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Advanced Composite Materials for High Performance Sporting Equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Composite Materials for High Performance Sporting Equipment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Composite Materials for High Performance Sporting Equipment.
Paul D. Ewart. Department of Materials and Process Engineering, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

2 Introduction. One of our greatest areas of competition is the sporting arena, records of the modern Olympic movement from the Athens Olympics of 1896. The adaptation of materials intended for creating either military advantage, or industrial superiority, or both [1]. Advances in materials are evident in all sports, many of the changes brought about through developments in polymers and fibre technologies.

3 Literature. Composite theory.
Differing physical characteristics of material components [2] depicted from,  I. Basic/Elemental - Single molecules, crystal cells  II. Micro structural - Crystals, Phases, Compounds  III. Macro structural - Matrices, Particles, Fibres.

4 Literature; Manufacturers data.
Advertising materials; Application of the specific equipment Manufacturing methods Construction techniques National and international accomplishments Product Catalogues Price lists

5 Literature; Journals – research.
More scientific literature is available from journals and research reports than from any other source. D. Katsanis & S.M Grove, Design and prototype manufacture of a composite bicycle frame.

6 Discussion. Dominant theme of composite materials development; Lighter
more rigid easier to manufacture. Majority of sporting goods utilise; polymer matrix composites often hybridised sandwich laminate construction.

7 Discussion cont. The use of three dimensional CAD and finite elemental methods are considered paramount to enable manipulation of the in depth algebra otherwise too complex too solve. Algor Finite Element Analysis As sporting goods are relatively low complexity, prototyping appeals as an economic and logical step prior to commercial production.

8 Conclusion. General mystique little data available
Manufacturers data is generally “in-house” only; General mystique little data available non-disclosure for commercial reasons Dependence on data sheets for raw materials may inadvertently lead manufacturers towards materials decisions from a purely economic basis yielding little or no performance advantages.

9 Advanced Composite Materials for High Performance Sporting Equipment.
Paul D. Ewart. Department of Materials and Process Engineering, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. References. [1] Ewart P.D, High Performance Composite Materials for High Performance Sport-ing Equipment. Technical report for Y Properties and Performance of Materials. [2] Chawla, K,K Composite Materials, Science and Engineering. Second Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York.

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