based on the number of honest voters and servers In large scale elections t = 2 or 3 suffices Each voter submits a bundle of t ciphertexts Mix-servers decrypt and keep only one copy

27 Security Provably secure Works with any CCA2-secure cryptosystem
No concern against quantum computers Proof is different than the usual paradigm

28 Public Decryption Chaum's Mix-Net Voters v v v v v

29 Decryption

30 v ? v ? v ? All the same? v ? v ? v ?

31 Mixing Have each mix-server submit a dummy input
Decrypt, Mix, Mix and Decrypt But up to the final decryption

32 If all copysets are complete, perform the final decryption
Verification Explicitly verify the first Chaumian mix-net Trace the dummies If all copysets are complete, perform the final decryption

33 Broken copysets? Trace backward broken copysets and identify a cheating server or “bad” senders If no server caught cheating, trace forward all copies from the originating senders. Trace Forward Trace Forward Trace Backward Trace Backward

34 How can a server cheat? Due to dummies a server can not replace all
Has to guess positions of complete copysets Success probability at most H-(t-1) H is number of honest voters and servers

35 Explanation Outer: to prevent copying part of a voter's ciphertext
CEV: to prevent the 1st server in CPT cheating Repetition: to prevent the last server in CPT cheating Final: to stop securely in case of failing Dummies: to prevent replacing all ciphertexts in CPT Public Decryption (Outer) With Explicit Verification Chaum's Mix-Net (CEV) With Partial Tracing Chaum's Mix-Net (CPT) Public Decryption (Repetition) Public Decryption (Final)

36 TWT versus RPC Full privacy Full correctness Provably security
Slightly less efficient Lack of public verifiability

37 Thank you! Any question?

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