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Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills February 4 – 8, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills February 4 – 8, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Harper’s Lesson Plan Agendas: Language Arts, Social Studies, and Study Skills
February 4 – 8, 2013

2 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
Target Learning: I can define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through figurative language. RS 3.4. Word of the Day: (computer words; 3 minutes) Application – a computer program that is written and designed for a specific need, like Microsoft Word or Angry Birds. Context Clues Sentence: __________________.

3 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
Writing Prompt: (3 minutes) On this day in 1913, Rosa Parks was born. In 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested and fined for not giving up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Many people admired her for her confidence and bravery. If you had been Rosa Parks in this situation, would have done the same thing? Why or why not? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

4 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
Target Learning Instruction: Collect reading logs & pass-out new logs. 1. Ode to Mi Gato, by Gary Soto, p. 391. 2. Define: Mi Gato; porque; huevo Read: Audio CD. Discussion: Think/Pair/Share What two things does Gary Soto compare in this simile? In this ode, what does the speaker give the cat? What does the cat give the speaker?

5 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
3. In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles, p. 392. Read: Audio CD. Discussion: Think/Pair/Share What tone is set in the first stanza? Why do you think the speaker’s grandma sings and dances with the chairs? How can the speaker’s grandma wear Mexico’s mountains, deserts, and ocean in her eyes? How do the words of the closing lines help you understand the speaker’s feelings toward his grandmother and the tone of the poem?

6 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
4. Hard on the Gas, p. 393. Read: Audio CD. Discussion: Think/Pair/Share Base on this comparison between how the grandfather drives and how he lives, what do you think his life has been like? How does reading the line “rush, rest, rush, rest—” aloud help you to envision the grandfather’s life? Why does the speaker clutch the bar? What do you think “the ride” represents?

7 Language Arts Monday, February 4, 2013
Check for Understanding: (closure) True/False— 1. The speaker in “Ode to Mi Gato” rescued the cat at the local animal shelter. 2. The cat in “Ode to Mi Gato” is not much of a hunter. 3. The grandmother in “In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles” cared for the speaker when he was young. 4. The grandfather in “Hard on the Gas” is teaching the speaker a lesson about life. HOMEWORK: Poetry Packet: finish Alliteration, Winter Wardrobe, and Metaphor for Rachel’s challenge.

8 Social Studies Monday, February 4, 2013
Target Learning:

9 Study Skills Monday, February 4, 2013
Target Learning: I can differentiate between the main and supporting characters found in the novel, HOLES. 1. Review chapters 6-10 and write a summary of the main events from each chapter. 2. Complete the Novel Organizer worksheet, pp for the characters found in chapters 6-10. 3. Complete Word Maps for Glossary and Vocabulary words of Part 1. 4. Update Table of Contents.

10 Language Arts Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Target Learning: I can identify the subject, how the subject is remembered in an ode, and the tone the author uses to remember the subject. Word of the Day Icon – a picture, image, or other representation used to signify a folder or application on a screen. Context Clues:

11 Language Arts Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Writing Prompt: February 5th is “Disaster Day.” Over the past several years, think about the natural disasters that have taken place in your area, in your state, in your country, and around the world. What do you think has been the greatest natural disaster and why? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

12 Literary Response and Analysis, p. 394
Poem Subject What the subject is loved, remembered, or celebrated for. Speaker’s Tone Ode to Mi Gato In a Neighborhood in Los Angeles Hard on the Gas

13 Social Studies Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Target Learning: I can create a summary of the ancient Egyptian gods and their roles in Egyptian society. 1. Read/discuss the biography of Akhenaton. 2. Discuss Akhenaton’s connection to Neffertiti. 3. Complete what did you learn? questions. 4. Review ancient Egypt gods and create a chart that connects the gods to each other using the web

14 Language Arts Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Target Learning: I can explain how tone and meaning are conveyed through poetry using figurative language. RS 3.4-- Response to Literature: Opinion based on evidence. Word of the Day Quiz: Review 11 computer words for 5 minutes> complete tomorrow. Writing Prompt: (5 minutes) On February 6, 1895, Babe Ruth was born. Many people consider Babe Ruth to be the “Best Baseball Player Ever.” What is something that you hope people would someday remember you by as the “Best Ever?” Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

15 Word of the Day Quiz: Computer Words
Mouse Cursor Software Folder Virus Hardware Application USB Icon Download

16 Period 5 completed Literary Response and Analysis for homework
Period 5 completed Literary Response and Analysis for homework. Period 1 needs to complete in class on Thursday.

17 Social Studies Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Target Learning: I can create a summary of the ancient Egyptian gods and their roles in Egyptian society. 1. Complete Ancient Egyptian god review and summary. 2. Review chapter 4:3: Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Queen Hatshepsut Ramses the Great trade routes Old Kingdom Upper Kingdom Lower Kingdom Stability 3. Complete 4:3 Test. 4. History & Geography work: Trade on the Nile, worksheet pp

18 Crooked Word: Test Review

19 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8

20 Ancient Egyptian Gods Atum (1st god) Shu (air) Geb (earth) Osiris
Horus (son of Osiris) Isis Tefnut (moisture) Nut (sky) Seth Nephthys

21 Study Skills Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Target Learning: I can differentiate between the main and supporting characters found in the novel, HOLES. 1. Review chapters 6-10 and write a summary of the main events from each chapter. 2. Complete the Novel Organizer worksheet, pp for the characters found in chapters 6-10. 3. Complete Word Maps for Glossary and Vocabulary words of Part 1. 4. Update Table of Contents.

22 HOLES Table of Contents
1. Engaging Issues 2. Friends Essay 3. Glossary Pages 4. Word Maps Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 5. KWHL Charts Chapters 1-10 6. Chapter Summaries Chapters 1-5 Chapters 6-10 7. Novel Organizer

23 Language Arts Thursday, February 7, 2013
Writing Prompt: On February 7, 1812, author Charles Dickens was born. During interviews later in his life, Dickens mentioned that memories from his childhood helped him create his fictional stories. What are some memories of your childhood that could someday be turned into great works of fiction? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

24 RTI Schedule for Dr. Harper’s ELA Classes (Only ELA classes go to enrichment activities).
Intervention Time Wednesday Thursday 7:46 – 8:26 a.m. Period 1 ELA Period 6 SS 8:42 – 9:21 a.m. Period 2 SS Period 5 ELA 9:37 – 10:16 a.m. Period 3 Teacher Prep Period 4 Study Skills **Students follow 3rd period teacher’s lunch schedule.

25 Language Arts Friday, February 8, 2013
Writing Prompt: On February 8, 1910, the Boy Scouts organization was founded. Clubs and organizations are a great way to learn important skills. What types of clubs and/or organizations do you belong to? What are some of the skills that you have learned? If you don’t belong to one, which club would you like to join? Prompt created by: © 2007 Photo: ©

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