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Food Borne Illness Facts

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1 Food Borne Illness Facts
76 Million get sick every year 325,000 Require hospitalization 5,000 die Most Food Borne Illness comes from food cooked at home


3 Safety Freedom from harm – No accidents

4 The Three BEST ways to put out a grease fire.
Kitchen Safety The Three BEST ways to put out a grease fire. 1. Baking Soda 2. Cover with a Lid 3. Fire Extinguisher

5 What do we NEVER put on a grease fire?

6 Sanitation Freedom from dirt and germs
Not giving bacteria an environment to live in

7 Sanitation Sanitation is important in two areas: Kitchen Cleanliness –
Disinfecting surfaces, washing and drying dishes properly. **Never mix Ammonia and Bleach**

8 2. Personal Hygiene – Washing hands, clean clothes, apron or chef’s coat, hair contained, No open wounds. Avoiding the kitchen when coughing and sneezing

9 We Need To Keep Our Food Safe
Two things cause our food to go bad

10 1. ENZYMES A. They cause spoilage
B .They are chemicals present in food that causes change resulting in spoilage. These are naturally occurring and most start by ripening food and then allowing it to rot.

11 2. MICROORGANISMS A. Bacteria and Viruses
B. Tiny living things that can cause changes in food making it unhealthy or poisonous to our bodies. This is why we pasteurize, can, cure and use refrigerators.

12 How do we prevent food borne illness ?


14 Combat Cross Contamination
Wash all cutting boards and knives after cutting meat. Defrost food on lower shelves in the fridge. Use a new plate when grilling meats.

15 Clean Sanitation Wash Hands and Surfaces Often
Wash hands for _30_ sec.

16 Refrigerate foods promptly
CHILL Refrigerate foods promptly Refrigerator temp should be 38 – 34 F Freezer 32 F Keep cold foods cold – Below 40 F Keep food on ice to keep it cold

17 DEFROST The three BEST ways to defrost frozen foods are:
1. Refrigerator – overnight or longer if needed 2. Microwave – use defrost setting 3. Cool Water – Place in cool water bath Remember food should not be left at room temp for more than 2 hours

18 COOK Keep Hot Food Hot! 165 -212 F Kills most food bacteria
Holding temp 140 – 165 F Steam tables and chaffing dishes should keep these temperatures.

19 DANGER ZONE 40 – 140 F Keep food out of the danger zone!
Food should not be in the Danger Zone for more than 2 hours

20 Other ways we prevent food poisoning
Canning – safe only if done properly, must have correct conditions and temperatures Cans with dents can be dangerous if a hole appears and air gets in. A swollen can means that it is not safe for consumption (eating). It is a sign of bacteria contamination.

21 Smoking Drying Curing – salting the food such as in ham and bacon Vacuum packing Irradiation

22 Food Borne illness is most dangerous for:
Children, elderly and sick -- There immune systems are either weakened or underdeveloped.

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