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Organisational planning

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1 Organisational planning

2 Detailed course schedule
The following table provides a list of lecture topics for each day of the course Day no Topic Textbook ch. 1 (24 Nov; 2 hrs) 1. The nature and role of organisational management. Roles and tasks of organisational managers Chs. 1-2 2 (25 Nov; 2 hrs) 2. Organisation and its environment Chs. 3-5 3 (26 Nov; 2 hrs) 3. The process of organisational decision making Chs. 7, 9-10 4 (27 Nov; 2 hrs) 4. Organisational planning Chs. 7-8 5 (28 Nov; 2 hrs) 5. Organising Chs 6 (1 Dec; 2 hrs) 6. Leadership Chs 7 (2 Dec; 2 hrs) 7. Monitoring and control Chs 8 (3 Dec; 1 hr) 8. Revision 9 (8 Dec; 2 hrs) Examination

3 Topic 4: Organisational planning Topic Contents
4.1 Organisational strategy and planning 4.2 Strategic planning 4.3 Business planning and budgeting 4.4 Operational planning 4.5 Scenario development 4.6 Management skills in planning 4.7 Limitations of organisational planning 4.8 Further reading

4 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
An organisational plan is a statement of intent with stated goals and a description of a dated path to be followed to arrive at the desired destination (the end state) The end state is normally given specific time frame, say an annual budget, but plans may be developed sequentially as a series of successive plan blue prints or they may evolve continuously (roll) into a rolling plan Given the time dimension, we distinguish long-, medium-, and short-term plans (e.g., 5 year, one year, quarterly)

5 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
Strategy - an overall plan for deploying resources to establish a favourable position intended (ex ante) realised (ex post) emergent (fuzzy) Tactic - a plan for specific action Strategic management - an application of strategy in activity management Strategy making planned - intended and design-based behavioural - process-driven (realised through practical interaction between key players) What business strategy is all about is, in a word, competitive advantage - Kenichi Ohmae, 1983

6 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
organisational OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The Natural Environment Technology Input Markets Output (Markets) Inputs Input-output Transformation Outputs Socio-economic and Institutional Factors Market Conditions

7 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
The planning process begins with the analysis of the organisational past and present, followed by the project of the desired activity into the future The analytic stage may involve the use of the SWOT approach, the probing of Strengths – S internal to the organisation Weaknesses – W “ “ “ Opportunities – O external to the organisation Threats – T “ “ “

8 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
PRESENT ACTIVITY FUTURE ACTIVITY BUSINESS STRATEGY SWOT Analysis Future External OT Future Internal SW Business vision and mission WHAT? HOW? WHO? Specific objectives WHERE? WHEN? WHAT IF? Performance measures

9 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
Generic planning process Formulate plans, goals objectives Corrective Implement changes plans Feedback from implementation Goal: specific position which an organisation aims to reach Objective: defined and measurable outcome to be achieved

10 4.1 Organisational strategy and planning
Planning processes Strategic Business Operational Corporate Investment Corporate Strategic Plan Corporate Budget Plan Business Unit Strategic Business Unit Business Unit Investment Plans Plans Budgets Operational Business Unit Plans Production Master Plans, etc.

11 Strategy is an organisation’s game plan
4.2 Strategic planning Strategic or perspective planning: gives sense of purpose and coherence to collective decision making reduces uncertainty provides inter-temporal consistency and coordination of objectives and resource use links mission with vision communicates business mission and core values offers room for stretching into more ambitious target Strategic planning should produce company’s vision (future destination) mission statement (purpose, modus operandi, social responsibilities) Strategy is an organisation’s game plan

12 4.2 Strategic planning SWOT assessment (external and internal assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats strategic choices (short list of strategic options) generic strategies (who are we? e.g., volume producer) grand strategy (strategic plan) Organisational strategy and strategic plan should determine: business philosophy and core values field of activity/operating environment vision, mission and objectives capabilities (incl. technologies) resources (human and non-human) organisational structures management and information systems Location and timing of activities

13 Strategic planning loop involves:
the analysis of broader operating environment as well as own capabilities and values the setting of transparent, consistent and transitive objectives the determination of resource requirements and best ways of deploying them risk management and resolution of trade-offs implementation of preferred strategies evaluation of outcomes corrections and improvements But, all this may not be fully disclosed in public domain Disclosure of intentions is part of strategy and business tactics

