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Chapter 23 “Into the 21st Century”

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1 Chapter 23 “Into the 21st Century”

2 Ch. 23.1 Notes “The Clinton Years”
Ch Warm-up Describe the 3 most significant events the U.S. went through in the 1980’s.

3 A. Bill Clinton’s Political Rise
Clinton the Candidate Agenda – health care, tax cuts Hillary Rodham Clinton The 1992 Election Clinton runs with Al Gore Opponents Bush, Perot Clinton wins handily

4 B. Domestic Policy Issues
Deficit reduction Taxes are increased 90’s – economic prosperity Health care reform First Lady’s health care proposal defeated. The 1994 election Republican victory The “Contract with America” Welfare reform Clinton’s plan approved Other challenges The Internet presents challenges Terrorism in Oklahoma City 1996 – Clinton re-elected

5 C. Foreign Policy Challenges
Early Middle East success Oslo Accords – peace agreement Somalia UN/US forces feed the people Conflicts cause US to withdraw Haiti UN/US troops change leadership Former Yugoslavia Conflict between ethnic groups Promoting international trade NAFTA increases trade

6 D. Scandal and Impeachment
The Whitewater Scandal Illegal use of property funds Paula Jones claims harassment Monica Lewinsky scandal Clinton faced impeachment but stayed in office

7 Ch. 23.2 Notes “George W. Bush’s Presidency”
Ch Warm-up Describe the 3 most important issues President Clinton dealt with during his administration.

8 A. The Election of 2000 The nominees A troubled election
The budget surplus Al Gore (D) v. George W. Bush (R) A troubled election A tight race hinges on Florida Recounts and legal wrangling Criticisms in the voting process Democrats challenge results Bush v. Gore Gore concedes defeat

9 B. Bush’s Domestic Policy
The rise/fall of the dot-coms Stock prices hurt by scandals Tax Cuts Congress cuts taxes and rewrites tax codes Recession hurt the economy Dividend taxes removed Education, Health Care and more NCLB Act Medicare updates Bush’s second term Bush v. Kerry Conservative judges confirmed

10 C. Bush’s Foreign Policy
Colin Powell - State Condoleezza Rice - Security Donald Rumsfeld - War Terrorism becomes new threat Middle East road map to peace

11 Ch Notes “9/11” Ch Warm-up Describe 3 issues President Bush dealt with during his presidency.

12 A. September 11, 2001 The Twin Towers collapse A deliberate attack
Planes fly into the twin towers Rescue workers respond The Pentagon is hit The Twin Towers collapse South Tower collapses Plane crash in Pennsylvania North Tower collapses The Death Toll Close to 3,000 people were killed 9/11 surpassed Pearl Harbor The Nation reacts Heroism of rescue workers Rudolph Guiliani’s leadership Flight 93 heroism The American people’s support

13 B. Background to the Attacks
Osama Bin Laden Islamic revolution Al Qaeda Linked to terrorist acts in 90’s

14 C. The United States Responds
War in Afghanistan The Taliban Islamic Law U.S. and Britain launch attacks Osama avoids capture Democracy established Stability still not a reality Fighting terrorism at home Dept. of Homeland Security Anthrax attacks USA PATRIOT Act

15 D. War in Iraq War against terror Bush claims WMD’s in Iraq
U.S. invades Iraq Saddam captured and executed Democracy established Stability still not a reality

16 Ch. 23.4 Notes “Looking Ahead”
Ch Warm-up Describe 3 causes or effects of the terrorist attack on 9/11.

17 A. America’s Changing Face
Tomorrow’s population Minority groups on the rise Prop 209 in CA Regional changes Population growth in South/West A Graying population Baby boomers getting old Social Security strain

18 B. The Promise of Technology
Computers less than 1% used % Internet Cell phones IT - Information Technology Agriculture Genetic engineering Crops and livestock Exploration Moon space station and Mars

19 C. Challenges for the Future
Health and health care life expectancy - 47 New medicines Health care costs rising HIV/AIDS in the world Energy and the environment US dependence on foreign energy Clean or green energy Rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina Aug Gulf of New Mexico 1,000 people dead - thousands displaced

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