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Freshman & Sophomore Night Welcome Parents & Students

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Presentation on theme: "Freshman & Sophomore Night Welcome Parents & Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freshman & Sophomore Night Welcome Parents & Students
Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Welcome Parents & Students

2 Tonight’s Agenda: South Resources and Information High School Basics
✔Schedules ✔ Credits ✔ Graduation & Post High School Planning Staying Informed Breakout Sessions

3 WHO’S WHO AT SOUTH? International High School Ryan Wolgamott
-Resource Officer -School Safety, theft, runaway Administrative Team: Debra Banks -Main Office - Secretary Andy Dey –Principal -Pre-arranged Absences Tia Holliday –Assistant Principal -504 Support Plans, scheduling Heather Stein–Assistant Principal -Student Life Attendance: Kim Ferguson -Excuse absence -Gather homework Finance: Joni de Saint Phalle -Fees -Lunch -Bus Passes Dave Hancock Athletics, Clubs & Activities International High School Melanie Namkoong – Secretary Jessica Schabtach Head Teacher Jocelyn Harley - International Baccalaureate Program

4 Academic & Health Resources:
Christy Gonenne: 9th Grade Transition Specialist College & Career Center Open every day during school hours Lori Sauter & volunteers Personalized Learning Projects Web resources & computers Post High School Planning, testing South Library Julie Vignoul  & Karen Alavi  Student Vue, Study & homework, computers, text books, audio books Academic Support Classes 9th Advisory -Sebastian Caitlin 10th Advisory -Laura Q’s AVID –program for all grades Health Clinic: Joy Maxwell -health plans, referral services, quiet, safe place School-to Career: Kathy Ruggles -credit for working, athletic advising, LCC College Now Supports and Resources -Clothes Closet, school supplies, fee waivers, bus passes Instructional Access (IA): Tues & Thurs 8-8:30 AM Wed 3:15-4:00 Peer Tutoring: Monday-Thursday After School

5 Counseling Center Room 13
Academic Advising / Social Emotional Support / Post SEHS Planning Counseling Team: Melinda Shull –secretary -Schedule appointments -general information Juli McGlinsky A-G Michael Leahy H-N Shantel Buss O-Z Drop-in Hours: Monday: before & after school Wednesday: Lunch Friday: after school Registrar: Elsa Andrew -Register students -Records, grades on transcript -Parent Vue log in -Address/ Phone in records Schedule Support: Amy Seely -schedule changes, AP Appointments can be made on-line or in the Counseling Center!

6 5 Student Schedules: 5 classes each trimester
All Freshmen and Sophomores have 5 classes each trimester. Check StudentVue before each term starts. Sometimes we have to make adjustments to courses or the order in which they are scheduled. Students can request changes at designated times before the start of a trimester with Amy Seely. Request forms are available in the Counseling Center. While we do our best, changes are not always possible. The Best way to get the courses you want is to carefully choose them during FORECASTING, usually right after Spring Break. 5 5 classes each trimester 5 days to drop a class with nothing recorded on transcript. .5 credits each 70 minutes class

7 Graduation Requirements:
Credits: Students can earn a total of 7.5 credits each year. Classic South: (5 classes a trimester) x (.5 credits a class) x (3 trimesters) = 7.5 I.H.S. (3 full year I.H.S. classes = 3.0) + ( 9, .5 credit classes = 4.5) = 7.5 Personalized Learning Activities completed each year to learn about interests, career opportunities and steps to connect the two. Essential Skills: Demonstrate through test score: PSAT, SAT, ACT, Other Work Samples in Senior year Class 24 credits/4 years = 6 credits needed a year!

8 Create Your Own Experience
Throughout high school students have the opportunity to earn 30+ credits. Advantages & Possibilities Explore different course options, develop and strengthen skills. Take SEHS courses for college credit We have over 25 SEHS College Now Courses. Students have the flexibility to get a job or get involved in the community. Create Balance: Stay healthy, stay excited about learning. Sometimes a full schedule can be detrimental. You can eliminate or postpone courses and stay on track.

9 Freshman & Sophomore Essential Skills Activities:
9th grade October Half Day Presentations: Senior Student Panel, Healthy Relationships, Naviance Counselor Classroom Presentations: High school graduation requirements, credits, GPA, Resources at South, activities and opportunities Freshman Project in Career Center Interest and Career exploration tools 10th grade October PSAT – test scores will be available next week Counselor Classroom Presentations – graduation, college admission, connecting interests, values and goals with post high school education Sophomore Interview in career center FORECASTING: picking classes for following year occurs right after Spring Break for all grades.

10 PSAT Scores for Sophomores
Students can get access to their scores by: Starting next week students will be able to view their score reports online. They need to make a College Board account to view these scores. College Board is how students sign up for a SAT and manage SAT and AP scores. Or/And A couple weeks after winter break students can also go to the college and career center for their actual test book and score report print out.

11 SEHS Website: Google Calendar
Own it! Your school! Your Life! Athletics Club Teams School Teams Intramurals Academic Programs: Drama Culinary Journalism Child Development Arts Stay current on School work: -Student Vue -class websites - Get support as soon as you need it. Utilize resources. Establish a healthy balance! Clubs: Black Student Union Gender Sexuality Alliance Chess Club Feminist Student Union Robotics Look Me In the Eye Jewish Student Union Speech & Debate Figure of Speech Latino Student Union Petanque Key Club Native Student Union Mock Trial Letters for Change Keep log of service hours. SEHS Website: Google Calendar

12 SEHS Website: Google Calendar
Looking Forward Community Service & Volunteer Hours: Start keeping a record, when, where, how many hours, verification Upcoming Events: IB information night for parents of sophomores Feb. 8, 7pm Ed Center. National Honor Society Application in April After Spring Break we will begin picking classes for next year. Look for scheduling information! Summer School Information in June Fall: LCC College Fair & 4J Study Abroad Fair SEHS Website: Google Calendar

13 eNEWS and eNEWS Signup? You can read that week’s eNews here under NEWS or you can sign up for weekly delivery.

14 Website Features People Resources Academics SEHS Happenings
Curriculum Guide Master Schedule IHS AVID Website Links for resources Parent Vue Resources Library Student Handbook Health Services Registrar/Records Post High School Website recourses (Naviance & CIS) Pre-Arranged Absences info. SEHS Happenings Events Calendar Club Contacts Sports Registration Volunteer Opportunities SE Theatre Fundraising information People Teacher Websites s Appointments with counselors Site Council Parent Concil

15 Please leave evaluations with your last presenter!
Breakout Sessions: (Session information will also be available on the SEHS website.) Q & A with IHS Get Involved at South Talking to Students about Consent & Relationships Managing Stress & Anxiety CTE/ CAM & Senior Project Paying for College Healthy Boundaries & Social Media College Credit in High School Strategies for Parents What Colleges Want You to Know Study Abroad Info Making the Most of High School –student panel Welcome to the College and Career Center Study Strategies & Academic Supports Please leave evaluations with your last presenter! Thank you!

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