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Chapter 1 – Early Civilizations

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1 Chapter 1 – Early Civilizations
8000 BCE to 600 CE

2 Terms of Times B.C. : Before Christ
B.C.E. : Before Common Era (non-Christian) A.D. : Anno Domini (After the year of our Lord) C.E. : Common Era

3 Paleolithic Age The “Old Stone Age” ICE AGE!
Crude stone tools and weapons Nomads “Cave Man”

4 Neolithic Revolution. We move to about 8,000 BC
when village life began in the New Stone Age. . . Also known as the Neolithic Revolution. NEW STONE AGE

5 A TOTALLY new way of living:
From Hunter-Gatherers to Agriculture

Mesopotamians first to engage in agriculture Around 8000 BC Cereal crops Wheat Barley Herd animals Sheep Goats Woman probably first farmer Grain-collecting then noticed that stored wild grain could be grown on purpose

7 Agriculture changed how people lived
Agriculture (Farming) Growth of Cities Division of Labor (Specialization) Trade Writing and Mathematics


9 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Self-actualization (self-knowledge, fulfillment of personal potential) Esteem (autonomy, achievement, recognition) Social (belonging, affection) Safety (security, protection from harm) Physiological (Hunger, thirst, shelter) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

10 What does it mean to be civilized?
Characteristics of a Civilization: Advanced Cities Complex institutions Government, Religion, Economy Specialized Occupations Record Keeping / Writing Advanced Technology

11 Cities Rivers provided: Rivers provided challenges:
water supply transportation food supply from animals Rivers provided challenges: flooding irrigation Required organized, mass labor (corvee) Construction and repair of canals and irrigation ditches Euphrates River

12 Institutions: Government
Central authority needed to control: Labor Storage of grain Dispersion of foodstuffs among population Early governments first led by priests Later controlled by warrior chiefs or kings

13 Institutions: Government
Governments became more complex as new responsibilities arose such as: tax collecting law making handling public works projects organizing systems of defense

14 Complex Religions Generally polytheistic
Many gods represented natural forces Others controlled human activities Priests and worshippers tried to gain gods’ favor through complex rituals and sacrifice Directed by unquestionable ruling class of priests King regarded as a god or as a god’s agent

15 Complex Religions Temples often built to honor specific gods and goddesses Mayan temple Egyptian temple Mesopotamian ziggurat

16 OCCUPATIONS Needs of agriculture and stability Clay pottery
Woven baskets Woolen and linen clothing Sophisticated tools and weapons Plow

17 Job Specialization or Occupations
Artisans specialized in various jobs, such as: Bricklayers Blacksmiths Production of luxuries (Things You Don’t Really Need) Metal technology

18 Writing Probably first used by priests
Earliest writing used pictograms Chinese calligraphy Egyptian hieroglyphs Mesopotamian cuneiform

19 Writing Symbols later added to represent words and then sounds
Scribes were specially trained to read, write, and record information Religion Trade Government Learning became cumulative

20 Social Classes People ranked according to their profession Chief
Priests Nobles Wealthy merchants Artisans Peasants/farmers Slaves Egyptian social structure

21 Social Classes Priestly class is part of the beginning of social differentiation Class structure based on specialization of labor Generated class differences Priests (“We talk to god, you don’t.) Aristocrats/warriors (“We have weapons, you don’t.”) Common people (“I guess we work...?”) Slaves (“Uh, oh!!!”)

22 BRONZE AGE Around 3000 BC in Sumer Use bronze (not stone or copper)
Gives people advantages in warfare

23 Mesopotamia – Fertile Crescent
Sumer – The Earliest of the River Valley Civilizations Sumerian Civilization grew up along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in what is now Kuwait.


25 Sumer: City of Ur On the banks of the Euphrates River
Religious: Polytheistic Agricultural Economy Irrigation System Bartered for goods

26 Sumerians invented: Brick technology Wheel
Base 60 – using the circle degrees Time – 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute 12 month lunar calendar arch ramp Ziggurat (pyramid shape)

27 Ziggurat – “Mountain of God”
Click on the pictures for more information on ziggurats.

28 Sumerian Writing: Cuneiform
Cuneiform is created by pressing a pointed stylus into a clay tablet.

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