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Classroom Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Expectations
1. Be prompt. 2. Be prepared. 3. Be neat. 4. Be considerate. 5. Be honest.

2 1. Be prompt. Be on time for class.
Use your time effectively to prepare for class activities. Answer questions effectively. Think before you speak. Review your notes after each class. This will increase retention!

3 2. Be prepared. Have materials ready to complete class activities.
Have assignments ready for review, discussion, or collection. Read ahead. This will help everyone, including the teacher. Be ready for tests. These are a major part of your grade in Standards-based grading.

4 3. Be neat. It is very important that you keep your work space neat. This may even prevent accidents! Make sure written work is orderly and easy to understand. If work is not legible, it will be assessed as incorrect. Please circle mathematical answers on daily assignments.

5 4. Be considerate. We should respect each other above everything else. Please treat others as you wish to be treated. Please raise your hand and wait your turn to speak. Volunteer to help others in your group or anyone in whole-class activities. Peers are sometimes the best teachers!

6 5. Be honest. Please do not copy work from others. Points earned from copied homework usually are missed on tests when it means the most. Cheating will not be tolerated. A grade of 0% will be recorded for cheating. Talking during a test will be considered as cheating.

7 Hidden Rules What are hidden rules?
What are some examples of hidden rules? Are hidden rules important? Who is responsible for knowing hidden rules?

8 String Activity Hold each end of the string.
Do not let go of the string. Tie a knot in the string.

9 Turn Overhead Off

10 Learning Style Test Make a list of these words on a sheet of paper after they are read to you.
proton planet cookie experiment pencil hammer mirror truck stocking necklace

11 Learning Style Test Make a list of these words on a sheet of paper after they are shown in print to you. baseball kitchen door driveway refrigerator purse bicycle television desk cabin

12 Turn Overhead Off

13 Learning Style Test Make a list of these words on a sheet of paper as they are read to you and after you are finished, turn your sheet over and make a list from memory. computer football brush clock rainbow microscope fence stool gasoline lamp

14 Test Results If you got more correct on the first test, you are an auditory learner, or you learn best by listening. If you got more correct on the second test, you are a visual learner or you learn best when you can see material. If you got more correct on the last test, you are a kinesthetic learner or you learn best by using your hands. Most people learn better this way.

15 How does knowledge of the brain help me to learn?
Brain Based Learning How does knowledge of the brain help me to learn?

16 Brain Based Research Robert Sylvester, 1995
“The human brain is the best organized, most functional three pounds of matter in the known universe. It is responsible for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, computers, the Sistine Chapel, automobiles, the Second World War, Hamlet, apple pie, and a whole lot more. Our brain has always defined the education profession, yet educators haven’t really understood it or paid much attention to it.”

17 Brain-Based Research Intelligence is a Multiple Reality (Gardner-1983)
Eight Ways of Knowing Verbal / Linguistic intelligence Logical / Mathematical intelligence Visual / Spatial intelligence Body / Kinesthetic intelligence Musical / Rhythmic intelligence Interpersonal intelligence Intrapersonal intelligence Naturalist intelligence

18 Regions of the Brain Right Brain - Arts, Musical, Words
Left Brain - Math, Science, Numbers Lower Level - animal instincts Middle Level - emotions Upper Level - thinking, reasoning Long term learning occurs only when all regions of the brain are active.

19 Brain Hemispheres

20 Cross Section of The Brain

21 Patterns The mind will attend for about 15 seconds, attempting to find meaning, a relation to something already known or a pattern. The Einstellung Effect: pronounce the following. MacMahon MacHenry MacDonald MacHinery

22 Searching for Meaning: Making Sense
Like patterning, the mind requires meaning to maintain attention and foster storage. Which way does Lincoln face on a penny?

23 I love Paris in the the Spring.
Mind Editing The mind is impatient with meaningless or superfluous data. Read the following quickly. I love Paris in the the Spring. Count the number of words.

24 Depth of Understanding
Read the following passage. “The man was worried. His car came to a halt and he was all alone. It was extremely dark and cold. The man took off his overcoat, rolled down the window and got out of the car as quickly as possible. Then he used all his strength to move as fast as he could. He was relieved when he finally saw the lights of the city, even though they were far away. He ran into a lake and his car sank.

25 Pronounce the word B - A - S E - B - A L - L
Conflict & Compliment The mind processes inputs in a variety of ways. Often a learner will have difficulty because the flow is interrupted. Pronounce the word B - A - S E - B - A L - L The difficulty here is not with capability, but with presentation.

26 Reading “Dana asked if she could be seated by the window. She was not impressed by the selection. She browsed a magazine for only a few minutes, and then fell asleep in her seat.” Where did this take place?

27 Brain Research Summary
We Learn and Remember After one Month: 14% of what we hear 22% of what we see 30% of what we watch others do/demonstrate 42% of what we are exposed to through seeing, hearing and doing in a regular repeated fashion 72% of what is linked to experiences - movies 83% of what is performed as a challenge 92% of what we teach others Learners need to be teachers!

28 Illusions













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