14 4.2 Strategic planning Strategic planning should pave the way to:
action plans and functional tactics to operationalise grand strategies company policies to facilitate strategy implementation (e.g., HRM policies, operating guidelines) organisational design (business process re-engineering) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to monitor plan implementation and assess organisational performance strategic control mechanisms (tracking a strategy, evaluation, feedback, improvement) Strategic planning may also involve succession planning (e.g., private companies, CEO arrangements) Scenario projections are often the first step in the strategic planning sequence

15 4.3 Business planning Business planning translates strategic planning into specific medium term objectives by focusing on: removal of barriers to continuation and growth pathway for achieving set targets proposals for achieving target growth and profitability sources of finance for operations and investment risk management flexibility in dealing with contingencies organisational resilience key stakeholders, partners and collaborators

16 4.3 Business planning Conventional Business Plan structure
Executive Summary of the whole concept Business profile – description of the focal organisation’s activity (business) Product/market analysis – chosen product lines, markets/areas of activity and position in these markets Marketing plan – strategies to attract/retain customers Legal and risk management plan Operating plan – description of intended production Management and personnel plan – HR issues Finance plan – forward estimates and budgets The action plan – what to do, how and when

17 4.3 Business planning Key aspect of business planning (medium and short term planning) is contingency planning dealing with the disruptive, uncertain events – what to do if … Business plans have also to be specific as to the allocation of functions, roles, the division of labour within the organisation and the engagement with external input/service providers Plans have to be credible otherwise they add to uncertainty by projecting the image of randomness

18 4.4 Operational planning Strategies tend to be medium- and/or long-term and need to be translated into tangible, short term objectives and operational action plans Operational action plans provide dated and measurable operational framework for specific functional/ operational decision making (e.g., a production master plan) what to do when to do it how to do it who should do it

19 Organisational structures to be aligned with strategies
4.4 Operational planning Action plans to provide the framework for the assignment of functional/operational tasks to operational units (operational tasking or functional tactics) Policies and standard operating procedures to provide framework for devolved decision- making Organisational structures to be aligned with strategies The distribution of decision-making authority and responsibility to be aligned with strategy and reinforced by appropriate incentive/reward systems

20 Action plans facilitate
4.4 Operational planning Action plans facilitate allocation of functional/ operational tasks and responsibilities (functional tactics in the textbook); prioritisation of operational tasks; and resolution of trade-offs and conflicts Action plans provide the basis for strategic control and evaluation of short-term performance They are also a learning mechanism revealing the firm’s short-term capability, bottlenecks, and so on

21 4.4 Operational planning Functional/operational tasks are assigned to each functional area of the business (e.g., marketing, production, distribution) to direct various short-term activities Functional tasks tell functional managers what needs to be done at the functional level to implement the overall business strategy tell higher level management how the firm’s business strategy has been funnelled into specific operational tasks help to coordinate functional activities by identifying areas of interdependence and trade-offs Functional tasks have inherently short-term focus

22 4.4 Operational planning Policies/standard operating procedures provide a combination of directives, to guide employees and other stakeholders into achieving particular outcomes, and constraints (e.g., prohibitions, restrictions) to stop them from undertaking some undesirable activities Efficient policies reduce organisational transaction costs (less organisational uncertainty and stress) and enhance outcomes (more organisational synergy)

23 4.4 Operational planning Policies, like plans, may be formal or informal, internally generated or imposed from outside but they should be transparent consistent non-ambiguous traceable Modifiable Complex/diversified business entities may be treated as separate, self-contained divisions or subsidiaries but there are risks in aggregating component data when assessing the whole business Technical evaluation is often complex and detailed but its final outcome may be presented in concise form, e.g., score matrices, graphs

24 4.5 Scenario development This provides a way of specifying a particular configuration of future events (scenario) to test a particular plan or strategy on the what-if basis Often a small number of long term scenarios (20-50 years ahead) are considered by national or large corporation planners to consider technological developments, political changes or population demographics But, scenario development and strategic or business planning cannot deal with rare unanticipated events, the so-called black swans (e.g., global financial crisis)

25 4.5 Scenario development Action A Opportunity frontier at time t (combinations of A & B) Scenario X Scenario Y Scenario Z Action B

26 4.6 Management skills in planning
Management skills needed in organisational planning Organisational Technical Analytic Conceptual Political Communications

27 4.7 Limitations of organisational planning
Overreliance on plans and overconfidence of planners, in particular forcing reality to confirm with the plan regardless (re: Soviet style planning) Biases and errors – lack of foreknowledge makes plans inaccurate Excessive detail – spurious accuracy Inadequate detail – vagueness Planning is costly as it is knowledge-intensive Moral hazards of planning – opportunistic or perverse behaviour of those affected by it

28 4.8 Further reading Griffin (2013): chs. 7-8 Combe (2014): ch. 3

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