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EV3 Programming for FIRST Lego League

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1 EV3 Programming for FIRST Lego League
LCL Robotics EV3 Programming for FIRST Lego League CPC8778!

2 Factors that affect turning accuracy
Programming LCL Robotics Factors that affect turning accuracy Wheel Slip Dusty wheels Power too high Power imbalance Sudden acceleration & deceleration

3 Absolute Positioning Programming LCL Robotics
Look to use “absolute” positions wherever possible Square against wall Roll/slide against wall Line following Gyro turn from a known gyro reset point

4 Relative positioning Programming LCL Robotics Reduce variability by
Slower turns Fewer turns Matching motors (look for low std dev.) Evaluate the best type of turn for the situation Tank, pivot, steering Use forks and rakes to accommodate inaccuracy

5 Tricks Programming LCL Robotics Make your drive wheels B+C
Default blocks will match your robot. Make your brain easy to read and to access ports, and change battery if possible Test concepts early (fail fast) Minimal attachment changes / fast changes Starting fixture Put Post it notes on board, use masking tape Master Program – add coasts and resets at beginning and end of each program

6 Troubleshooting Programming LCL Robotics Add pauses
Run partial programs Add sounds Write info to screen on EV3 Use video on your smartphone, use slow motion Use Bluetooth feature – watch sensors real time

7 Programming LCL Robotics Bluetooth Connection

8 Resources Programming LCL Robotics EV3 Software lessons YouTube Books FIRST forum (need to register) LOL Robot Runs Playlist YouTube LOL Website

9 Program Examples Programming LCL Robotics Proportional Line Following
Glitches and work-a-rounds Doesn’t recognize color Gyro offset & drift Unplug sensors Rebooting robot

10 0 Setup LCL Robotics

11 0 Setup LCL Robotics

12 0 Setup LCL Robotics

13 My Block - Backup LCL Robotics

14 My Block - BackupFAST LCL Robotics

15 My Block – ReadValues LCL Robotics

16 My Block – Gyro Reset LCL Robotics


18 1 Sports LCL Robotics

19 1 Sports LCL Robotics

20 1 Sports LCL Robotics

21 1 Sports LCL Robotics

22 4 SearchE LCL Robotics

23 5 Loop2 LCL Robotics

24 3 Cloud LCL Robotics

25 6 DoorDelivery LCL Robotics

26 2 FaceRing LCL Robotics

27 2 FaceRing LCL Robotics

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