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T3MAPS Firmware Winter 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "T3MAPS Firmware Winter 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 T3MAPS Firmware Winter 2014

2 Background Project start date: September 2013 Initial firmware: December 2013 Design plan: Based off of Brad’s python code to emulate the data generator.

3 Block Design Host PC Python UART FSM CLK UART RX/TX 8 T3MAP FIFOS

4 FSM Design Four states – Idle, Data, Write, Transmit.
Controls the FIFOS and UART. 100% portable! (With minor modifications for alternative data transfer types.)

5 Software Design Implemented with python.
Currently very basic – only one command supported and no interface. Used to verify the integrity of the bitstream received from the data_in port.

6 Issues Original firmware design did not work – many, many bugs.
Test benches time consuming to write correctly. PC to FPGA communication slow and difficult. Very little help from Berkeley…

7 Current Status Working design that sends 8 bit streams in parallel.
UART can be used up to baud – 24 times faster than current speed encoded in firmware. Most time is spent opening and closing port.. Software re-write in progress. Firmware features being added such as state communication to host PC.

8 Future Expansion With current experience, much less time will be required to implement similar designs in USBPIX or SEABAS. Most difficult part of either system: Host to FPGA communication. Large task ahead – rebuilding firmware with command macros taken from Python code

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